发布时间:2020-05-11 分类:国际仲裁浏览:11















不少企业抱着“息事宁人”的态度,不愿意“打官司”,认为这样不利于客户的维护,并且有损于企业信誉。其实,这样的想法是完全错误的。企业合作必然基于一定的利益,而这“利益”必然是共同、双方的。试问,如果某一外国客户只能为国内企业带来时间和财力上的损失,不能带来利益,又何必任其为所欲为呢? 在国外交易相对方违约时,如果抱着侥幸心理一拖再拖,反而会被恶意的交易相对方利用,甚至“反咬一口”,更会导致损失扩大化。因此,对于中国企业而言,明确商业策略和法律之间的分界线,适当运用法律手段维护合法权益,对于国际业务发展,乃至企业自身存续,都显得尤为重要。


1.资料来源:世界贸易组织:https://www.wto.org/“Wordl Trade Statistical Review 2016”.












国际化交易发生争议,解决方式大致可以分两种:一是诉讼,一是“替代性争端解决方式”(Alternative Dispute Resolution,“ADR”)。所谓“替代性”,是指协商替代诉讼程序、中立第三方机构替代一国国内法院而解决争端。ADR主要包括磋商(Negotiation)、调解(Mediation)以及仲裁(Arbitration);其中,以仲裁最为普遍。













仲裁机构依规则所作出的仲裁裁决,依照《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(“纽约公约”) (the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards,“New York Convention”)即可获得承认和执行。[3]由于缔约方众多,承认与执行仲裁裁决的领域,在世界范围内的覆盖率也相当之高。

* 上图深色部分为《纽约公约》生效的国家/区域。

























目的国承认和执行外国判决的具体法律规定/ 判例

纽约公约156 个缔约方[5]范围之内,保障仲裁裁决的无障碍承认和执行



(1) 仲裁协议的达成


同样,争议发生之后,双方仍然可以通过自由合意的方式,选择通过仲裁解决。然而,此时双方往往已经经历了漫长的谈判与磋商,仍然无法取得一致意见;在疲惫不堪的对峙状态下,能否就争端解决机制达成合意,是个未知数。根据中国法律,在没有仲裁协议、或者仲裁协议无效的情况下,如果一方当事人先行向法院起诉, 法院有权依法予以受理。因此,如未能确定选择仲裁,当事人将面临国内诉讼程序的繁复和不确定性。


(2) 特设vs.常设



双方当事人可以在争议发生之后,任命仲裁员、即时组成仲裁庭(Ad hoc Arbitration) 进行仲裁。之所以称之为“特设”仲裁庭,是因为该仲裁庭独立于仲裁机构。值得注意的是,特设仲裁庭的英文“Ad hoc”本为拉丁文,意为“专为实现某一目的而组成的”,并无“仓促之间组成”之意。因此,将其译为“临时仲裁庭”,或有不妥。特设仲裁庭存在的唯一意义即在于审理本案;一旦审理终结,裁决作出,仲裁庭即告解散。

与此相对,当事人也可以选择某一家专业的常设国际仲裁机构,并选择适用该机构拟订公布的仲裁规则管理仲裁进程。此为常设机构仲裁(Institutional Arbitration)。





常设机构仲裁(Institutional Arbitration) 是跨境交易中争议解决的首选,具体选择哪一仲裁机构,就是当事人双方的第一要务。



国际商会 ICC

国际商会( International Chamber of Commerce,“ICC”) 国际仲裁院(International Court of Arbitration,“ICA”),是国际仲裁领域历史最悠久的机构。

(1) 机构简介


国际商会虽为非营利性民间贸易组织,但基于对跨境贸易实务的深入了解,其制定的规则条款,已经在当今国际贸易界具有相当权威地位,亦为业界人士所熟知。广泛适用于国际货物买卖合同的国际贸易术语解释通(International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms,下称“Incoterms”)、跟单信用证统一惯例(ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,“UCP 600”)、托收统一规则 (ICC Uniform Rules for Collection,“URC 522”) 均出自国际商会。



(2) 《国际商会仲裁规则》





1—新增程序:快速裁决程序[2](Expedited Procedure 以下简称“速裁程序”);

2—费用调整[3]:案件受理费(filing fees) 变高、最低额管理费(minimum of ad-ministrative expenses) 变高、增加独立适用于速裁程序的费用标准;

3—高效透明:审理范围书(Terms of reference) 订立时间缩短、仲裁院重大决定理由需要披露。

其中最具特色的,是新增的速裁程序。根据 2017新规则,速裁程序自动适用于标的额低于200万美金的案件;当事人双方也可以选择适用。顾名思义,速裁程序最大的优势在于争议解决之“速”——仲裁庭须于案件管理会议后6个月内作出终局裁决。并且,速裁程序并不会造成当事人“骑虎难下”的局面,2017新规则附件六第1-4条特别规定了终止适用快速裁决程序的情形:程序进行中,仲裁院既可以主动决定终止适用,也可以依一方当事人申请决定终止适用。如仲裁院认为应终止适用,则须征求仲裁庭及双方当事人的意见。对于标的额不大的案件,以及需要迅速获得终局性裁定的案件,这无疑是一条捷径。

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 CIETAC

(1) 机构简介

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(“贸仲委”) (China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,“CIETAC”) 在1956年设立于北京,并在深圳、上海、天津、重庆、杭州、武汉和福州分别设有华南分会、上海分会、天津国际经济金融仲裁中心(天津分会)、西南分会、浙江分会、湖北分会和福建分会。贸仲委在香港特别行政区设立贸仲委香港仲裁中心。根据贸仲委《章程》,分会及仲裁中心均为贸仲委的派出机构,依据贸仲委的授权接受并管理仲裁案件。



(2) 规则特色





华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 SCIA

(1) 机构简介

华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,“SCIA”)(下称“华南国仲”) [4]1983年设立于中国深圳,是解决境内外自然人、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷的仲裁机构。

(2) 《深圳国际仲裁院2016新仲裁规则》


值得注意的是,新规则第三条(五)款规定,如果一方当事人将一国政府与他国投资者之间的投资争议案件提交华南国仲,则仲裁院“将按照《联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则》(UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules,下称“〈UNCITRAL仲裁规则〉”) 及《深圳国际仲裁院关于适用〈联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则〉的程序指引》管理案件。”






(一) 作出投资所在地缔约一方有管辖权的法院;

(二) 依据1965318日在华盛顿签署的《解决国家和他国国民之间投资争端公约》设立的“解决投资争端国际中心”仲裁;或

(三) 根据联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则设立的专设仲裁庭,除非争议当事双方另有其他一致同意。

一般而言,投资者与东道国之间的争议(Investor-State Disputes),根据双边投资协定的不同,或由国际投资争端解决中心(International Center for Settlement of In-vestment Disputes,下称“ICSID中心”) 的投资仲裁解决,或依照《UNCITRAL 仲裁规则》所组成的特设仲裁庭解决。ICSID中心虽然专为国际投资所创,但其作出的裁决,存在被废止的可能性。除此之外,在一些国家还极有可能无法得到承认与执行。


程序上,华南国仲提供完备的机构仲裁规则,并提供 UNCITRAL规则适用指引可供当事人选择;


(3) 《海事物流仲裁特别规则》

值得瞩目的是,华南国仲在深圳设立了前海海事物流仲裁中心( 下称“华南海仲”)、并于2016年公布了《海事物流仲裁特别规则》(下称“《海事仲裁规则》”),自2016年12月1日起施行。

从管辖范围上看,依据《海事仲裁规则》,华南国仲受理货物和旅客运输、租船合同、运输单证争议、与航运和物流相关的金融、金融租赁与保险争议、海事和航空 事故及处理等争议。这无疑为海事案件提供了解决争议的专业通道。



上海国际仲裁中心 SHIAC

上海国际仲裁中心(Shanghai International Arbitration Center,“SHIAC”),又名上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,设立于1988年。

(1) 机构简介


仲裁员名册方面,中心共有仲裁员909名,其中外籍及港澳台地区仲裁员占到了近四成。 当事人的选择随之变得更为广泛、更为国际化。


(2) 《中国(上海) 自由贸易试验区仲裁规则》

《中国(上海) 自由贸易试验区仲裁规则》(下称“自贸区仲裁规则”) 制订于2014年,并于2015年进行了修订,新规则于2015年1月1日起施行。






香港国际仲裁中心 HKIAC

(1) 机构简介

香港国际仲裁中心(Hongkong International Arbitration Center,“HKIAC”) 成立于1985年,三十多年来,已经成为亚洲领先的争议解决机构。





(2) 2013年《HKIAC机构仲裁规则》

2013年11月1日起开始施行的《香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则》,被《环球仲裁评论》Global Arbitration Review,“GAR”提名为2013年最佳发展之一。


新加坡国际仲裁中心 SIAC

(1) 机构简介

新加坡国际仲裁中心(Singapore International Arbitration Center,“SIAC”)(下称“新仲”)1991年设立于新加坡,目前在上海设有代表处。

设立之初,新仲主要处理建筑工程、船运、银行和保险类纠纷。从2000 年的58件到2015年的271件[8],近十余年来,新仲受理案件数量不断增长;2012至2015年度,位居新仲境外当事人前三位的,包括中国、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、美国。

(2) 新仲2016新规则



2—合并仲裁。如果多个仲裁案件所涉及的合同之间相互关联、但仲裁当事人不完全相同( 如连环买卖合同、建设工程分包等),无论这些案件中仲裁庭是否已经组成,当事人都可以申请将相关争议合并审理。当然,合并审理需要案件满足当事人合意这一条件。这种合意可以有多种表现:其一,所有当事人明确同意合并仲裁;其二,各案件的仲裁请求,均依据同一份仲裁协议提出;其三,仲裁请求基于不同的仲裁协议提出,但是协议相容,且争议由相同法律关系或同一系列交易产生。


世界范围内最负盛名的仲裁机构,还有伦敦国际仲裁院(London Court of Inter-national Arbitration,“LCIA”)、斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院(the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce,“SCC”) 以及美国仲裁协会国际争议解决中心 (International Centre for Dispute Resolution,“ICDR”of American Arbitration Associa-tion,“AAA”)。





ICC 2017

SIAC 2016


HKIAC 2013


六个月; 可延长

组庭后六个月; 可延长

组庭后四个月; 可延长


简易程序中: 六个月






仲裁裁决需经过仲裁院的核阅 仲裁院可以修改裁决书的形式并提醒仲裁庭注意实体问题

裁决书草案需提交主簿 主簿可以提请仲裁庭对实体 问 题 的 关


庭审前 审理范围的确定


除非当事人另有约定, 仲裁庭认为必要时可以制作审理范围书




我国已经成为世界第一出口大国,2016年1 至11月,全国出口总值已达124,699.81亿元人民币[9]。在华夏企业纷纷冲向世界、成为全球贸易弄潮儿的同时,守护与拼搏同样重要。签订合同时,一定要防患于未然,尽量考虑到相关风险;出现纠纷苗头时,务必慎之又慎,及时寻求专业法律意见。


2.“快速裁决程序”一词,系参考中国国际商会推送文章暂译,原文为ICC Expedited Procedure


4.华南国仲是一个多名称的仲裁机构,亦称“深圳国际仲裁院”(Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration)、曾名中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会华南分会、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会。

5.《上海国际仲裁中心受案数量》,见:http:// www.shiac.org/


7.《关于亚洲域名争议解决中心及其香港秘书处》,见:http://www. hkiac.org/。

8.《新加坡国际仲裁中心2005年度至2015年度新受理案件总数》(Total Number of New Cases Handled by SIAC(2005-2015)),见:http://siac.org.sg/ 。











这些活动也促进了契约自由的成长。契约自由折射在法律理论上,那就是当事人意思自治原则(Principle of the autonomy of the parties)。意思自治原本属于法哲学的思想,其含义就是人的意志可以通过自身的法则去设定自己的权利义务。当事人的意志不仅仅是权利义务的渊源,而且是其发生的根据。









通常情况下,在约定将争议提交仲裁解决前,双方当事人在仲裁协议中会写明提交仲裁的争议事项。早在1981年,法国就将争议标的的重要性写入了《民事诉讼法典》(Le Code de Procedure Civile) 第 1448条:“仲裁协议要有明确的争议标的,否则协议无效。”

Article 1448-1 of French Code of Civil Procedure(Year of 1981)

The compromise must,under penalty of nullity,determine the subject-matter of the dispute. [1]






随着国际仲裁的逐步发展,机构仲裁(Institutional Arbitration) 的仲裁规则也为法律人所熟知。独任仲裁员、三人仲裁庭任命的程序也在国际社会上普遍得以确认。




1.法语原文:“A peine de nullite,le compromis determine lobjet du litige. “英文翻译版本来自法国政府官网:https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/。



(1) 意思表示


(2) 仲裁事项


(3) 约定的仲裁机构


鉴于约定的仲裁机构是仲裁协议必须具备的内容,在争议属于国内仲裁或者 涉外仲裁对象的情形下,如果当事人订立了临时仲裁协议,该协议往往将被认定为无效;但如果争议属于国际仲裁对象,临时仲裁协议是被认可的。仲裁地在中国境外的情况下,只要仲裁协议依据当事人选择的法律或者仲裁地的法律是有效的,中国法院就可能因此认可该仲裁协议的效力。




例如,如果当事人在仲裁协议中约定适用《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(“CIETAC”) 仲裁规则》,该仲裁协议即视为有效,因为《CIETAC仲裁规则》第4条第4款规定:“凡当事人约定按照本规则(CIETAC 规则)进行仲裁但未约定仲裁机构的,均视为同意将争议提交 CIETAC仲裁”。

但是,如果当事人选择了《ICC仲裁规则》或《UNCITRAL仲裁规则》,由于上述两个仲裁规则中没有与《CIETAC仲裁规则》第4条第4款相似的规定,仲裁协议或条款将被认定为无效。《最高人民法院关于德国旭普林国际有限责任公司与无锡沃可通用工程橡胶有限公司申请确认仲裁协议效力一案的请示的复函》明确规定:条款“Arbitration:ICC Rules,Shanghai shall apply”是无效的。因为根据本案仲裁地的法律(即中国法),仲裁条款中应当有明确的仲裁机构,但上述仲裁条款中没有约定仲裁机构,仲裁机构也无法根据《ICC仲裁规则》确定。因此,如果当事人希望约定到ICC进行仲裁,那么一定要写清楚仲裁机构名称,以免发生不必要的误会。


一些特殊情形下,考虑到各国国内法的特殊性,仲裁条款需要进行相应修改, 特别要关注仲裁所在地和可能的执行所在地的法律的强制性要求。如果有超过两个以上当事人,应当规定更加详细的条款。









根据众多的国际法公约和国内法,仲裁协议必须采用书面形式。《纽约公约》第2条、《联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示范法》(UNCITRAL Model Lawon International Commercial Arbitration,下称《UNCITRAL仲裁示范法》)第7条第2款都有类似的规定。


仲裁条款是指在国际商务合同中,双方当事人在履行合同时将以后可能发生的一切争议通过仲裁解决的条款。在最初很长一段时间,合同中的仲裁条款没有得到法律的承认。随着贸易的发展和国际商务仲裁的不断完善,越来越多的国家允许当事人将可能发生的争议约定提交仲裁,仲裁条款的效力为国际条约和各国立法所接受。关于合同中仲裁条款的性质和作用,英国麦克米兰(Macmilan)大法官对此作过精辟的论述。他认为,合同中的其他条款与仲裁条款的性质是不等同的。因为合同中的其他条款规定的都是一方当事人对另一方当事人应当承担的义务,而仲裁条款却是不同的。仲裁条款中双方当事人是平等的关系,如果一方当事人与另一方当事人因承担义务方面发生争议,这些争议就可通过仲裁庭来解决。两者本质区别是:合同中当事人间的义务通常情况下是不能强制执行,如果违反了合同,另一方当事人可以请求损害赔偿,通过这种方式主张自己权力;仲裁当事人能通过仲裁机构强制执行,违反后的救济办法不是要求赔偿而是要求强制执行仲 裁协议。




当事人的意志表示是仲裁产生的基础,仲裁员仲裁的权力也是通过当事人签订的协议才得到的。仲裁员有义务按照当事人意志仲裁,体现当事人意思自治原则。但当事人的自由并不是绝对无限制,它们不能违背仲裁地法律。一般来说,当事人意思自治原则往往会受到某些限制性条件的束缚,违反限制条件的会被认定 不符合规定,之后被认定无效。其内容主要会受到以下的限制:

(一) 公共政策或善良风俗的限制


(二) 有实际联系的限制


(三) 善意与合法的限制






综上所述,有效的国际商事仲裁协议必须是当事人的真实意思表示。在国际商事仲裁实践过程中,对于当事人的意思表示不真实这一情况,应当区分不同情形不同对待,之后决定国际商事仲裁协议的效力问题,不能对意思表示有瑕疵的仲裁 协议一概否认,不能全部否定其效力。


仲裁协议约定的争议可仲裁性,也就是通过有关法律审査,什么样的争议事项 不可以通过仲裁来解决,什么样的争议事项可以提交仲裁解决的问题。




如果仲裁协议是否有效是法院能否承认与执行仲裁裁决的前提条件,那么哪些仲裁协议无效呢? 要依据各国的国内法来确定。



(1) 仲裁事项涉及婚姻、收养、监护、扶养和继承,或者为行政争议;

(2) 无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人订立的仲裁协议;或

(3) 一方受到胁迫而订立的仲裁协议。”







在仲裁实践中,这一理论是正确的,是合理的,是适用的。有个别律师,在签订仲裁程序或适用法律规则时,写下的仲裁协议与仲裁地所在国法律相冲突,使仲裁条款不能继续执行。—些特殊的仲裁协议中,比如在仲裁协议中选择" 浮动仲裁地"的,就必须对仲裁协议所适用的法律进行约定,否则会因法律适用造成仲裁协议无效的风险,因此选择法律适用是有必要的。





如果当事人没有选择仲裁的实体法,通常的做法有两类:一类是根据仲裁地国 冲突法规则确定仲裁适用的实体法,一类是授权仲裁庭决定合同争议的法律适用。世界大多数国家冲突法规定的原则是适用于与合同具有最密切联系的国家的法律。如我国《涉外经济合同法》第五条第一款规定:“当事人没有选择的,适用与合同有最密切联系的国家的法律。”至于法律如何界定“ 最密切联系”,各国国内法往往都作了规定,同时国际经济贸易活动本身也形成一种惯例。我国最高人民法院在《关于适用〈涉外经济合同法〉若干问题的解答》中对“最密切联系”作了具体的司法解释。第二类做法多是国际法的规定,如《UNCITRAL 仲裁示范法》等。另外有些国家如美国、奥地利、挪威等国内法也作此规定。

国际仲裁的法律适用是个比较复杂而重要的问题,如在实体法方面,当事人往往对本国法律比较熟悉,都希望适用本国法,而最后折中的办法往往是适用第三国法律。但由于各国法律制度不尽相同,对于相同的问题不同的国家法律规定往往也不同。在选择外国法律时,要结合合同可能产生的争议,熟悉相关法律,以确定适用哪国法律。另外,是选择法律还是不选择法律,也要根据经贸活动性质具体分析,这要看按照冲突规则确定适用的实体法对我方是否有利。当然,也有一些国际通用的实体法律可以选择,如《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,“CISG”,下称〈CISG公约〉)、国际贸易术语(Incoterms)等等。





在英国法院审理Star Shiping和中国对外贸易运输公司纠纷一案时,双方当事人在签订仲裁协议时就约定由被告选择仲裁地点。原告以该仲裁条款的内容含义十分含糊,无法实施为理由,请求法院裁定仲裁条款无效,被告根据签订的仲裁条款申请法院中止诉讼程序。英国上诉法院裁定仲裁条款有效,认为不能因为含义的问题裁定协议无效。英国上诉法院的Steyn L.J法官审理时,关于仲裁条款是否有效阐述了如下仲裁思想:“法院审查时,应当研究双方仲裁条款的语言表述,在所有争议的解释中选择最能体现当事人意思的表示。争议的仲裁条款中,确实存在双方当事人都可能成为被告的可能,但法院选择了一种更加贴近签订时双方当事人想法的解释。”所以,他认为:“仲裁条款中约定的被告,应根据其给人的第一印象确定从仲裁条款上下文联系后,其给我的第一印象,是在仲裁程序和诉讼程序中第一次成为被告的人。”英国法院对此案的裁定,是对仲裁支持的具体体现。虽然此案当事人签订仲裁协议时,其内容表述不明确,但双方有仲裁的想法,这就需要找出适合当事人意愿的解释,来支持仲裁。

















(1) 仲裁庭组成之前的分析



(2) 仲裁庭组成之后的分析



独任仲裁员(Sole Arbitrator) 可独自作出仲裁裁决;当事人亦可选择三人仲裁庭(the Panel of Three Arbitrators)共同审理案件。



一些规则中,如当事人无约定,则“默认”由独任仲裁员审理案件(如国际商会ICC[2]、新仲 SIAC、美国仲裁协会AAA等机构规则);机构考虑相关因素后,可以任命三人仲裁庭。值得注意的是,新仲仲裁规则明确规定,机构考量应否任命三人仲裁庭的前提,是“充分考虑当事人的建议”。这在很大程度上体现了新仲对于仲裁程序中,对于主簿(Registrar)权力的限制、以及鼓励双方当事人积极有效参与程序性决定事项的态度。

Article 9. 1 SIAC Rules(2016)

A sole arbitrator shall be appointed in any arbitration under these Rules unless the parties have otherwise agreed;or it appears to the Registrar,giving due regard to any proposals by the parties,that the complexity,the quantum involved or other relevant circumstances of the dispute,warrants the appointment of three arbitrators.(emphasis added)

另一些规则中,“默认”仲裁员为三名( 如贸仲委 CIETAC 等机构规则);机构考虑案件相关因素之后,可以决定任命独任仲裁员。

而在香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC) 及斯德哥尔摩商会(SCC) 规则中,则没有仲裁员人数的“默认”规定,由仲裁中心针对个案自由裁量。




AAA 美国仲裁协会国际纠纷调解中心

2014 规则 11 :如当事人对仲裁员人数无约定,应任命一名仲裁;除非因为案件金额大案情复杂或其他情形,纠纷调解中心自行 决定任命三名仲裁员

CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会

2015 规则 25 - 2 :由当事人约定;无约定的,“ 仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成

HKIAC 香港国际仲裁中心

2013 规则 6. 1 :由当事人约定;无约定的, 香港国际仲裁中心应考虑案件相关因素,决定案件应提交独任仲裁员或三位仲裁员

ICC 国际商会仲裁院

2012 规则 12 - 2 :由当事人约定;无约定的,“ 仲裁院应任命一名独任仲裁员,除非仲裁院认为案件争议需要指定三名仲裁员

SCC 斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院

2017 规则   16   - 2 :由当事人约定;无约定的,由理事会考虑案件的复杂性争议金额等因素,决定一名或三名仲裁员审理

SIAC 新加坡国际仲裁中心

2016 规则 9. 1 :由当事人约定;无约定的,一名 主簿充分考虑当事人的建议后认为,由于争议事项的复杂性涉案金额或其它相关 情况,有必要指定三名仲裁员





有时候,中国企业在选择国际仲裁机构时有一些误区,认为选择了国际商会仲 裁院等境外仲裁机构是不是就一定要讲英文,因为担心语言上的障碍而拒绝选择国际仲裁机构。



如果当事人约定的是“中文或英文”,那么究竟由谁来决定到底使用英文还是中文? 首先,当事人应当有机会进行进一步的协商,以确定具体使用何种语言。如果双方能协商一致,则仲裁语言问题得到解决。但此时当事人处于对立状态,很难达成一致。那么仲裁庭应当有权介入,作出决定。

仲裁庭可以根据案件的情况,选择当事人同意的“中文或英文”中的任何一种,作为仲裁语言,这样仲裁语言就只有一种。但更为尊重当事人意思自治的办法,是让每方当事人各自选择“中文或英文”中他认为方便的任何一种,两方当事人的选择可以不同,同时仲裁庭也选择一种语言作为其工作语言,这样仲裁语言实际上就 有两种。 两种情形,都符合当事人约定的“中文或英文”,双方都可以在两种语言中选择其一。




仲裁当事人对仲裁语言没有约定时,各仲裁机构的处理方式不尽一致,因此增加了仲裁程序上不确定性。 所以当事人在仲裁条款中明确约定仲裁语言的做法是明智的,以免因为没有约定而在仲裁开始后浪费大量时间并造成不便。


ICC Rules(2012)

Article 20:Language of the Arbitration

In the absence of an agreement by the parties,the arbitral tribunal shall determine the language or languages of the arbitration,due regard being given to all relevant circumstances,including the language of the contract. (emphasis added)






AAA 美国仲裁协会

2014 规则 18 :仲裁庭应适当考虑包含仲裁条款的文件所使用的语言,决定仲裁所使用的一种或多种语言

CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会

2015 规则 81 - 1 :当事人约定了仲裁语言的,从其约定当事人没有约定的,“ 仲裁程序以中文为仲裁语言  仲裁委员会也可以视案件的具体情形确定其他语言为仲裁语言

HKIAC 香港国际仲裁中心

2013 规则 15. 1 :由仲裁庭决定“   一种或几种仲裁语言

ICC 国际商会仲裁院

2012 规则 20 :由仲裁庭决定:仲裁庭应适当在考虑包括合同所用语言在内的所有情况后决定使用一种或数种语言 进行仲裁

SCC 斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院

2017 规则 26 - 1 :由仲裁庭决定:应充分考虑所有相关情形并给予当事人提交意见的机会

SIAC 新加坡国际仲裁中心

2016 规则 22. 1 :由仲裁庭决定仲裁语言




综合而言,仲裁机构管理下的仲裁案件,费用的额度是直接与案件标的额成正比的。享有国际声誉的各大仲裁机构,普遍在其官方网站上提供仲裁费用在线计算器(costs calculator),便于当事人对仲裁费用进行预算。







Article 37

Decision as to the Costs of the Arbitration

1 The costs of the arbitration shall include the fees and expenses of the arbitra-tors and the ICC administrative expenses fixed by the Court,in accordance with the scale in force at the time of the commencement of the arbitration, as well as the fees and expenses of any experts appointed by the arbitral tribunal and the reasona-ble legal and other costs incurred by the parties for the arbitration.





ICC Arbitration Rules(2012)

APPENDIX III-Arbitration Costs and Fees Article 2 Costs and Fees

4 The arbitrators fees and expenses shall be fixed exclusively by the Court as required by the Rules. Separate fee arrangements between the parties and the arbitrator are contrary to the Rules.



1—仲裁申请费(filing fees) 从3000美金提升至5000美金;

2—针对标的额高于5亿美金的案件,管理费(administrative expenses)上限从113,215美金提升至150,000美金。3—针对快速裁决程序(Expedited Procedure),另行适用独立费用标准。


管理费( Administrative expenses)

ICC 仲裁费用表(2012 规则与 2017 规则对比)


A. 管理费(2012 规则)

A. 管理费(2017 规则) [3]

( 美元)

( 美元)

( 美元)

不超过 50,000



50,001 100,000

3,000 + 金额超过 50,000   部分

4. 73%

5o,v0er00 + 1. 53% of amt.


100,001 200,000

5,365 + 金额超过 100,000   部分

2. 53%

5o,v7er65 + 2. 72% of amt.


200,001 500,000

7,895 + 金额超过 200,000   部分

2. 09%

8o,v4er85 + 2. 25% of amt.


500,001 1,000,000

14,165 + 金额超过 500,000  

分的 1. 51%

1o5v,er235 + 1. 62%   of amt.


1,000,001 2,000,000

21,715 + 金额超过 1,000,000

部分的 0. 95%

2o3v,er335 + 0. 788% of amt.


2,000,001 5,000,000

31,215 + 金额超过 2,000,000

部分的 0. 46%

3o1v,er215 + 0. 46%   of amt.


5,000,001 10,000,000

45,015 + 金额超过 5,000,000

部分的 0. 25%

4o5v,er015 + 0. 25%   of amt.


10,000,001   30,000,000

57,515 + 金额超过 10,000,000

部分的 0. 10%

5o7v,er515 + 0. 10%   of amt.


30,000,001   50,000,000

77,515 + 金额超过 30,000,000

部分的 0. 09%

7o7v,er515 + 0. 09%   of amt.


50,000,001   80,000,000

95,515 + 金额超过 50,000,000

部分的 0. 01%

9o5v,er515 + 0. 01%   of amt.


80,000,001 100,000,000

98,515 + 金额超过 80,000,000

部分的 0. 0035%

9a8m,t.5o1v5er +00. 0123%   of

8 ,000,000

100,000,001 500,000,000

99,215 + 金额超过 100,   000,

000 部分的 0.   0035%

超过 500,000,000



仲裁员报酬( Arbitrators fees)

国际商会对于仲裁员报酬,分别进行了下限(minimum) 和上限(maximum) 的规定。一方面保证了仲裁员公平公正收取费用,另一方面也方便了当事人预估花销。为统计方便,本书所计算仲裁员报酬,一般取上限。 但从下表可以看出,仲裁员报酬的下限和上限相差极大,有时上限甚至是下限的四倍有余。

ICC 仲裁费用表(2012 规则)


B. 仲裁员报酬

( 美元)

( 美元)



不超过 50,000


争议金额的 18. 0200%



3,000 + 金额超过 50,000   部分的

2. 6500%

9,010 + 金额超过 50,000   部分的

13. 5680%



4,325 + 金额超过 100,000   部分的

1. 4310%

15,794 + 金额超过 100,000   部分

7. 6850%



5,756 + 金额超过 200,000   部分的

1. 3670%

23,479 + 金额超过 200,000   部分

6. 8370%



9,857 + 金额超过 500,000   部分的

0. 9540%

43,990 + 金额超过 500,000   部分

4. 0280%



14,627 + 金额超过 1,000,000  

分的 0. 6890%

64,130 + 金额超过 1,000,000  

分的 3. 6040%



21,517 + 金额超过 2,000,000  

分的 0. 3750%

100,170 + 金额超过 2,000,000  

分的 1. 3910%



32,767 + 金额超过 5,000,000  

分的 0. 1280%

141,900 + 金额超过 5,000,000  

分的 0. 9100%



39,167 + 金额超过 10,000,000  

分的 0. 0640%

187,400 + 金额超过 10,000,000

部分的 0. 2410%



51,967 + 金额超过 30,000,000  

分的 0. 0590%

235,600 + 金额超过 30,000,000

部分的 0. 2280%



63,767 + 金额超过 50,000,000  

分的 0. 0330%

281,200 + 金额超过 50,000,000

部分的 0. 1570%



73,667 + 金额超过 80,000,000  

分的 0. 0210%

328,300 + 金额超过 80,000,000

部分的 0. 1150%



77,867 + 金额超过 100,000,000

部分的 0. 0110%

351,300 + 金额超过 100,000,000

部分的 0. 0580%

超过 500,000,000

121,867 + 金额超过 500,000,000

部分的 0. 0100%

583,300 + 金额超过 500,000,000

部分的 0. 0400%

ICC 仲裁费用表(2017 规则)

Amount in Dispute

B Arbitrators Fees[4]

( in US   Dollars)

( in US   Dollars)



up to 50,000


18. 0200% of amount in   dispute

from 50,   001 to


3, 000 +   2. 6500% of amt. over


9, 010 +   13. 5680% of amt. over


from 100,   001 to


4, 325 +   1. 4310% of amt. over


15, 794   + 7. 6850% of amt. over


from 200,   001 to


5, 756 +   1. 3670% of amt. over


23, 479   + 6. 8370% of amt. over


from 500,001 to 1,


9, 857 +   0. 9540% of amt. over


43, 990   + 4. 0280% of amt. over


from 1, 000,   001 to


14,627 + 0. 6890% of   amt. over


64, 130   + 3. 6040% of amt. over


from 2, 000,   001 to


21,517 + 0. 3750% of   amt. over


100,170 + 1. 3910% of   amt. over


from 5, 000,   001 to


32,767 + 0. 1280% of   amt. over


141,900 + 0. 9100% of   amt. over


from 10,000,001 to


39,167 + 0. 0640% of   amt. over


187,400 + 0. 2410% of   amt. over


from 30,000,001 to


51,967 + 0. 0590% of   amt. over


235,600 + 0. 2280% of   amt. over


from 50,000,001 to


63,767 + 0. 0330% of   amt. over


281,200 + 0. 1570% of   amt. over


from 80,000,001 to


73,667 + 0. 0210% of   amt. over


328,300 + 0. 1150% of   amt. over


from 100, 000, 001

to 500,000,000

77,867 + 0. 0110% of   amt. over


351,300 + 0. 0580% of   amt. over


over 500,000,000

121,867 + 0. 0100% of   amt. over


583,300 + 0. 0400% of amt.   over



再者,速战速决的快速裁决程序( Expedited Procedure) 收费明显更低。这么看来,新规则在实践中或许真的可以实现“价廉物美”。



3.需要说明的是,限于本书交付印刷日期,国际商会新的费用标准和新规则虽然已在ICC官网发布,但ICC 2017新规则尚未正式适用。笔者在此特地保留费用英文,作为提示。

4.需要说明的是,限于本书交付印刷日期,国际商会新的费用标准和新规则虽然已在ICC官网发布,但ICC 2017新规则尚未正式适用。笔者在此特地保留费用英文,作为提示。


与国内仲裁一次性全部缴清的收费模式完全不同的是,ICC仲裁院采用的是循序渐进的收费模式,先收取仲裁费预付金(advance on costs of the arbitration),再根据争议金额计算管理费,封顶113,215美金。[1]仲裁费预付金由申请人和被申请人双方平均分担。[2]这样既减缓了当事人一次性缴纳所有仲裁费用时的负面感受,又可以合理的根据案件的进程收取相应的费用。而费用由双方各预付一半,大大减轻了申请人的成本。如若一方未缴付的,可由他方缴付全额,以继续仲裁。未能全额缴付的,仲裁庭可暂停工作。一定期限内仍未能全额缴付的,相关的仲裁请求或反请求可视为撤回。[3]秘书处向当事人发送裁决前,当事人必须缴清仲裁员报酬和开支及ICC的管理费,包括仲裁庭聘请专家的费用和开支。

仲裁预付金(Advance on costs)/保证金(Costs deposit)

ICC仲裁规则下,最终的仲裁费用(arbitration costs) 由仲裁院(the Court)在程序终结后确立。因此,仲裁预付金对于裁决作出前的案件管理、程序推进,具有至关重要的保证作用。也正是因此,仲裁预付金又名“保证金”(costs deposit)


(1) 案件申请费(不退还)(Non-refundable filing fee)


另外,如果有当事人希望追加当事人(join an additional party),则同样需要缴纳申请费。

(2) 临时预付金(Provisional advance)

此项费用由秘书长(Secretary General) 确定,由申请人支付。而申请人缴纳的临时预付金,将用于充抵申请人应承担的仲裁费预付金。

这项费用的主要作用,在于支付在仲裁庭确立审理范围书(Terms of Reference) 之前的管理费用。下文将会介绍,审理范围书的确立,一般在申请人和被申请人首轮书面文件提交之后。由于审理范围书是仲裁庭组建之后的首要任务之一,可以说,仲裁庭真正开始在程序中扮演重要角色,恰恰是审理范围书确立之后。 因此,申请人支付临时预付金,是组建仲裁庭的先决条件。

(3) 仲裁预付金(狭义)(Advance on costs)



虽然仲裁费用不涉及法律问题,却也是当事人考虑是否要选择国际仲裁、选择哪个仲裁机构时的重要考量因素。甚至有些时候,也可以称为律师用以对抗对方的技巧。下文在案件评析中,笔者会详细讲述如何利用仲裁费用的缴纳过程体现对方当事人的恶意“bad faith”。




4.国际商会(ICC)2012 规则,4-3条。


笔者参照国际商会ICC2012规则及2017新规则、贸仲委CIETAC 2015规则、香港国际仲裁中心HKIAC2013规则、新仲SIAC2016规则,综合整理了上述四大仲裁机构仲裁费用总额、案件管理费用、仲裁员报酬统计数据。[1]统计数据包括:







其三,贸仲委(CIETAC)根据案件管理机构的不同,制订了不同的费用规则。仲裁委员会香港仲裁中心管理的仲裁案件,适用“中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁费用表(三)”,对于仲裁申请费(filing fees)、机构管理费(administrative expenses)、仲裁员报酬(arbitrator‘s fees)均进行了详尽的规定。然而,针对非香港仲裁中心管理的仲裁案件,笔者并未查到关于仲裁员报酬的相关信息。因此,本书仲裁费用统计数据“独任仲裁员”部分,并无针对贸仲委仲裁员报酬的数据;“三人仲裁庭”亦然。


鉴于国际商会ICC2017新规则即将实施,图表也对2012规则及 2017 新规则的费用标准进行了对比。


—ICC2012 国际商会2012仲裁规则;

—ICC2017 国际商会2017仲裁规则;

—CIETAC 贸仲委2015仲裁规则;

—HKIAC 香港国际仲裁中心 2013 规则;

—SIAC 新仲 2016 仲裁规则。


不难看出,在争议标的额不超过 2000 万美金的案件中,收费最低的是贸仲委 CIETAC(标的额2000万美金的案件,贸仲委仲裁费用为154,658美金)。

然而,在标的额超过2000万美金之后,贸仲委费用一跃而上;标的额超过8000万美金后,贸仲委费用遥遥领先。标的额超过1亿美金之后,贸仲委的仲裁费用远远高于其他机构,标的额6亿美金的案件中,贸仲委仲裁费用高达2,174,764美金, 比位居第二的国际商会(2017新规则)多出140万美金。




标的额 100 万 ~ 1000 万美金

标的额 1000 万 ~ 1 亿美金

标的额 1 亿 ~ 6 亿美金



需要重申的是,由于贸仲委的计算数据未能区分体现每位仲裁员的报酬,本书“三人仲裁庭 仲裁费用统计”未能纳入贸仲委的数据。

标的额 5万~100万美金



标的额1 亿~6亿美金



3.详见本书第一章第三节 国际仲裁的发展。
















1.关于这一规定,2017 新规则并无实质更改。











2017新规则以国际商会2012仲裁规则为基础,进行了程序上、费用上的改进和补充。其中改变最大的,要数新增的快速裁决程序(Expedited Procedure)。









(1) 钢铁产业集中度低





(2) 钢铁产品结构不合理

与国际发达国家相比,我国钢铁行业特殊钢材产品比例较低。目前在发达国家钢铁工业总量中,特钢产品占比约为15%-25%,例如日本、美国、欧洲的占比分别为25%、20%和18%左右,而我国仅为8%-10%。另一项代表高附加值、高技术的板管材比例(板材、管材总产量与钢材总产量比) 也只有48%左右,低于世界平均水平,意味着我国钢铁产品以低附加值的为主。


(3) 负债率较高、盈利率低

2015年,全球钢材价格下跌。12月末,CRU国际钢材综合价格指数同比下降32.4%,其中长材指数下降28.5%,板材指数下降34.6%。CSPI中国钢材价格指数同比下降32.16%,其中长材指数下降31.18% ,板材指数下降33.27%。CRU国际钢材综合价格指数降幅高于CSPI中国钢材价格指数。受钢材价格大幅下跌影响,中国钢铁工业经济效益有所下降。2015年,中国钢铁工业(包括黑色金属矿采选业和黑色金属”炼及压延加工业)实现销售收入7.2万亿元,比上年下降13.9%,利润总额971.9亿元,比上年下降60%。









































1236555. 4



















2622955. 6

1982660. 2




4413283. 4

2055261. 1




6344212. 8

2343253. 1




2227185. 2

1947976. 5





2011247. 1




5126621. 7

2157591. 5




5148654. 4






1705245. 8




7081210. 01

1791373. 96

1443. 25

9377. 76


6281470. 81

1433480. 12

1278. 24

11239. 56



(4) 钢铁出口贸易艰难


据了解,目前中国钢铁产量已占全球的半壁江山,2015 年中国钢材出口量超1亿吨。中国钢材出口日益增多正在给欧美钢企带来危机感,也使中国钢材成为“众矢之的”。如果只是单一出口低端钢材产品的话,国际市场空间确实已非常有限。

海关总署公布的数据显示,2016年11月,中国钢材出口同比大降15.5%至812万吨;前11个月累计,同比下滑1%至1.0068亿吨。这也意味着,2016全年钢材出口要赶上 2015年的1.124亿吨的历史高点是几乎不可能的了。


(5) 维权之路任重道远







钢铁行业产能严重过剩,我国淘汰落后产能进程加快。《钢铁工业转型发展行动计划》计划的目标是经过三年时间的努力,压缩我国8000万吨钢铁产能,以缓解产能过剩矛盾,建立智能示范工厂,提升行业两化融合水平,一方面要坚决遏制新增产能,加大落后产能淘汰力度和在建项目监督力度;另一方面还要大力支持先进 企业实施技术改造、产品调整等有利于内生增长的投资,围绕国家战略布局重大项目。







A 公司:


B 公司:

瑞士某建筑公司,承包政府工程,但由于公司均为家族内部人员控制,经营状况不佳,曾一度濒临破产边缘 在本案中是申请人

X 公司:

另一家中国领先的铁管铸造公司,A 公司系竞争关系 在瑞士供应市场常年占据垄断地位,也是本案中的第三方

K 公司:

曾经是 A 公司在瑞士的代理商,也是本案中在瑞士协助掏管的合同相对方

F 港口:

瑞士的一大港口,有特殊的吃水限制 也是本案中第一批货物抵达的港口

I 港口:


H 银行:


S 小姐:

A 公司的销售部长,主要负责本案项下交易内容,但在发生纠纷后不久已经离职,难以联系

N 先生:

A 公司的区域销售经理,本案中 A 公司的主要联系负责人,也是全程参与本案项下交易的人员

H 先生:

瑞士 K 公司的经理,主要联系 N 先生负责沟通翻译和掏管事宜

D 先生:

B 公司的总经理 由于不会说英语,所以很少直接与 A 公司联系

M 先生:

B 公司的经理,也是B 公司总经理D 先生的儿子,主要负责本次交易的沟通事宜


G 先生:

B 公司的四位员工,协助出具了 B   公司单方所谓的管件损坏报告

W 先生:

本案中 B 公司的代理律师,瑞士人

C 机构:










合同规定,货物为用于地下水管使用的铁管及其管件,买方先提供银行保函, 卖方分两批发货。眼看着第一批货物已经发出,X公司对此心存芥蒂,担心A公司开始进军瑞士市场很有可能会抢走更多的客户,因此从中作梗,企图以更低的价格供应申请人B公司,抢走第二批货物的订单。

适逢,2014年下半年开始,钢铁价格大幅下降,更加让B公司觉得对A公司进行违约并向X公司采购第二批货物可以节省更多成本。但是碍于没有借口直接拒绝接收货物,于是B公司恶意延迟一个多月开具银行保函,导致发货延迟,再对 A公司的货物吹毛求疵,并以船方导致货损为借口来嫁祸A公司。





当事人申请仲裁时,应当提交仲裁申请书。以国际商会(ICC)仲裁规则为例, 申请书一般应包含以下内容:

1. 各方当事人名称全称、基本情况、地址和其他联系信息;

2. 在仲裁中代表申请人的任何人士的名称全称、地址和其他联系信息;

3. 请求仲裁的争议的性质及情况,以及提出请求的依据;

4. 所请求的救济,连同任何已量化的请求的数额,以及对其他任何请求可能得出的金额估值;

5. 列明任何有关协议,特别是仲裁协议;

6. 如果仲裁请求是按照多项仲裁协议提出的,应写明每项仲裁请求所依据的仲裁协议;

7. 确定仲裁员人数及仲裁员选择方式的所有相关说明及任何意见或建议,以及根据上述条款提名的仲裁员人选;以及

8. 所有关于仲裁地、适用的法律规则和仲裁语言的相关说明、意见或建议。


仲裁机构案件管理部门(以国际商会为例,国际仲裁院秘书处Secretariat负责在仲裁庭组建之前管理案件)收到仲裁申请的日期,一般将被视为仲裁开始的日期(the date of the commencement of the arbitration)。而这一日期是有程序意义的——最直接的意义,就是对于所适用的仲裁规则的先决作用。


Article 6

Effect of the Arbitration Agreement

1 Where the parties have agreed to submit to arbitration under the Rules,they shall be deemed to have submitted ipso facto to the Rules in effect on the date of commencement of the arbitration,unless they have agreed to submit to the Rules in effect on the date of their arbitration agreement.


换言之,如果A、B两公司于2016年12月30日签订仲裁协议(对于所适用的仲裁规则版本无明确约定),且ICC国际仲裁院秘书处于2017年5月1日收到了A公司递交的仲裁申请(Request for Arbitration),由于此时ICC2017新规则已经生效,则默认当事人双方自愿选择2017新规则、适用于A、B两公司的仲裁程序。



APPENDIX III-Arbitration Costs and Fees

Article 4 Scales of Administrative Expenses and Arbitrators Fees

1 The Scales of Administrative Expenses and Arbitrators Fees set forth below shall be effective as of 1 January 2012 in respect of all arbitrations commenced on or after such date,irrespective of the version of the Rules applying to such arbitrations.







1.This Request for Arbitration,together with its Exhibits numbered C-1 to C-3, is submitted on behalf of COMPANY B (hereinafter“Claimant”) pursuant to Article 4 of the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in force as from 1 January 2012 (the“ICC Rules”) against COMPANY A ( hereinafter “Respondent”),(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”).


2.This Request for Arbitration contains information concerning the following:

(i)The name,description and address of each of the Parties(I);

(ii) The Parties contractual relationship and the na-ture and circumstances of the Parties dispute giving rise to Claimants claims(II):

(iii)The dispute resolution clause and the governing law (III);

(iv) Claimant’s position as regards the composition of the Arbitral Tribunal(IV);

(v) Claimants damages(V);and

(vi) A statement of the relief sought(VI).

3.This dispute principally concerns Respondents con-tractual defaults in supplying and delivering pipes to Claimant by cargo between China and theSwitzer-land,and in particular in relation to delay, damaged pipes and incomplete delivery.




4.Claimant is Company B,a company registered under the laws of Switzerland.


5.Claimants counsels are:XXX



6.Respondent is COMPANY A,a company registered under the laws of China.



7.Claimant obtained a tender from the State of Switzerland for the construction of a domestic water distribution line in the Switzerland(the“Project”).For the construction of the Project,Claimant needed a considerable volume of pipes.

8.In this context,Claimant and Respondent entered into a Contract of Sales between Company A and Company B dated 29 May 2014 (the“Contract”or the“Agreement”) for the supply of goods (pipes,fittings,etc.) for the construction of the Project.

9.However, the first delivery of goods by Respondent did not comply with the requirements of the SalesContract.In particular, Respondent delivered the goods with significant delay and the delivered goods were incomplete and damaged, and the goods were therefore useless to Claimant for the construction of the Project. Despite Respondents repeated promises to indemnify Claimant,Respondent failed to take action.



10.Article 4.3 of the Contract provides that Respondents shipment of the goods cannot be later than 45days from the date of reception and acceptance ofClaimants Letter of Guarantee(L/G). Article 4.3 stipulates:

‘The first lot latest shipment date from Chinese port pursuant to the stipulations of this Contract would be no later than 45 days since the date when the Seller

-Respondent-receives the workable L/G opened from(he buyer and acceptable by the Seller(...)

11.The goods should respect a certain quality and be de-livered without any damage as provided in the Con-tract and its Annexes.In particular. Article 1.2 of the Contract provides the description,technical specification,quantity and other details of the goods:

“The description, technical specification, quantity and other details of the goods herein are listed in annex/as attached(...)

12.The Contract also records Respondents undertaking that the goods would be shipped from Respondents storage area to Claimants digging area without any damage and within a reasonable time period. Article

4. 1 states that:

The goods which are nested will be prepared separately and without any damage on(he storage area of Seller-Respondent-for shipment to digging are-a of Buyer-Claimant- in a reasonable time period.

13.As the contract provides that the goods sold by Respondent and purchased by Claimant are pipes and fittings, an incomplete delivery of appropriate fittings necessarily amounts to an incomplete delivery of the goods and constitutes a breach under the Contract. Article 1.1 of the Contract provides that:

The Seller-Respondent-agrees on selling manufactured pipes and fittings and accessories in full authority and the Buyer-Claimant-agrees on buying them in full authority



14.The day following the Parties signature of the Contract, on 30 May 2014,Claimant personally delivered a letter of guarantee worth USD 3,000,000.00 to Respondent,which complied with Respondents requirements,from the bank H.

15.As the date of shipment of the goods cannot be later than 45 days from Respondents reception and acceptance of Claimants letter of guarantee pursuant to Article 4. 3 of the Contract,the latest day for shipment was 14 July 2014. Respondent, however, shipped the goods on 7 August 2014,which amounts to a 24-day delay.

[14-15段]由于所有递交给仲裁庭的文件全部都被默认为是真实的,除非被对方的证据反驳,所以在阐述双方履行权利义务的过程中,一定要用词谨慎, 不能被对方抓住漏洞, 否则很容易构成英美法中的“自认”。自认也是有效证据。另外,由于国际仲裁通常会设置几个回合,用于书面抗辩和反驳,所以每一次提交的文件之间,也要保持论点一致,千万不能出现先自相矛盾的情况。

16.Moreover, in relation to the duration of transport. Respondent represented during meetings with Claimant that,according to industry practice,cargoes take 30-35 days to reach Claimants port of destination,port F. Although time was of the essence, the

cargo arrived 50 days after being shipped,or 57 days including the unloading to the stock field,which amounts to a 22-day delay in transport and to a total of a 46-day delay,in breach of Article 4.3 of the Contract.

[16段] 此处需要特别注意的是对方律师貌似不经意写出的“time was of the essence”,这是具有法律意义的,需要驳斥。{详见书面答辩陈述}

17.After their arrival at the Port F, the goods were to be transported to Respondents stock field and unloaded pursuant to the Contract ( one-by-one and without any damage, in accordance with Article 4.1 of the Contract). After pulling them out,at Respondents expense, the goods must be kept ready for de-livery to Claimant. However, benefiting from the diameter difference of the pipes,Respondent transported far too many pipes within each other which caused them to get bent, curled and broken, in breach of Articles 4.1 and 1.2 of the Contract which pro-vides that the goods must he delivered to Claimant without any damage and in the conditions, quantities,types,qualities and forms set forth in Annex I of the Contract, as indicated supra.


18.Claimant immediately notified Respondent of the situation, which was determined and recorded by a Notary and an expert in official expert reports.

19.It is common knowledge within the industry that pipes which were shipped could not be broken and could only be bent, even under intense pressure. However, in the present case, the conditions of transport were so inappropriate and brutal that these pipes actually broke. This demonstrates not only that transportation was not compliant with international shipping standards, but also that the pipes had a manufacturing defect,in breach of Articles 1.2 and 4.1 of the Contract.

20.Also, the price of the goods of the first delivery paid by Claimant, in accordance with the Contract for USD 12,100,000. 00 and the pro forma invoice prepared by Respondent, was USD 9,000,000(USD 6.000,000+USD3,000,000). However, the goods delivered were worth only USD 7,500,000. In other words,Respondent failed to deliver USD 1,500,000 worth of goods.

[20段]低级错误,陈述部分和证据部分内容相左。这里说被申请人开出的商业发票是900万,而第一批货物价值700多万,少运了100多万的货物。而提供的证据是那份商业发票,非常清楚的记载了发票金额是700多万,跟货物价值完全一致的, 体现出申请方律师对事实的把握尚存问题。

21.Moreover, although the pro forma invoice stipulates that the delivered pipe was to be 35 KM long, the pipe delivered by Respondent was only 19 KM long and the remaining 16 KM were never delivered.

22.Furthermore,Respondent failed to deliver the fittings necessary for the usage of the 19 KM long pipes in breach of Article 1.1 of the Contract. 1he failure to deliver the fittings resulted in the impossibility to use any of the 19 KM long pipes delivered.



23.This arbitration is initiated pursuant to Article 9.1 of the Contract, which provides as follows:

“Arbitration:All dispute arising in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation within 90days. In case no settlement can be reached the case under dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to International Chamber of Commerce International Cowl of Arbitration in Paris. The award of arbitration tribunal pursuant to the provisions of this Contract shall be in writing and final and binding upon the Seller and ( he Buyer, if necessary, in any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitral ion fee shall be bourne by the losing party. "

[23 段] 仲裁协议,通常是写在救济措施的后面的,着重论述程序性问题,理论性的这些要点问题我们已经在上文的第二章探讨过了。以下主要针对具体问题进行点评。

24.Claimant approached Respondent about settling the current dispute immediately following the Respondents multiple breaches of contract. The Parties met in Istanbul in order to amicably discuss the settlement of the dispute multiple times. The final attempt to settle the dispute occurred on 12-13 October 2014. As the Parties were unable to settle their dispute within 90 days. Claimant was forced to bring the current arbitration proceedings.



25.Pursuant to Article 9.1, set out above, the place of arbitration is Paris,France.

[25 段] 根据仲裁协议,确定仲裁地是法国巴黎。


26.The governing law is not explicitly specified in the Contract. It is common ground between the Parties that the place of arbitration is Paris, France, although neither of the Parties have current connections with the city. According to Article V(l)(a) of the New York Convention, the validity of an arbitration agreement is to be determined by either the law that the parties chose in the agreement or, if the parties failed to make a choice of law in the agreement, the law of the country where the award was made. Absent a choice-of-law designation by the parties, the law of the country in which the arbitral award was rendered therefore governs with respect to issues concerning the validity of an arbitration agreement

27.The place where the award will be rendered will be Paris. Moreover, the current arbitration clearly corresponds to the French legal definition of an international arbitration under Article 1504 of the NewFrench Code of Civil Procedure, since the Parties have different nationalities and the transfer of services and payments crossed international borders. French law is therefore applicable.

28.This is a largely academic point, however, since the Contract falls under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(the“Vienna Convention”),which forms an integral part of French,Swiss and Chinese law.

[26-28段]仲裁协议中没有规定适用法律, 申请方律师建议使用仲裁地的法律,即法国法。显然这一点对中国律师是非常不利的,因为适用法律上原则是双方意思自治原则, 所以在对法国法没有深入研究的情况下,最好要选择自己熟悉的法律,比如国际通用的法律或者中国法。由于本案属于国际贸易纠纷,双方也是《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(“CISG”) 的缔约国,所以我们强烈要求适用CISG。

国际仲裁适用法律( Applicable law):《纽约公约》( New York Convention) 与法国《民事诉讼法典》1504条关于国际仲裁的适用法律,在本书第二章第三节已有介绍。国际仲裁适用法律可分为两个层面:程序法律和实体法律。再详细划分,可以分为:









Article V(1)(a)

1. Recognition and enforcement of the award may be refused, at the request of the party against whom it is invoked, only if that party furnishes to the competent authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought, proof that:

(a)The parties to the agreement referred to in article II were, under the law applicable to them, under some incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid under the law to which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indication thereon, under the law of the country where the award was made; or(…)






第二,本条款所探讨的,确定“仲裁协议的效力”(validity of the arbitration agreement)所适用的法律。由于仲裁协议独立于基础合同,“管辖仲裁协议效力的实体法律”,与“管辖基础合同的实体法律”这两个概念,即便在现实生活中可能同一,在法理学意义上,也不是重合的。






Code de procedure civile

Article 1504 Est international l arbitrage quimeten cause des inter ts du commerce international.

这一条款可以粗略译为英语“The arbitration is international when it put at stake the interests of international business.”




29.The Language of Arbitration is not explicitly stated in the Contract but should be English. The Contract was executed in English and Swiss versions, but in any case of conflict between the English version and the Swiss version the English version shall prevail (Article 10.4).The Parties common language for business was also English. The Parties common intention was therefore that the arbitration should take place in English.



30.The Contract does not specify the number of arbitrators. Pursuant to Article 12 (1) of the ICC Rules of Arbitration, disputes may be decided upon by a sole arbitrator or by three arbitrators.

31.Given the relatively small amount in dispute, a sole arbitrator is clearly appropriate. Claimant proposes the following Sole Arbitrator.

32.Mr.P is a well-known arbitrator who speaks English, who has previous construction and ICC arbitration experience, who has knowledge of the Vienna Convention, and who is independent of the Parties involved in this arbitration.

33.Should Respondent disagree with his nomination, Claimant requests the appointment of a sole arbitrator by the ICC Court of Arbitration who has similar characteristics.



34.Claimant has suffered significant financial loss and damage as a direct result of Respondent‘s multiple breaches of the Contract.

35.For present purposes,total damages under the Contract arc conservatively estimated at USD,plus interest:



Conventional Penalty arose from Late Delivery


Constant Construction Site Expenses arose from Late   Delivery


Consideration of Damaged Goods, Inspection and   other expenses




Expenses for Pulling Out the Nested Pipes


Currency Exchange Difference


Interest on the credit obtained to pay the warranty


General interest on damages


Total amount damages


36.Given the considerable bad faith that Respondent has illustrated throughout the Parties course of business dealings, and Respondents crystal clear violation of the Parties Contract but refusal to pay any compensation, there is a significant risk that Respondent will refuse to pay the amounts eventually awarded by an arbitral tribunal. It is therefore appropriate to award post-award interest in order to ensure the payment of the amount ultimately awarded by the arbitral tribunal. Claimant therefore requests the awarding of post-award interest at twice the applicable rate under French law.


37.As a result, Claimant respectfully requests the Arbitral Tribunal to issue an award:

(i)declaring that the Arbitral Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider the dispute described herein between the Parties;

(ii) declaring that Respondent breached the Contract repeatedly;

(iii) ordering Respondent to compensate Claimant for the damages and losses suffered as a result of Respondents breaches of Contract currently estimated to be in the sum of USD ;

(iv) ordering Respondent to pay all arbitration costs, including Claimant’s counsel s costs and expenses;

(v) ordering payment by Respondent of interest in an amount to be determined;

(vi) ordering payment by Respondent of post-award interest in an amount to be determined.

[37段] 救济请求:除了当事人的一些具体的特殊要求之外,通常还会请求仲裁庭指令对方赔偿利息、仲裁相关费用、律师费用、立即执行等等。

38.For the avoidance of doubt. Claimant reserves its right to:

(i) raise any and all further claims arising out of or in connection with the disputed matters described in this Request for Arbitration or otherwise arising between the Parties;

(ii) amend and/or supplement the relief sought herein;

(iii) produce such factual or legal arguments or evidence(including witness testimony, expert testimony and documents) as may be necessary to present its case or rebut any case which may be put forward by Respondent; and

(iv) seek interim and provisional measures before an Emergency Arbitrator, the Arbitral Tribunal, or any competent national court.

Respectfully submitted,Counsel for Claimant

[38 段]可以保留一些权利,为后面的修改或新增要求做铺垫。

1.法国最高法院:C. Cass, civ. 1re ,13 mars 2007:Bull. civ. I, no 102;D. 2007.



根据国际商会2012规则[1],被申请人收到秘书处转来的申请书之日起三十日内,须提交答辩书(Answer to the Request)。答辩书应当包括以下内容:















1.国际商会 ICC 2012 仲裁规则第5-1条。关于这一规定,2017新规则中并无本质修改。

2.国际商会 ICC 2012 仲裁规则第5-5条。




1.Pursuant to the letter of notification regardingCase sent by International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce(the“Tribunal”) on 17th November 2015,and the Rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC Rules”),Company A(hereinafter “Respondent”) hereby submits this answer to Company Bs (hereinafter “Claimant”) request for arbitration.

[1段]介绍被申请人的信息,如果同时提起反请求书,那么被申请人也可以称为反请求人(Respondent and Counterclaimant)。

2.This answer to Claimant’s request for arbitration includes the contents as the following:

•Respondent‘s answer to the claims brought by Claimant (PART A)

•Respondent’s Counter Claim including Claimants substantial breaches of contract(PART B)

3.Contrary to the Claimants statement of introduction under its request for arbitration,this case mainly concerns the Claimants substantial breaches of the pipe supplying contract (hereinafter “Contract”) between the two parties, especially in relation to the delayed and incomplete payment and the purchase of the contracted amount of goods from other manufacturer(an unknown third party),while Respondent has fully ful-filled its obligations under the Contract.



4.Regarding the applicable law governing this case, Claimant proposed that French law shall apply. Respondent opposes Claimants opinion on this matter. This case concerns principally the Contract of supplying pipes between Claimant, a company registered and operating in the Republic of Switzerland, and Respondent, a company registered and operating in the People’s Republic of China. The pipes ordered under the Contract were manufactured in China and to be delivered to Switzerland. Any disputes or claims arising from this case have no substantial relation to France and French law. Furthermore,in Claimants request to Arbitration, page 8,paragraph 26,Claimant cited Article V(1) (a) of the New York Convention to prove that “the validity of an arbitration agreement is to be determined by either the law in the agreement or, if the parties failed to make a choice of law in the agreement,the law of the country where the award was made.”However,the New York Convention is concerning the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, which has no relation to the question of governing law in this case and cannot prove the Claimants opinion.The Claimants cited provision in New York Convention is as following:

“Article V

1. Recognition and enforcement of the award may be refused,at the request of the party against whom it is invoked,only if that party furnishes to the competent authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought,proof that:

(a)The parties to the agreement referred to in article II were,under the law applicable to them,under some incapacity,or the said agreement is not valid under the law to which the parties have subjected it or,failing any indication thereon,under the law of the country where the award was made;or”

This provision is mainly about the conditions of refusal to recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award, which is completely irrelevant to the question of applicable law in this case andobviously cannot support Claimants opinion. Therefore,Claimants opinion of applying French law to this case is clearly inappropriate and contrary to the principle of predictability.

5. though there is no explicit provision in the Contract concerning the applicable law, Respondent believes that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter“CISG”) shall be the sole governing law in this case. According to CISG Article 1(1)(a),

“Article 1

(1)This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States:

(a)when the States are Contracting States”.

China andSwitzerland are the Contracting States of CISG,which entered into force on 1st January 1988 and 1st August 2011 respectively. The Contract concerning sales of pipes was signed between a Chinese company and a Swiss company on 29th May 2014.Moreover,Article 6 of the CISG stipulates that the parties may exclude the application of this Convention,which means that if the parties do not explicitly exclude the application of the Convention in the Contract,CISG shall be consequently applied according to the conditions in Article 1 of CISG. In this case,there is no provision in the Contract excluding the application of CISG. Therefore CISG shall apply to the Contract and be the sole governing law in this case.



6.Dispute Background-Steel Price Fell Sharply

The dispute rose during a period of consistent international steel price decrease. According to CRU and LME steel price indicators,global steel price started to fall since February 2014. It can be observed that Claimants actions are mirrored in international steel market situation:when Claimant delayed in its opening full-amount Letters of Guarantee in both May and June 2014,the steel price started to decline at the same time;while Claimant breached the Contract by purchasing the Goods from a third party in October and November 2014,the steel price fell sharply.


Considering Claimants conducts under such circumstances, Respondent has reasons to believe that Claimants multiple breaches and false allegations were meant to distribute its own international commercial risks on Respondent.

7.On 29th May 2014,Respondent and Claimant signed the Contract for supplying the pipes,in which Respondent is the seller and Claimant is the buyer.The total price of the ordered products is USD 12,100,000.00.Regarding the payment,it is stated in Article 3 and Article 4 of the Contract that the total price of the Contract should be paid partially as the following:

i.For the first shipment of products -

a)The buyer should open two Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 6,000,000.00 and USD 3,000,000.00 respectively which must reach the seller and be accepted by the seller within 5 days after the signing of the Contract.

b)Then the seller should startits production of the ordered pipes and make the first shipment from Chinese port no later than 45 days from the date of receiving and accepting the Letter of Guarantee.

c)Followed by that, the buyer should payUSD 6,100,000.00 to the seller by telegraphic transfer (T/T) within 85 days after the issuing date of Bill of Lading for the first shipment.

ii.For the second shipment of products -

a)The seller should return the Letters of Guarantee in price of USD 3,000,000.00 to the buyer after the seller receives the payment of USD 6,100,000.00.

b)Then, the sellers should startits production for the second shipment within 30 days after receiving the payment of USD 6,100,000. 00. The second shipment shall be no later than 120 days from the issuing date of Bill of Lading for the first shipment as well as after receiving the payment for the first shipment.

c)After that, the buyer should pay the rest of the total price which is USD 6,000,000.00 by telegraphic transfer(T/T) to the seller within 85 days after the issuing date of Bill of Lading for the second shipment.

d)The seller should keep and not return the Letters of Guarantee until the completion of the whole project.

8.The performance schedule according to provisions of the Contract can be summarized as following:


9.On 30th May 2014,Respondent received the Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD3,000,000.00 from Claimant and immediately started the production.

10.However,Claimant did not open the Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 6,000,000.00 within 5 days after signing of the Contract,which is substantial breach of its contractual obligation. Repeatedly urged by Respondent, Claimant finally opened two Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 3,000,000.00 and USD 3,000,000.00 respectively on 2nd and 3rd July 2014.

11.Due to the delay of providing Letters of Guarantee, Respondent cannot produce the pipes and reserve the necessary freight in accordance with the original plan,which directly caused financial losses on Respondent such as the dead freight for the first shipment and etc.

12.According to Article 4.3 of the Contract,the first shipment shall be no later than 45 days after the seller received and accepted the Letters of Guarantee from the buyer. As the buyer did not open complete Letters of Guarantee until 3rd July 2014,the deadline for the first shipment shall be 17th August 2014 in accordance with the Contract.Even in such frustrating situation due to the fault caused by Claimant,Respondent still accomplished the production and loaded the products on 7th August 2014,which was largely ahead of the time required by the Contract.

13.During the manufacturing of the first shipment,the representatives of Claimant and Switzerland General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works(DSH) have visited Respondents site.Since DSH and Claimants representatives did not raise any objection,the order pipes shall be considered as qualified in accordance with the Contract.

14.The first shipment arrived at the destination port F,on 25th September 2014. Meanwhile,the products have been tested again in the destination port and recognized by DSH,Claimant and Respondent with a certificate signed by the three parties above.

15.After the arrival of the firstshipment,Claimant alleged that some pipes were damaged during the shipment. Respondent then required a meeting at the port attended by both parties to confirm whether the pipes were actually damaged and to assess the accurate damages.However,Claimant refused Respondents proposal of meeting and arranged the measurement of damages by its own personnel without the attendance and acceptance of Respondent. Regarding the damage assessment report unilaterally recorded by Claimant,Respondent clearly stated that such report should not be valid and recognized due to the absence of Respondent’s acceptance.

16.On 10th October 2014,the head of sales department of Respondent visited Claimant to discuss the resolution of damaged pipes. During the meeting,Respondent required Claimant to continue the execution of the Contract and fulfill its contractual obligations of sending the adequate payment by T/T,providing full-amount Letter of Guarantee and taking the products within a reasonable time.But Claimant proposed an unreasonable requirement of lowering the Contract price,which was rejected by Respondent.The parties could not reach an agreement and Claimant expressed its intention to give up fulfilling its contractual obligations.

17.In November 2014,Respondent also made a friendly proposal to settle the encountered problems so that the Contract would have an opportunity to be executed continuously.As a friendly gesture to demonstrate its sincerity,Respondent offered to compensate a reasonable amount of the damaged pipes for Claimant with a condition that Claimant should continue to execute the Contract and fulfill its obligations.More precisely,to be able to accept this offer,Claimant had to accept the second shipment of ordered products and pay the total price of the Contract. However,Claimant never agreed to such terms and eventually gave up executing the Contract. In this situation, the Respondents offer shall be regarded as completely rejected by Claimant and Respondent should not be responsible for any damaged pipes.

18.In December 2014,the Sales Manager of Respondent visited Claimant again to discuss this matter and expressed the sincere attitude of solving this dispute properly. However,Claimant proposed an unreasonable and unacceptable demand with a compensation of USD1.5 million for Claimant. After that,Claimant refused to attend further meetings and negotiations. In such circumstances,Claimant clearly expressed its intention of giving up the execution of the Contract.Due to the lack of mutual consent for amicable negotiation,Claimant shall bear all the liability for its breaches of Contract and be solely responsible for any adverse consequences caused by its breaches.

19.On 29th October 2015,Claimant filed this case to ICC Court of Arbitration in Paris and sent the Request for Arbitration.




20.In Claimants Request for Arbitration,Claimant stated that Respondent breached Article 4.3 of the Contract due to a “total of a 46-day delay”. Respondent objects to this statement and believes that Respondent has already fulfilled its obligations under Article 4.3 of the Contract,while the delay of delivery was completely caused by Claimants own fault.

[20 段]从第四部分开始,突出重点部分,一一反驳申请人的论点。反驳分为四大部分:





21.According to Article 4.3 of the Contract,it stated that:“4.3 The first lot latest shipment date from Chinese port pursuant to the stipulations of this contract would be no later than 45 days since the date when the seller receives the workable L/G opened from the buyer and acceptable by the seller…”.It is clearly stated in this Article that Respondents obligation to make the first shipment shall be based on the condition that Claimant must open workable Letters of Guarantee to Respondent in accordance with the stipulations of the Contract. Thus,Claimants obligation of opening Letters of Guarantee shall be fulfilled prior to Respondents obligation of deliver the first shipment.

22.Regarding issue of opening Letters of Guarantee,Article 3.1 explicitly stated that:

“3.1 …After this contract is signed,the buyer should open two Letters of Guarantee in Amount of 6,000,000.00 US dollars and 3,000,000.00 US dollars through the first class bank accepted both by the seller and by the buyer within 5 days. Then the seller arrange the production… “In the light of this Article, Claimant has obligation to open two Letters of Guarantee, which shall be in amount of USD 6,000,000.00 and USD 3,000,000.00 respectively,and shall be opened within 5 days after the date of signing the Contract. However,after the Contract was signed on 29th May 2014,Claimant only opened one Letter of Guarantee in amount of USD 3,000,000.00 to Respondent on 30th May 2014. Despite Respondents repeated reminding, Claimant failed to open the remaining Letter of Guarantee in amount of USD 6,000,000. 00 to Respondent before the stipulated due time,which should be 3rd June 2014 in this case. On 1st July 2014,Claimant finally opened two Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 3,000,000.00 and USD3,000,000. 00 respectively. It was already delayed for one month as the stipulated due time of opening Letter of Guarantee shall be 2nd June 2014. Hence,Claimant failed to open adequate Letters of Guarantee required by the Contract and consequently breached the Contract.

23.Non-fulfillment of the obligation to open complete Letters of Guarantee on time by Claimant caused huge financial losses to Respondent including the dead freight and severely impeded Respondent fulfilling its obligation to make the first shipment. Such consequence that the date of the first shipment was later than the original plan is completely due to Claimants severe delay of opening contractagreed Letters of Guarantee,which is a substantial breach of Contract.Thus,Claimant shall be solely responsible for all unfavorable consequences caused by its breach of Contract.


24.Furthermore,even with such obstacles caused by Claimant,Respondent still fulfilled its obligation by shipping the first lot on 7th August 2014 which is credited to Respondents adequate preparation and efficient productivity.

25.In Claimants Request for Arbitration,the statement that Respondent caused a total of a 46-day delay of delivery is based on the argument by counting the stipulated 45-day-due-time of the first shipment from the date of opening the first Letter of Guarantee in amount of USD3,000,000.00 on 30th May 2014,which was incomplete and did not meet the requirement under the Contract. This method of calculating time limit is obviously wrong and contrary to the substance of the Contract.Respondent believes that the 45-day-due-time shall be counted from the date that Claimant opened the stipulated Letters of Guarantee in full amount, which was on 3rd July 2014. It means that the latest date to ship the first shipment shall be 17th August 2014.

26.Therefore,the fact that Respondent shipped the firstshipment on 7th August 2014 is completely in conformity with its obligation to ship the Goods under Article4.3 of the Contract, while Claimant did breach its obligation to open adequate Letters of Guarantee within the stipulated time limit.


i.Fulfillment of all obligations by Respondent

27.In Claimants Request for Arbitration,Claimant stated that Respondent breached Articles4.1 and 1.2 of the Contract because the pipes were “bent, curled and broken“ caused by “manufacturing defects and inappropriate transportation”. Respondent objects to this statement and believes that Respondent has already fulfilled its obligations under Articles 4. 1 and a)2 of the Contract since the quality of the pipes conformed to the products standards. Furthermore,in accordance with CIF Incoterms 2000 trading usage stipulated in the Contract,Claimant shall bear all the risks of losses and damages after the goods passed the ships rail.






28.According to Article 4.1 of the Contract,“For the purpose of this contract,the buyer and the seller agree that the goods shall be delivered on the terms CIF FIO port F…according to Incoterms 2000.”

29.In the light of Incoterms 2000,CIF rule is clearly explained as following:

“‘Cost,Insurance and Freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship‘s rail in the port of shipment.”

“The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the pods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or damage to the goods,as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery,are transferred from the seller to the buyer.However,in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.”

“Consequently,the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is required to obliga-tion insurance only on minimum cover.Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover,he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements.”

30.In summary,under CIF(Incoterms 2000),sellers obligations mainly consist in:

a)make delivery of goods in conformity with the contract;and

b)arrange contract of insurance;and

c)arrange contract of carriage;and

d)payrelevant expenses.

Respondent duly fulfilled all its obligations according to the Contract and also according to CIF(Incoterms 2000).

1.Goods in conformity with the Contract

31.According to CIF Incoterms 2000, “A THE SELLERS OBLIGATIONS

A1 Provision of goods in conformity with the contract

The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice,or its equivalent electronic message,in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity which may be required by the contract. “Before the first shipment,Claimant sent its representatives to visit Respondents factory. At this moment,the Goods were already inspected bythe representatives of Claimant,Respondent and DSH. Since none of the three parties has raised any objection as to the quality of the Goods,such inspection has established that the Goods were in conformity with the Contract.

At the port of shipment, the Mate’s Receipt, the Certificate of Origin and the Bill of Lading all confirmed that the Goods were well prepared and without any damage for shipment.

Therefore,the Goods were in conformity to the Contract before they passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.

In addition, at the destination port of shipment, the quality and conditions of the pipes were inspected again by Claimant,Respondent and DSH,with a certificate signed by all the three parties. It proves that the Goods were also qualified as to the stipulated requirement after they had been delivered to the destination port. Therefore,Respondent fulfilled its obligation to deliver the qualified goods.

[31段] 详细论述为何货物已经符合合同要求:




2. Contract of Insurance

32. According to CIF Incoterms 2000,


A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance

b) Contract of insurance

The seller must obtain at his own expense cargo insurance as agreed in the contract,such that the buyer,or any other person having an insurable interest in the goods,shall be entitled to claim directly from the insurer and provide the buyer with the insurance policy or other evidence of insurance cover.

The insurance shall be contracted with underwriters or an insurance company of good repute and,failing express agreement to the contrary,be in accordance with minimum cover of the Institute Cargo Clauses (Institute of London Underwriters) or any similar set of clauses. The duration of insurance cover shall be in accordance with B5 and B4. When required by the buyer,the seller shall provide at the buyers expense war,strikes,riots and civil commotion risk insurances if procurable.The minimum insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus ten percent(i.e.110%) and shall be provided in the currency of the contract.”

On 7th August 2014,Respondent purchased an insurance policy for the first shipment from an insurance company with outstanding reputation:_____.Therefore,Respondent fulfilled its obligation to obtain cargo insurance at its own expense.


3.Contract of Carriage

33.According to CIF Incoterms 2000,“A THE SELLERS OBLIGATIONS

A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance

a)Contract of carriage

The seller must contract on usual terms at his own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named port of destination by the usual route in a seagoing vessel(or inland waterway vessel as the case may be) of the type normally used for the transport of goods of the contract description.” Respondent booked a vessel for the first shipment on the 7th July 2014 from Shipping company,limited In the Freight Agreement between Respondent and Shipping company,the carriage expenses were to be paid by Respondent,in compliance with CIF requirements.


4.Payment ofrelevant expenses

34.According to CIF Incoterms 2000:


A6 Division of costs

The seller must,subject to the provisions of B6,pay

•all costs relating to the goods until such time as they have been delivered in accordance with A4;and

•the freight and all other costs resulting from A3 a), including the costs of loading the goods on board;

•and the costs of insurance resulting from A3 b);and

•any charges for unloading at the agreed port of discharge which were for the sellers account un-der the contract of carriage;and

•where applicable,the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties,taxes and other charges payable upon export,and for their transit through any country if they were for thesellers account under the contract of carriage.” Respondent fulfilled its obligation to pay the relevant costs agreed in the Contract and under CIF terms,including carriage costs and insurance premium. Since Claimant does not give any comment on this matter in its Request for Arbitration,it shall be regarded as its tacit approval. Moreover,Article 4.1 of the Contract also stated that the FIO term,which means“Free In and Out”,shall also be applied to the delivery.Therefore,Respondent,as the seller,shall not be responsible for the loading and unloading of the ordered products.


35.In conclusion,based on all facts provided above,Respondent has already fulfilled its obligations to deliver the goods in conformity with the Contract,to arrange contracts of insurance and of carriage at its own expenses and to pay relevant costs according to CIF Incoterms 2000.

ii.Transfer of risks

36.Since Claimant and Respondent expressly chose CIF(Incoterms 2000) in their Contract,rules of transfer of risks under CIF shall apply:


A5 Transfer of risks

The seller must,subject to the provisions of B5,bear all risks of loss of/or damage to the goods until such time as they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.

B5 Transfer of risks

The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.”



37.Respondent has already fulfilled all its obligations under the rule of CIF including preparing the qualified goods,purchasing the insurance for the goods,paying all relevant costs and paying freight for delivery of goods.Therefore,Claimant shall bear all the risks of loss and damage when the ordered products passed the ships rail.

38.Furthermore,an exception clause was inserted in Article 10.1 of the Contract:“In case the weight or quality is found by the Buyer to be not in conformity with the Contract after arrival of the Goods at the port of destination,the Buyer may lodge a claim with the Seller supported by survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed up-on by both parties,with the exception,however,of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are to be held responsible (…)”.

This provision in the Contract clearly states that the Goods damage and loss that are not caused by the quality of the products shall be resolved between the insurance company or shipping company and the buyer. Thus,if the Goods were damaged or lost after the passing of the ships rail,such as during the sailing or in the destination port,Claimant shall negotiate with and file a claim against the insurance company or shipping company,instead of against Respondent.

39.In Claimants Request for Arbitration,it is stated that“the goods were to be transported to Respondents stock field and unloaded pursuant to the Contract(one-by-one and without any damage,in accordance with Article 4.1 of the Contract).”

40.In Respondents opinion,Article 4.1 of the Contract shall not be considered as a conflict to CIF term chosen in the same article.

41.Pursuant to Article 4.1:

“For the purpose of this Contract,the Buyer and the Seller agree that the Goods shall be delivered on the terms CIF FIO port F(…) according to Incoterms 2000.The truck expenses between port and sellers storage area and the expenses for pulling out the nested pipes will be paid by the Seller. The Goods which are nested will be prepared separately and without any damage on the storage are of Seller for shipment to digging area of Buyer in a reasonable time period. The truck expenses between Sellers storage area and Buyers digging area will be paid by the Buyer.”

[41段]结合合同,CIF 条款规定在合同的4.1条中,但是由于合同4.1条由两部分组成,因此对其解释就显得尤为重要。这里抽丝剥茧地对本条款进行解释,阐述哪些是被申请方的义务,哪些是申请方的义务,如何证明被申请方已经充分完成了合同义务。

42.Article 4.1 is composed of different parts:one part concerning the Incoterms 2000 chosen by the parties;one part concerning the expense attribution after the Goodsarrival at destination port.

43.First of all,the part concerning expenses in Article 4. 1 means that,on the basis of CIF terms,Respondent shall bear additional costs:

(i).of the transportation fees between destination port and its storage place;and

(ii).of the expenses of pulling out the pipes.

Since Respondent and Claimant have already agreed upon CIF term in the Contract, this provision shall be interpreted without prejudice to the rule of transfer of risks under CIF Incoterms 2000. In other words,Respondents obligation under this provision is only pecuniary,and cannot be regarded as an extension to the scope of transfer-of-risk-rule under CIF terms.

44.Second of all,the provision concerning separate preparation “without any damage to the goods” is merely a description of the Goods conditions when they are in the storage place and ready for shipment to buyers digging area. The provision does not clarify which party shall bear the obligation to maintain the good conditions of the Goods.

45.In the light of CIF(Incoterms 2000) terms logic,the transfer of risks occurred when the goods pass the ships rail at departure port. It is reasonable to conclude that the obligation to maintain the good condition of the Goods shifted also at this time:Respondent bore such obligation before the Goods passed the ships rail and Claimant bore such obligation thereafter.

46.Since the Goods were in good condition without any damages after they were loaded on board,Respondent had already fulfilled its obligation to ensure the good conditions of the goods during phase 1. After the Goods passed the ships rail,Claimant shall bear the obligation to maintain the good conditions of the Goods. Should there be any damages and losses caused to the Goods during phase 2,such risks shall be borne by Claimant.

[46段]同理,这里被申请方使用了一个图表来解释CIF下风险转移的情况。其实,不论是仲裁员、申请方律师还是被申请方律师,都是非常有经验也是非常了解CIF的法律规定的。那么为什么还要“多此一举”用图表的形式体现出来呢? —因为这样既可以体现被申请方的专业性,又可以强调“风险转移”这一规定。因此我们建议,在抓到对己方特别有利的法律规定的时候,一定不要轻描淡写,要在有限的篇幅里面给仲裁员留下最深刻的印象。

47.Therefore,in this case,Respondent strongly believes that it did not breach Articles 4.1 and 1.2 of the Contract,and it shall have no liability regarding any damage or loss to the ordered products and such risks shall be completely borne by Claimant.


48.Claimant in its Request for Arbitration states that Respondent did not deliver USD9,000,000 worth of goods as well as the fittings, which is a breach of Article 1.1 of the Contract.Respondent objects to this statement and believes that Respondent has already fulfilled its obligation to ship the goods in accordance with Article 1.1 of the Contract.Moreover,although there is no obligation in the Contract requiring Respondent to include the fittings in the first shipment,Respondent has already delivered enough fittings within the first shipment.In fact,the amount of pipes and fittings included in the first lot manufactured and shipped by Respondent greatly exceeded the requirement in the Contract,which is an overfulfilment of its obligation.


49.Regarding the incomplete delivery of goods,Claimant states that the first shipment is incomplete and only worth USD 7,500,000. 00, which is USD1, 500,000.00 less than USD 9,000,000.00.However,such statement is proposed on a wrong basis and Claimant ignored the fact that the value of USD9, 000,000. 00 shall only apply to the Letters of Guarantee,but not to the value of the first shipment.

50.According to Article 3. 1 of the Contract,

“3.1 …After this Contract is signed,the Buyer should open two letter(s) of guarantees in amount of 6,000,000.00 US Dollars and3,000,000.00 US Dollars…Then the Seller arrange the production. The buyer should pay 6,100,000. 00 U. S. Dollars by T/T to the Buyer on/before 85 days of B/L date of the first shipment…”Clearly,Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 9,000,000. 00 shall not be considered as the first payment,but only a method of guarantee to safeguard the financial interest of Respondent.It is explicitly stated in the provision of the Contract mentioned above that the first payment to be made by Claimant shall be the amount of USD 6,100,000. 00 by Telegraphic Transfer(T/T). Taking into account that the total price of the Contract amounts to USD 12,100,000.00,it would be reasonable to conclude that each of the two shipments shall be in the amount of USD 6 million approximately.

51.Respondent,in consideration of Claimants needs and to express its good faith of business cooperation, has already sent enough pipes and fittings in the first shipment in amount of USD 7,500,000,vastly exceeding the Claimants reasonable expectation for the value of products within the first shipment.

52.Hence,Claimants statement concerning the incomplete delivery of goods shall not be supported since Respondent has already fulfilled its obligation to ship the first lot of productsvalued USD 7,500,000,which is more than the amount of the first due payment.

53.With respect to the matter of fittings,Claimant states that Respondent shall be liable for the failure to deliver the fittings.In Respondents opinion,it is a total disregard of facts and the Contracts.


54.Firstly,there is no provision,along with the Annexes,under the Contract,clarifying which fittings are to be included in the first shipment. It means that the two Parties have not reached an agreement regarding the specific fittings that shall be shipped firstly.Thus,under this situation,Respondent bears no obligation to include particular fittings in the first shipment,but only needs to ship all the products within two shipments according to the Contract.

55.Secondly,based on the obtained proof of Bill of lading, Mates Receipt and all recording documents, Respondent has already delivered enough fittings in the first shipment, which is in the amount of 157 packages and 73.754 Mt.

56.Thirdly,all the pipes in the first shipment were delivered with corresponding fittings, except the fittings for size 700 pipes. It is because Respondent received crucial information that the destination port,Port F, has a draft depth limitation. If Respondent uploaded more goods in the first shipment,the freight will absolutely not be allowed to enter the harbor but can only return to the departure port. In order to avoid such severe losses to the both Parties, Respondent had no choice but to agree to deliver the fittings for size 700 pipes in the second shipment with the rest of products.

57.Thus,Respondent has fulfilled its obligation to deliver the fittings along with the ordered pipes.

58.In conclusion, based on the grounds mentioned above,Respondent did not breach Article 1. 1 of the Contract and the Claimants wrongful statement shall not be supported by the Tribunal. Respondent strongly believes that the first shipment was a complete delivery of goods, since Respondent has duly arranged it exceeding the amount of the first due payment,and even there is no contractual provision specified quantity of products or items to be included in the first shipment,Respondent still endeavored to deliver enough pipes as well as corresponding fittings based on the practical situation.


59.In Respondents opinion,all the damage assessments included in Part VI of Claimants Request for Arbitration are based on biased conclusions and shall not be supported by the Tribunal,specifically rebutted as following:

[59段]本段开始一一反驳申请人的请求, 如果有相应证据材料的,需要一同在答辩书里附上。

60.As established previously,Respondenthas fulfilled its obligation to arrange the first shipment according to the Contract. Therefore,the subjects “Conventional Penalty arose from late delivery” and “Constant construction site expenses arose from latedelivery”shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

61.As establishedsupra,should there be any losses and damages to the goods after crossing over the ships rail,Respondent shall take no responsibility for such losses and Claimant shall seek remedy from insurance company and/or shipping company.In addition,the inspection arranged by Claimant was significantly after the time limit set out in Article 10.1 of the Contract,without previous agreement or presence of representatives on the part of Respondent.Therefore,subject “Consideration of damages goods,inspection and other expenses” shall be borne by Claimant alone and shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

62.Respondent objects to the ambiguous concept of subject “Cost” and strongly believes that such claim shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

63.According to the Contract,Respondent has the obligation to pay for services of pulling out of the nested pipes. Respondent has already contracted a Company in Switzerland(Company K) to fulfill its obligations. (It should be noticed that such pecuniary obligation shall not affect the transfer of risks rule under CIF terms.) Since Respondent,not Claimant,paid the expenses for pulling out the pipes,subject “Expenses for pulling out the nested pipes” shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

64.It is common knowledge that in international trade,the risks of currency exchange are borne by each party to the contract. There is no reason should currency exchange difference be borne solely on the part of Respondent and subject “Currency exchange difference” shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

65.As establishedsupra.,opening workable and acceptable Letters of Guarantee is

Claimants contractual obligation.Thus,any costs and fees in opening such Letters of Guarantee shall be borne by Claimant and subject “Interest on the credit obtained to pay the warranty”shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

66.Respondenthas fulfilled all of its contractual obligations in good faith. Any further losses and damages caused to the Goods after they passed the ships rail shall be borne by Claimant.In the absence of proof establishing Respondent's breach of the Contract,subject “General interest on damages” shall be rejected by the Tribunal.

67.Given by the reasons mentioned above,the damage assessments proposed by Claimant are completely unreasonable.Respondent refuses to compensate any of the proposed damages and firmly believes that such damages shall be solely borne by Claimant.


68.Respondent respectfully requests the Tribunal to issue an award:

(i)declaring that CISG shall be the applicable law in this case;

(ii)declaring that Respondent has not breached the Contract and has already fulfilled all its contractual obligations;

(iii)rejecting the damage assessment and request for compensation of damages and losses to be paid by Respondent in Claimants Request for Arbitration;

(iv)rejecting the request for payment of all arbitration costs in Claimants Request for Arbitration;

(v)rejecting the request forpayment of interest in Claimants Request for Arbitration;

(vi)rejecting the request for payment of post-award interest in Claimants Request for Arbitration.




69.On the contrary to Claimants allegation in its Request for Arbitration, Claimant has substantially breached several contractual obligations from the very beginning after signing the Contract. It is reasonably concluded that, noticing the steel price has decreased dramatically in the context of global economic depression,Claimant unilaterally ceased to implement the rest of the Contact and intended to avoid the liability for its breaches by raising fallacious claims against Respondent.


70.Under such circumstances,Respondent has reasons to believe that Claimant is not acting in good faith and the business cooperation between the two Parties is beyond retrieval.Thus,Respondent has no choice but to claim that Claimant substantially breached the Contract,specifically as following:


71.Pursuant to Article 3.1 of the Contract:

“…After this Contract is signed,the Buyer should open two letter(s) of guarantees in amount of 6,000,000.00 US Dollars and 3,000,000.00 US Dollars through the first class bank accepted both by the Seller and by the Buyer within 5 days. Then the Seller arrange( s) the production.”Claimant's contractual obligation to open Letters of Guarantee constitutes the very first and crucial step in implementation of the Contract before Respondents obligation to arrange production.Claimants obligation to open Letters of Guarantee would be fulfilled when:

a).the Letters of Guarantee were opened in the total amount of USD 9,000,000. 00;and

b).the Letters of Guarantee were opened within 5days after the Contract is signed;and

c).the Letters of Guarantee were opened through first class bank;and

d).the Letters of Guarantee were workable and acceptable for Respondent.


72.Only when all these four requirements were met,the implementation of the Contract could move forward to the next step:the arrangement of production and the first shipment by Respondent.







73.After the Contract was signed on 29th May 2014,a Letter of Guarantee of USD 3,000,000.00 was opened by Claimant to Respondent on 30th May 2014. However,Claimant failed to fulfill its obligation to open two complete Letters of Guarantee within 5 days from the Contract signing date,which shall be in amount of USD 6,000,000.00 and USD 3,000,000.00 respectively as clearly stated in Article3.1 of the Contract. It is explicitly demonstrated by Article3.1 of the Contract that Claimant should open full amount Letters of Guarantee before 3rd June 2014.

74.Despite Respondents repeated notices,Claimant still delayed in opening Letters of Guarantee for the rest amount of USD6,000,000.00.On 3rd July 2014,38 days after the Contract was signed,Claimant eventually opened full amount Letters of Guarantee to Respondent,which severely impeded Respondent from fulfilling its obligation to ship the first lot and caused huge losses to Respondent including dead freight and etc.

75.In accordance with the Contract,opening complete Letters of Guarantee within the stipulated time limit is Claimant's substantial contractual obligation. Therefore,Claimant breached Article3.1 of the Contract due to its severe delay in opening complete Letters of Guarantee,at the very early stage in implementation of the Contract.


76.According to Article 3.1 of the Contract:

“…The Buyer should pay 6,100,000.00 US Dollars by T/T to the Buyer(Seller) on/before 85 days of B/L date of the first shipment.The Seller return the L/G in price of 3,000,000.00 US Dollars to the Buyer after receive the money of 6,100,000.00 US Dollars and make the second shipment within 30 days.The Buyer should pay the rest amount of the total Price specified in this Contract by T/T on/before 85 days of B/L date of the second shipment.…”,

77.In the light of Bill of Lading,the date of the first shipment duly arranged by Respondent is 7th August 2014.Claimant should make the first payment of USD 6,100,000. 00 by Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) within 85 days after the B/L date,which means the deadline of payment for the first shipment shall be 31st October 2014.


78.However,Claimant refused to make payment after Respondent has duly fulfilled its obligation to ship the first lot.Moreover,Respondents proposal to meet and discuss on this matter were alsorejected by Claimant.During this period of time,Respondent has been actively involved in preparing the products for the upcoming shipment,but Claimants intentional default in payment has left Respondent in extreme uncertainty. Considering the sharp fall of steel price since the Contract was signed, there was a huge doubt whether Claimant would keep the performance of the Contract.

79.After repeated requests of Respondent,Claimant finally paid the amount of USD 5, 700,000 on the 10th November 2014.According to Article 3.1 of the Contract,the first payment amount should be USD 6,100,000. 00 and the first shipment s actual price was USD 7,500,000. Not only such payment was later than the contractual deadline,the amount was also incomplete. Such delayed and incomplete payment by Claimant should be considered as substantive breach of contract.

80.On the 12th January 2015,Respondent recovered the unpaid price of the first shipment in amount of USD 1,600,000 through Letter of Guarantee. The Letters of Guarantee were only a safeguard to ensure that Claimant would fulfill its obligation, but not the way of making payment.Instead,as clearly demonstrated in the Contract provision mentioned above,the payment shall be made through T/T. It means that even Respondent recovered its financial losses later by the redemption of Letters of Guarantee,it shall be only considered as an act of self-remedy and protecting its justified rights.Consequently,such self-remedy cannot change the fact that Claimant has not fulfilled its obligation to make full payment on time.

81.In addition,under the Article 53 of CISG which is applicable to the Contract,it is the buyers obligation to pay the price of the Contract:


Article 53

The buyer must pay the price for the goods and take delivery of them as required by the contract and this Convention.”

82.Such reasoning is also confirmed under CIF(Incoterms 2000):“B1 Payment of the price The buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale.”

82.Therefore,by not making the payment for the full price of the Contract,Claimant constituted a fundamental and substantial breach of Article 3. 1 of the Contract and violated Article 53 of CISG for late and incomplete payment of the Contract price.


84.Pursuant to Article 1.1 of the Contract:“1.1…and the Buyer,with full power agrees to buy the pipes and fittings and accessories manufactured/supplied by the Seller.”

As the Contract was signed on 29th May 2014,it means that the two Parties mutually agreed to implement the Contract for the sales of pipes and corresponding fittings.Claimant,as the Buyer,shall have the obligation to purchase allordered products from Respondent,the Seller.

85.However,in order to avoid its obligation to make the payment for the ordered products considering that the steel price greatly dropped after the Contract signing date,Claimant ceased to perform the Contract and made absurd claims against Respondent.On 20th October 2014,Claimant sent an email to Respondent and clearly expressed that it would not purchase the rest of the Goods from Respondent.This email proves that Claimant had already given up the execution of the Contract. Then, Claimant turned to purchase the pipes from the third party manufacturers tocontinue the construction of its water distribution line project. From the pictures taken in the construction site,Claimant has already completed half of the whole project by using part of Respondents manufactured pipes and pipes purchased from an unknown third party.Under this circumstance,Respondent believes that Claimant has no intention to,and in fact cannot,continue implementing the Contract because the project has already been paved with pipes from other manufacturers.The refore,by unilateral termination of the Contract and purchasing the ordered products from an unknown third party,Claimantbreached Article 1.1 for giving up the execution of the Contract,and caused huge financial losses to Respondent including the production costs for rest of the pipes and etc.



86.According to Article 60 of CISG:


Section II.Taking delivery Article 60

The buyers obligation to take delivery consists:

(a)in doing all the acts which could reasonably be expected of him in order to enable the seller to make delivery;(…)”

Under the CISG,one of the buyers most important obligations is to enable the seller to make delivery. However,Claimant failed to fulfill such obligation.


87.Under CISG Article 60-(a),it is reasonable for Respondent to expect notice from Claimant about potential difficulties and restriction on the delivery that Claimant could or should foresee. As a Swiss company undertaking international trading,Claimant should have knowledge of restrictions at destination port in Switzerland.However,during the long period of three months since the Contract was signed, Claimant never notified Respondent about such restriction. In fact,when the quantity of shipment exceeds the limitation at destination port in Claimants country,the ship will not be allowed to enter the port. Thus,Respondent was entitled to be notified with such restrictions.

88.In conclusion,Claimant breached Article 60-(a) of CISG by failure to take necessary acts in order to enable Respondent to make delivery.



89.Penalty fee for nonfulfilment of the contractual obligations is stipulated according to Article10.7 of the Contract as following:

“10.7 After signing of this Contract by the Parties, in case the Buyer or Seller one of the party do not fulfilled the agreed Contract conditions and or give up the execution of this Contract or withholds this Contract without providing the international acceptable reasons for his refusal,he is obliged to pay the penalty fee with an amount equal the 10% (ten percent) of the total Contract value within 20 days after receiving the notification from the other party.”

In this case,Claimant,as the Buyer,substantially breached the Contract by not opening adequate Letters of Guarantee within the stipulated time limit and unilaterally ceased executing the Contract by purchasing the products from an unknown third party,Claimant shall be liable for the breaches and pay penalty fee to the Seller,Respondent.


90.On 15th October 2014,Respondent sent a notification to Claimant stated that Claimant shall be liable for its breach of Contract and the Contract could not be executed further due to Claimants breach. Therefore,Claimant should pay 10% of the total Contract value as the penalty fee to Respondent within 20 days after the date issuing notification.The latest date for Claimant to pay penalty fee in this case shall be 4th November 2014.According to Article 2.1 of the Contract,“the total amount of the Contract is USD12,100,000.00”.Thus,Claimant shall pay penalty fee to Respondent due to its breach of Contract,specifically as following:

Total Contract Value

Penalty Fee Rate

Total Penalty Fee

USD12,100,000. 00


USD1,210,000. 00


91.As mentioned above,the latest date for Claimant to pay penalty fee shall be 4th November 2014.However,Claimant has no intention to pay the penalty fee and in fact failed to make the payment.Thus,interest for the late payment of penalty fee shall be charged on Claimant since the date of 4th November 2014.

92.According to Article 78 of CISG, “If a party fails to pay the price or any other sum that is in arrears,the other party is entitled to interest on it,without prejudice to any claim for damages recoverable under article 74.”Although this provision explicitly demonstrates Claimants liability to pay the interest for breach of Contract,the applicable interest rate is no stipulated under this provision.Thus,the CISG Advisory Council Opinion shall be considered in the determination of the interest rate,as following:

“8.The rate of interest may be determined by the agreement of the parties.

9.In the absence of such agreement,the applicable rate of interest is the rate which the court at the creditors place of business would grant in a similar contract of sale not governed by the CISG.”

Therefore,the Interest Rate for Loan regulated by the Peoples Bank of China shall be applied in this case,specifically as following:



93.Respondent had the Goods ready for the first shipment long before Claimant opened the full amount Letter of Guarantee. Due to the late performance of contractual obligations by Claimant, the first shipment was not able to departure as the original plan. Respondent suffered significant losses arising from dead freight for the Goods of the first shipment in the total amount of USD.

Dead freight for the first shipment

Booked freight(B)

Actual shipment(A)


Dead Freight = (B- A) ✖️r




94.Respondent,acting in good faith,had already arranged for production of the second shipment as required by the Contract. Claimant has given up executing the Contract and purchased the rest of the products from an unknown third party,causing significant damages to Respondent.Respondent shall be entitled to compensation for the costs of production for the second shipment in total amount of USD.

Production costs of second shipment





95.Respondent had transportedGoods for the second shipment to the departure port as scheduled. Since Claimant suddenly decided not to buy the rest products from Respondent,such transportation costs for second shipment shall be compensated by Claimant in total amount of USD .




1. Penalty fee:10% of   the total Contract price

2. Interest on penalty   fee from 4th   November 2014

3. First shipment:dead   freight

4. Second   shipment:production costs

5. Second   shipment:transportation costs



94.Respondent respectfully requests the Tribunal to issue an award:

(a)declaring that Claimantsubstantively breached the Contract;

(b)declaring that the Contract is terminated and relieving Respondent from its contractual obligations;

(c)ordering Claimant to pay Respondents damages and losses,plus the interest on delayed payment of penalty fee,currently estimated to be USD;

(d)ordering Claimant to pay all costs arising out of this arbitration,including Respondents counsels fees and expenses;

(e)ordering Claimant to pay post-award interest in case of refusal toexecute the award at a rate to be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal.






然而,第一回合中,仍有不少地方能够体现双方策略:比如,根据申请人在仲裁申请书中罗列出的基本观点,以及被申请人在答辩书中的逻辑,双方的大致战略布 局已经明确。此外,被申请人提交了反请求这一事实,日后也可能被申请人拿来说事。当然,这种策略是否高明,另当别论。


1.国际商会ICC 2012仲裁规则第5-1条。关于这一规定,2017新规则中并无本质修改。

2.国际商会ICC 2012仲裁规则第5-5条。




制定“审理范围书(Terms of Reference)”可谓国际商会ICC的特色之一。在国际商会、贸仲委、香港国际仲裁中心、新仲四大仲裁机构中,只有国际商会规定,仲裁庭必须准备这份文件。[1]





























如果当事人双方同意授权仲裁庭充当友好调解人(amiable compositor[2]), 或有权以公平合理原则(ex aequo et bono[3]) 作出裁决,则须在审理范围中明确记录。

值得注意的是,2017新规则中,为了确保仲裁庭更高效的工作,制订审理范围书的时间,从两个月缩短至一个月;在快速裁决程序(Expedited Procedure)中,仲裁庭甚至无须制订审理范围书。此举不失为针对“官僚主义”观点的有力回应。











2.Amiable compositor,“友好调解人”,系国际法中的概念,一般指由独立第三方进行调解,向发生争议的各方提出调停方案,由争议各方选择是否接受。

3.Ex aequo et bono,“公平合理原则”,亦作“公允及善良原则”。一旦被授权从公平与争议的角度作出决定,国际法中则不再受严格的法律规则约束、应遵循衡平原则。由于如此裁决,赋予国际法庭极大的自由裁量权,甚至可以突破法律规则,因此需要各方当事人明示同意。





“刚参加工作不久,我有幸参加了涉及国内当事方的第一起国际仲裁案件。(……)当时看到‘审理范围书,terms of reference,几个英文单词分开都认识,可合在一起是什么意思呢?[1]









A.The Claimant

B.The Respondent






A.Summary of the Claimant s Position and Relief Sought

1.Summary of the Claimant s Position

2.The Claimant s Request for Relief

B.Summary of the Respondent s Position and Relief Sought

1.Summary of the Respondent s Position

2.The Respondent s Request for Relief














虽然国际商会仲裁规则中并未作出规定,但实践中,仲裁庭一般会制作一部“程序令”( Procedural Order),针对仲裁进行中的程序事项进行定义和规范。







Procedural Order(Example)

Following consultations with the Parties and the Case Management Conference held on,during which the Arbitral Tribunal(hereinafter referred to as the “Tribunal”) heard both Parties on their respective positions,the Arbitral Tribunal issues the following Procedural Order.

In this Procedural Order,“Party” may also refer to Claimant or Respondent,as the case may be.Claimant and Respondent are jointly referred to as “Parties”.

1.Decisions of the Tribunal

1.1.The Sole Arbitrator is authorized to issue Procedural Orders in order to address procedural matters in the course of the arbitration proceedings. He may sign these Procedural Orders electronically.

1.2.The Tribunal’s rulings on procedural matters may be communicated to the Parties in the form of letters or emails.

2.Submissions on the Merits

2.1.The Parties shall file comprehensive submissions on the merits(i)a Statement of Claim,(ii)a Statement of Defense to Claimant’s Claim and Statement of Counterclaim,if any,(iii)a Reply and Statement of Defense to Respondent’s Counterclaim if any,(iv) a Rejoinder and Reply on Counterclaim if any,and(v) a Rejoinder on Respondent’s Counterclaim if any. The Statement of Claim the Statement of Counterclaim if any the Statement of Defense and the Statement of Defense to Respondent s Counterclaim if any shall set out full state ments of the case including a statement of the relief sought a full presentation of the factual and contractual and/or legal basis for each claim counterclaim and defense as well as the evidence relied upon in accordance with the rules set out in the present Procedural Order and/or subsequently decided by the Tribunal.

2.2.The Parties shall endeavor to produce all documents on which they rely during the first round of exchanges on Claimant’s Claim and Respondent’s Counter claim if any.

2.3.In their replies and rejoinders,subject to documents obtained in the course of the document production phase if any the Parties shall include only additional witness statements expert reports documents or other evidence that respond to or rebut matters raised by the opposing Party s prior submission.

2.4. Each submission will have the following format:

-titles and subtitles shall be inserted whenever appropriate

-pages shall be numbered

-paragraphs shall be numbered in the left hand side margin in a sequential and uninterrupted manner throughout the brief.

2.5.Each Party shall attach the documentary evidence in support of the allegations set forth in each submission by way of exhibits.

2.6.Any time a reference to evidence is made in a submission the Parties shall clearly identify the corresponding exhibit/legal authority/witness statement/expert report. If a piece of evidence consists of more than one page the Parties must refer to the specific page or pages on which they rely.

2.7.Each Party shall include copies of all witness statement(s) and/or expert report (s) with the submission in which those witness statement(s) and/or expert report ( s) are relied upon.

3.Procedural Timetable and compliance with time limits

3.1.Submissions shall be filed in accordance with the Procedural Timetable agreed by the Parties or decided by the Tribunal.The Parties shall abide by the time limits fixed by the Tribunal.The Tribunal is authorized to disregard any submission.

filed in an untimely manner by either Party unless the variation is motivated by exceptional circumstances and agreed by the Tribunal or otherwise agreed between the Parties.

3.2.A time limit shall be deemed observed if the written submission accompanied by exhibits legal authorities witness statements and expert reports in soft copy or the corresponding communication reaches the Tribunal before midnight CET.

3,3.All requests for extension of a time limit if any shall be filed as reasonably in advance of the expiry of such time limit as possible under the circumstances and shall contain the reasons or circumstances relied upon. The Parties may also decide between themselves to accept short extensions of time on the basis of mutual courtesy as long as these extensions do not materially affect the timetable and that the Tribunal is informed of such extensions.

3.4.Time limits,except for hearing dates may be adjusted by the Sole Arbitrator at his discretion.

3.5.All communications and submissions between the Tribunal and the Parties shall be validly made by email,using the email addresses set out in the Terms of Reference.All documents memorials exhibits witness statements expert reports and translations shall be submitted in their electronic form as text searchable documents OCR PDF when possible. When documents are too large to be attached to a single email a link from which they may be downloaded shall be provided in lieu of separate attachments. Communications that exceed pages and submissions referred to at point above as well as the documents attached thereto should in addition be sent in hard copy in A format. The submit -ting Party shall send the entire submission in hard copy A format via courier to the Tribunal and the opposing Party by the end of the second business day following the day on which a deadline for the submission occurs

4.Documentary Evidence

4.1.Any time a document is referred to in a written submission witness statement or expert report it shall be identified by its exhibit number as well as by sufficient additional information when it is mentioned for the first time.

4.2.Each of the written submissions referred to in at point above shall be accompanied by a cumulative index specifying the nature of each document its date and its author filed by the submitting Party during the proceedings. The cumulative index shall indicate to which written submission each exhibit/witness statement/expert report is attached. The Tribunal may ask the Parties to submit a joint chronological list of the documentary evidence produced during the proceedings in advance of the hearing.

4.3.All documentary evidence submitted to the Tribunal shall be deemed authentic and complete including evidence submitted in the form of copies unless its au thenticity or completeness is challenged. The Tribunal shall decide on any objection to the authenticity or completeness of the exhibits.

4.4.Each piece of documentary evidence produced in the present proceedings shall be stamped with the corresponding exhibit/witness statement/expert report number. As to hard copies each piece of documentary evidence shall have a divider with the exhibit number on the corresponding tab.

4.5.The Parties shall number documentary evidence in a consecutive manner throughout the proceedings.

4.6.In the situation where a Party submits corrections to its pleadings and/or the documents attached thereto witness statements experts reports factual or legal exhibits this Party shall provide hard copies and electronic copies of any document that was amended. The re submitted corrected pleading or document shall supersede the previously submitted one to which no further reference shall be made.

4.7.All evidence written in a language other than English shall be accompanied by translations. Translations of documents may be limited to the relevant extracts including those specific -ally relied upon and/ or those that are relevant to understanding those relied upon . In case of disagreement the Tribunal shall determine the extent of the translation required.In principle all exhibits must be filed within two business days from the electronic filing including translations.

4.8 . Translations do not need to be certified. Should there be a dispute as to the content of a translation the Parties shall work jointly and in good faith reach an agreed wording. Failing agreement the Party or Parties submitting the initial unofficial translation shall pro -vide a certified translation of the relevant parts to be translated.

4.9.Where Parties refer to legal materials legal texts commentaries judgments and awards etc.the corresponding exhibit shall include the first page of the relevant book or journal in which the text appears. The materials exhibited should allow the Tribunal to read and understand any cited passages in their context.

4.10.Neither Party shall be permitted to submit additional nor responsive documents after the filing of its respective last written submission save at the discretion of the Tribunal and upon a motivated written request followed by comments from the other Party. Should a Party request leave to submit additional or responsive documents such Party may not annex the documents that it seeks to introduce to its request.

4.11.The use of demonstrative exhibits such as charts tabulations etc. is allowed at the hearing provided that copies of such demonstrative exhibits are provided at the latest to the opposing Party two working days in advance and to the Tribunal during the hearing and the demonstrative exhibits refer only to evidence already on the record with citations to such evidence and not to new evidence. The Tribunal may allow the inclusion of any or all of such demonstrative exhibits into the record.

5.Production of Documents

5.1.Upon notice by either Party that documents within the possession custody or control of the other Party are relevant to prove a fact in dispute and material to the outcome of the case they shall be produced by the other Party according to the provisions of the present section.

5.2.This section applies only to requests for production of documents made by the Parties. The Tribunal may order the production of documents at any time provided however that reasonable notice is given to the Party requested to produce such documents.

5.3.The requesting Party shall address its request to the other Party with the observance of the time limits set forth in the Procedural Timetable Request for Production of Documents . The Request for Production of Documents shall be presented in the form of a “Redfern Schedule”, a model of which is herein attached as Annex.The Parties shall not address copies of their Requests for Production of Documents to the Tribunal.

5.4.A request for Production of Documents shall contain the following:

a.a description of the document the production of which is requested sufficient to identify such document or the description in sufficient detail including the subject matter of a narrow and specific category of documents;

b.a brief explanation of the reasons why such documents are relevant to the outcome of the case;

c.a statement whereby the documents are not in the possession custody or control of the requesting Party and the reasons why such Party assumes that such documents are in the possession or custody or under the control of the other Party.

5.5.The Party to whom the Request for Production of Documents is addressed shall produce the requested documents to the extent it has no objection. In case of objections the requested Party shall file an Answer to the opposite Party s Request for Production of Documents by filling in the “Redfern Schedule” pursuant to the Procedural Timetable.

5.6.In case of objections the requesting Party will have the possibility pursuant to the Procedural Timetable to comment on the other Party’s objections in the “Redfern Schedule”and to submit this “Redfern Schedule” to the Tribunal seeking an order for the production of the relevant documents (“Application for Production of Documents”.)

5.7. The Tribunal shall rule as soon as feasible on the Applications for Production of Documents taking into account but not being bound by the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (2010 version).

5.8.Before making its decision the Tribunal may decide to hear oral submissions by telephone conference.

5.9.When the relevance of a document can be determined only upon a perusal of the document itself the Tribunal may order the production of this document to the Sole Arbitrator only in order for him to decide on the production to the requesting Party.

5.10.Documents produced pursuant to a Request and/or Application for Production of Documents shall not be considered on record unless and until the requesting Party submits them to the Tribunal as regular exhibits complying with the presentation and indexing requirements set forth in section above.

5.11.If a Party fails without satisfactory explanation to comply with an order for production of documents issued by the Tribunal the Tribunal may infer that such evidence would be adverse to the interests of that Party.

5.12.Further requests for the production of documents,if any,shall be permitted only at the discretion of the Tribunal. The request must be substantiated with reasons.If leave is granted,the procedure detailed above will be applicablemutatis mutandis.

6.Witness Evidence


6.1.If a Party wishes to adduce witness evidence, witness statements shall be provided with and cited in that Party’s submissions filed in accordance with the Procedural Timetable.

6.2.Any person may present evidence as witness including a Party’s officer employee or other representative.

6.3.This section 6 applies only to witnesses called by either Party, the Tribunal may order the appearance of any witness who has produced a witness statement at anytime, subject to reasonable notice.

6.4.It shall not be improper for a Party,its officers,employees, legal advisors,or other representatives to meet and interview its witnesses or potential witnesses, to establish facts,prepare the witness(es) for examination provided however that the effect of such interviews is not the exercise of undue influence on the prospective witness.

Witness Statements

6.5.As provided for in above section6.1 each Party shall file written witness statements for all witnesses presented by that Party.

6.6.Each witness statement shall contain:

a)the name and address(whether private or professional)of the witness;

b)indications as to the relationship(past and current o)f the witness or expert with any of the Parties or Counsel (in particular whether the witness is or was an employee or other representative of a Party or a counsel/consultant to such Party);

c)description of the background qualifications training professional experience and present position of the witness curriculum vitae with a photograph provided that such description is relevant to the dispute or to the con-tents of the statement;

d)indications as to whether the witness is regarded as a witness of fact or an ex-pert witness by the Party calling such witness;

e)a full description of the facts and the source of the information provided by the witness in relation to those facts sufficient to serve as that witness s evidence in the matter in dispute a full description for the purposes of this provision means that the witness statement must be sufficiently detailed so as to stand in lieu of examination in chief of the witness in question;

f)the signature of the witness as well as the date and place of signature;

g)the indication of the translator’s name and address ,if applicable (and only in cases,where the witness statement in its original language has not been submitted into the record);

h)a statement by the witness that he/she believes that the matters stated are true.

6.7.Each witness statement shall comply with the following requirements

a)it shall be as concise as the circumstances of the dispute allow without omitting any significant matters;

b)it shall not contain lengthy quotations from documents;

c)it shall not engage in any legal argument except if the witness is a legal expert;

d)it shall indicate which of the statements made in it are made from the witness’s own knowledge and which are made on the basis of information or belief giving the source of this information or belief;

e)it shall use the witness’s own words as its function is to set out in writing the evidence in chief of the witness.

6.8.Witness statements may be drafted in a language other than English provided however that such other language is the witness mother tongue. In such a case the witness statement shall be filed together with a translation into English. Such translation shall be filed within working days/a week from the submission by email of the corresponding memorial.

6.9.The Parties may not annex documents that are not otherwise on record to witness statements of factual witnesses. If necessary documents that are part of the record and which have been filed in accordance with section above may be referred to in the witness statement.

6.10.The experts appointed by the Parties may to the extent necessary annex documents to their reports. Such evidence should be limited to the documents used by the expert to reach its conclusion s and/or demonstrative documents that illustrate its report.

Witness Oral Testimony

6.11.Each Party may call witnesses for cross-examination at the hearing. The Tribunal may also call, upon the motivated request of either Party or on its own motion a witness whose witness statement has been filed in the proceedings but who is not called for cross-examination. The Tribunal may under exceptional circumstances call witnesses who have not submitted witness statements during the proceedings.

6.12.Counsel shall be in charge of ensuring that the witnesses whose evidence has been adduced by that Counsel are present at the time and place indicated by the Tribunal for their examination.

6.13.If a witness fails to appear at the hearing the witness statement filed on behalf of such witness may be disregarded unless a Party expressly waives its right to cross examine the witness or in exceptional circumstances if the Tribunal has decided otherwise after having heard the Parties.

6.14.If a witness is unable to attend the hearing the Tribunal may exceptionally and in its discretion decide that such witness is to be examined by video conference or reschedule the examination of such witness to a later date upon receipt of a short statement setting out the reasons why the witness is unavailable to appear in person. The logistics and procedure for the examination by video conference shall be decided by the Tribunal after consultation with the Parties.

6.15.Each witness shall be invited to confirm the content of his or her witness statement at the hearing,to make corrections thereto(if any),and briefly to explain important aspects of his or her testimony or to comment on the other Partys Submissions and supporting evidence to the extent relevant to his or her testimony.

6.16.Witnesses shall in principle be examined separately, in the order determined by the Tribunal upon a proposal which the Parties are encouraged to submit jointly to the Tribunal. However,the Tribunal may decide to hear two or more witnesses together,upon a request made by either Party or on its own motion and after consultation with the Parties.

6.17.Witnesses who are Party representatives shall in principle be examined first in particular if they wish to remain in the hearing room following their examination.

6.18.A Party whose witness or expert intends to present oral evidence in a language other than English and therefore requires interpretation shall procure an independent professional interpreter to be approved by the Tribunal (bearing in mind that the interpretation shall be simultaneous), The interpreter’ scurriculum vitae and declaration of independence shall be submitted to the Tribunal two weeks before the hearing at the latest.

6.19.Each Party shall advance the costs related to the evidence of its own witnesses without prejudice to the decision of the Tribunal as to which Party shall ultimately bear those costs.

7.Expert Witnesses

7.1.Each Party shall have the opportunity to file reports or statements by expert witnesses. The provisions applicable to Witness Evidence shall apply to expert evidence in particular above section .

7.2.The expert will indicate the documents that he or she relies on.

7.3.The expert shall be impartial and independent from the Parties,their Counsel and all the participants to the Arbitration proceedings (Arbitrator, Experts, Witnesses,etc.) and shall provide a statement of independence and impartiality in this regard.

7.4.If the Tribunal is of the opinion that a tribunal appointed expert is required such matter shall first be raised with the Parties. If the Tribunal decides to appoint an expert after hearing the Parties,a Procedural Order relating to the determination sought from the expert shall be submitted to the Parties in draft prior to the appointment of the expert.

7.5.If either Party seeks the appointment of a tribunal-appointed expert,a motivated request shall be addressed to the Tribunal,setting forth the issues to be determined by the tribunal-appointed expert.


8.1.The hearing shall be preceded by a telephone conference among the Parties and the Tribunal during which the conduct of the hearing shall be discussed.

8.2.The venue for the hearing and the hearing duration shall be agreed among the Parties. In case of disagreement the Tribunal shall decide on these issues during or after the pre hearing telephone conference. The costs related to the reservation of the hearing room shall be settled in equal shares by each Party to be apportioned later with the decision of the Tribunal as to which Party shall ultimately bear those costs with the costs of the arbitration.

8.3.Each Party shall provide the Tribunal with a complete attendance list containing the names of the persons attending the hearing on its behalf in addition to the witnesses names and positions. Such list shall be sent to the Tribunal and to the other Party in accordance with the Procedural Timetable.

8.4.The hearing shall in principle proceed as follows:

a)Discussion between the Tribunal and Counsel on procedural matters or other issues which need to be dealt with from the outset,if any;

b)Opening statements by the Parties;

c)Examination of Claimant’s witnesses;

d)Examination of Respondent s witnesses;

e)Examination of both Parties experts,if any;

f)The allocation of time shall be decided by the Tribunal,after consultation withthe Parties during the pre-hearing telephone conference.

8.5.The procedure for the examination of witnesses shall in principle be the following:

a)Each witness may be examined by Counsel acting for the Party which presented such witness, (examination in chief). This examination in chief should be brief not more than twenty minutes .

b)Each witness shall then be examined by Counsel acting for the Party which did not present such witness cross examination .The cross examination shall be limited to issues arising from the witness statement’s the examination in chief all documents on record as well as oral evidence of the witnesses of the other Party

c)Counsel acting for the Party which presents such witness shall then have the opportunity to briefly re-examine the witness(“re-direct”). The re-direct shall be limited to matters arising from the cross-examination;

d)The Tribunal shall have the right to ask questions at any time;

e)The Tribunal shall at all times have complete control over the procedure in relation to a witness giving oral evidence,including the right to limit or deny,on its own motion or at the request of either Party,the right of a Party to cross-examine or re examine a witness,if it appears that such examination or evidence is unlikely to serve any further relevant purpose

8.6.The hearing shall be transcribed by court reporters,chosen by the Parties,or appointed by the Tribunal in case of divergence.The verbatim transcripts shall be available in real time using LiveNote or similar software and electronic transcripts shall be provided to the parties and the Tribunal on a same-day basis. The court reporters invoices shall be settled in equal shares by each Party to be apportioned later with the decision of the Tribunal as to which Party shall ultimately bear those costs with the costs of the arbitration.

9.Final Steps

9.1.The Tribunal shall decide after the exchange of written submissions and after consultation with the Parties:

—whether any closing arguments will be made at the end of the Hearing;

—whether a Final Hearing is necessary.

9.2.At the end or after the Hearing,and after consultation with the Parties

,the Tribunal shall decide whether Post Hearing Briefs will be filed and in the affirmative which requirements they should comply with.

9.3.Indications and evidence as to the costs incurred by either Party in this arbitration shall be filed simultaneously within a time limit to be set by the Tribunal at the end of the hearing. With respect to determination of the arbitration costs the Tribunal shall take into account amongst other matters any unjustified failure to comply with the procedural rules and the Parties conduct throughout the proceedings.

9.4.The Tribunal will declare the closing of the arbitral proceedings. Thereafter no further submissions or arguments may be made or evidence produced unless so requested or authorized by the Tribunal.


The Tribunal is authorized to set and vary procedural rules including but not limited to this Procedural Order No.1.The Tribunal may set cut off dates and take other procedural measures in order to ensure the efficiency of the proceedings.

Place of Arbitration:






国际商会仲裁规则第24条规定[1],仲裁庭需要在完成审理范围书之时或之后不久,拟定“程序时间表”(Procedural Timetable)。明确的时间约束,一方面可以提高程序效率,另一方面,也为双方当事人主张程序权利提供了可靠的保障。

实践中,仲裁庭会拟定暂行时间表,在下一节介绍的“案件管理会议”(Case Management Conference)中,要求双方当事人针对程序时间发表意见;综合考量当事人的偏好、诉求性质\预期的证据等等因素之后,确定最终的程序时间表。











仲裁庭的组建是在申请人递交仲裁申请,被申请人提交书面答复( 及反请求),申请人针对反请求进行书面回复之后,因此,程序时间表当然是从书面请求陈述阶段开始规定




反请求陈述同样需要与书面答辩陈述一并提交仲裁庭 时间一般与提交书面请求陈述相同




















双方当事人; 仲裁庭




双方当事人; 仲裁庭

开庭日期一般由仲裁庭提议经当事人双方协商无异议后确定 仲裁庭一般会预留出一周时间




庭后简报中,当事人可针对事实及法律上的观点进行精简总结 庭后简报有利于仲裁庭迅速把握各方观点拟定裁决书




在申请书/ 答辩书中,一方当事人可以申请,仲裁费用由仲裁中承担不利后果的一方当事人承担




如前所述,案件管理会议是双方当事人首次交锋后、仲裁庭组建之初举行的会议。它是国际商会ICC仲裁规则 2012年修订的直接成果,要求仲裁庭召开案件管理会议,明确被授权,方得以有效进行仲裁[1]



本案中,申请方律师、被申请方律师、仲裁员分别位于三个不同国家、横跨亚欧两大洲。被申请方律师因此提出申请,希望通过Skype的方式举行网络视频会议, 节省资源。申请方律师和仲裁员一致同意,会议如期举行。其时,除了少许网络卡顿,一切事项推进颇为顺利。对此,仲裁员还特地点评:“这是我们第一次通过Skype举行案件管理会议,也算新鲜。”这在极大程度上体现了国际商事仲裁中双方当事人的主导地位:如何省时省力、如何节约资源,一经各方同意,便可如此推进程序。












国际仲裁秉承的精神,是机构干预为辅,以当事人双方为主导。因此,每当一方提交书面文件,另一方即有机会作出回复。这同样是仲裁当事人发表意见权(right to be heard) 的重要程序保障。被申请人提交的反请求也不例外,申请人须在其收到秘书处发送的反请求之日起三十天内提交书面答复。[2]

这三十日的期限,可以由秘书处适当延长,但仅限于秘书处将案卷移交仲裁庭之前—逻辑上看,当案件已经交由仲裁庭,则应由仲裁庭根据仲裁时间表(Procedural Timetable)决定是否延长期限。

本案中,申请人针对反请求提交的书面答复结构并不十分清晰。或者这是申请人在为下一阶段的书面请求陈述(Statement of Claim)做准备,本阶段只是初步提出意见而已。这在某种程度上,也体现了国际仲裁的公正性:双方当事人须均获充分权利和条件陈述己方事实诉求。即便某些观点在书面答复中未能体现或完善,申请人仍有机会在书面请求陈述(准备这份文件的时间更加充分)中详述;否则将有损于仲裁裁决的权威性,并危及到仲裁裁决未来的承认与执行。

1.国际商会ICC 2012仲裁规则第5-5条。




1.This Reply to Respondent’s Counterclaims (“Reply”) is filed by COMPANY B(“Claimant”) in response to the counterclaims filed by COMPANY A (“Respondent”) dated 25 January 2016,but received by Claimant on 3 February 2016 along with its exhibits.

[1段]申请方律师一上来就强调: 虽然被申请人将反请求日期标为2016年1月25日,但申请人在2016年2月3日才收到反请求及附件。无可厚非,这是一种陈述技巧,对于计算申请人提交书面答复的期限至关重要。然而,一开始就如此强调,一定几率下也会增加仲裁员对申请人的反感。

2.Respondents feeble attempt to suggest that modifications to steel prices explain why Claimant was forced to terminate the Contract of Sales betweenCompany A and Company B dated 29 May 2014( the “Contract”) do not withstand the slightest scrutiny. As the evidence shows,the pipes delivered by Respondent were (1)defective,(2) delivered late for a time-sensitive project, (3) inadequately packed for transportation and therefore broken upon arrival via shipping,(4) broken by Respondent when improperly transporting them on land and de-nesting them and(5) lacked fittings for many of the pipes,rendering them unusable. Respondent also refused to cure its fundamental breach of contract,despite its many false promises to do so. Even today, Claimant is incurring additional losses with respect to the portion of Respondent’s pipes that it was able to use,since many of the pipes with no visible imperfections are in fact defective and must now be replaced by Claimant. The reason why Claimant lawfully avoided the Contract is therefore obvious:Respondent was in fundamental breach of its obligations under the Contract.

[2段]申请方律师紧接着否认钢价下跌促使申请人违约的事实,但并未详细陈述为何这一事实“经不起推敲”、而是将焦点再次转移到货物质量问题上来。值得注意的是,申请方律师提出,货物在多个方面均不符合合同约定,最后一项“(5) 被申请人所发货物缺乏配件、导致货物无法使用”。如前所述,申请人实际上已经取走了大部分管件、及时开工。这一点需要再次驳斥。同时,书面答复中已经出现了申请人掌握一部分关于“隐蔽瑕疵”证据的端倪:申请人提到了“货物具有肉眼不可见的瑕疵”。书面答复中虽然没有证据附件, 但这预示着书面请求陈述中, 一定会有大量篇幅论证货物具有隐蔽瑕疵、针对货物质量进行抨击。{详见书面请求陈述评析、书面答辩陈述评析}

3.Claimant is entitled to damages for Respondent’s breaches, which caused it considerable harm. Respondent is not entitled to any compensation, since Claimant did not breach the Contract and Respondent,in any event,suffered no loss.

4.The fact that Respondent has even brought counterclaims merely shows its bad faith. Indeed,Respondent admitted its liability on numerous occasions prior to the current arbitration, with respect to the broken pipes,the late delivery of the products,and its failure to provide fittings that would make the pipes useable.


5.Respondent conceded that the pipes were broken and unusable on numerous occasions and offered to replace them,although it never did so. On 17 October 2014,Mrs. S,for instance,requested Mr.M to “supply the list of broken pipes immediately such as quantities and sizes so that [Respondent] can arrange production of them and make them shipped together with the second shipment.” Mrs.S also confirmed that pipes were broken and not reparable,as shown by his request to Mr. M to “please send [him] list but not includes in reparable ones.” Further to Claimant sending the list of broken pipes requested by Respondent,Respondent accepted its liability and promised to compensate Claimant in a communication dated 20 October 2014 whereby Mrs. S stated that Respondent “need to ask our agent in Switzerland to confirm together with you and then arrange the compensation. Please understand that our company only

can promise to compensate broken pipes at most but not all damaged pipes because actually some of them were damaged during unloading”,thats not our responsibility. “On 24 October 2014,Respondent also accepted to “contact with insurance company [to] talk about the broken pipes” and requested Mr. M to provide him with the photographs and videos of the defective pipes. Despite its promises, however, Respondent never cured its breach.






6.Respondent also admitted liability for the delays incurred with respect to the shipment of the products. It in fact offered to compensate Claimant on 27 October 2014 in a communication whereby Mrs. S stated to Mr. M that “considering that we shall take some responsibility of delay and to express our sincerity of cooperation,we agree to bear USD 50,000...” Again,however,Respondent’s promises were empty and it never cured its breach.


7.Respondent also conceded that it did not supply the fittings that were required to use pipes of a certain diameter,in violation of the Parties Contract. On 17 October 2014,Mrs.S asked Mr.M “when you need the fittings delivered?”,acknowledging that they were not in fact delivered. Despite Claimants constant reminders of the urgency to send the fittings,Respondent had still not shipped them on 27 October 2014,as shown by Mrs. Ss false promise that “[the fittings are] expected to be loaded soon and they are going to arrive in Port I within 40 days after being shipped.” On 31 October 2014, Respondent had still not yet shipped the fittings as Mr. N confirmed once again to Mr. M that “we will ready sent the size 700 fittings to you from China to Port I.” Even today,however,well over one year later,the fittings have not been received.


8.In short,Respondents breaches of the Parties Contract are perfectly clear. By contrast,none of Respondent’s counterclaims withstand the slightest scrutiny.

9.Claimant shall respond to each of Respondents counterclaims in the order that they appear in its memorial,after briefly addressing the law applicable to the Contract.


10.While Claimant disagrees with Respondents analysis of the applicable law,it takes heed that Respondent is in agreement that the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(“CISG”) is applicable to the Parties dispute. Both Parties are therefore in agreement with respect to the applicability of the CISG.




A.Respondent’s Claim Concerning the Second Letter of Guarantee Is Without Merit

11.Respondent concedes that Claimant personally delivered the first letter of guarantee to Respondent on 30 May 2014,which allowed Respondent to “immediately start the production of the deliverables.”In its counterclaims,Respondent also concedes that Claimant opened the full amount of all Letters of Guarantee to Respondent.





12.Respondent’s allegations are therefore limited to a claim there was a slight delay in opening the Second Letter of Guarantee, although this Second Letter of Guarantee was in fact opened.

13.Claimant opened a letter of guarantee equivalent to USD3,000,000 from Bank H one(1 ) day after the Sales Contract was signed on 29 may 2014. This letter of guarantee was clearly a “workable L/G and acceptable “as provided for in Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of the Contract. The fact that the First Letter of Guarantee respected the provision of Article 4.3 is that when Respondent received the First Letter of Guarantee,Respondent “immediately started the production” of the pipes according to Article 3.1.

14.The date “the letter of guarantee”(in the singular) was received,on 29 May 2014,was also the date that triggered the 45-day period by which shipping was required to occur for the time-sensitive deliverables under Article 4.3,i.e.,by 14 July 2014.

15.The Second Letter of Guarantee fell comfortably within the time period foreseen by the Parties for shipment, and by Respondent’s own account the Second Letter of Guarantee was received on 2 July 2014,nearly two weeks prior to the date when the first shipment should have taken place.

16.Respondent’s argument that the delayed opening of the Second Letter of Guarantee somehow caused it harm is necessarily based on false representations by Respondent. On the one hand, Respondent claims that it had “the Goods ready for the first shipment long before Claimant opened the full-amount Letter of Guarantee. “On the other hand, Respondent claims that due to the fact that the Second Letter of Guarantee was opened on 2 July 2014, Respondent allegedly paid “dead freight” for the first shipment, which by definition means that Respondent had booked space on a ship but not used it.

17.Why would Respondent fail to load space it had booked on a carrier, when it had already produced the deliverables, had already received all letters of guarantee,and there were two weeks to load the deliverables on the vessel? The logical answer is that Respondent had not, in fact, booked any ship to transport the deliverables,which it is simply making up in order to invent a damages claim.


18.In addition to there being no causal link between the delay in opening the Second Letter of Guarantee and any harm to Respondent, Claimant was entitled to delay the opening of the Second Letter of Guarantee due to the appearance(ultimately proved to be correct) that Respondent would not perform a substantial part of its obligations to the Contract. Respondent in any event accepted this slight delay by beginning the production of the deliverables, rather than waiting until the Second Letter of Guarantee had been opened,as it would have done if its interpretation of the Contract was that all letters of guarantee were required to first be opened prior to the commencement of performance, rather than merely an acceptable letter of guarantee.





19.In conclusion,the slight delay with respect to opening the Second Letter of Guarantee does not excuse Respondent’s many fundamental breaches of contract,was accepted by Respondent by commencing production,is moot since it was cured,and in any event caused no harm to Respondent.

B.Claimant Paid More Than It Should Have Paid To Respondent

20.Respondent’s second alleged contractual violation is for the delayed payment for the first shipload of deliverables.

21.Once again, Respondent does not claim that it has not been paid in full,only that there was a delay in the payment.

22.As Respondent concedes, Claimant paid USD 5, 700,000 on 10 November 2014. Due to Respondent’s breaches, Respondent in fact expected less than this amount to be paid,as shown by Mrs. Ss question to Mr. M on 29 October 2014 asking “please confirm the amount of first payment on October 31,2014 will be USD 6,000,000 or 5,350,000?” Although Respondent had received payment in full for the usable items received, Respondent then also wrongly used the letter of guarantee to reclaim an additional USD 1,600,000,unjustly enriching itself at the expense of Claimant.

23.Payments of USD 1,600,000 and USD 5,700,000 amount to the value of the goods to be shipped on 7 August 2014 as per Respondents Commercial Invoice, dated 16 July 2014, which provides “Total CIF Amount:7,500,000.”Claimant therefore paid the whole of what was invoiced despite Respondents fundamental breaches of contract.

24.Claimant was not,as a legal matter,required to make full payment,since the goods did not conform with the contract and not all goods were in fact delivered. Article 45 CISG provides that when a seller fails to perform its obligations under the contract or the CISG,the buyer may exercise its rights,inter alia, under Article 50( in the event that the goods do not conform with the contract) and Article 51 ( in the event that the seller delivers only a part of the goods or if only a part of the goods is in conformity with the contract). Since the deliverables did not conform with the contract and not all of the goods were delivered,such as the fittings, Claimant was allowed to reduce the price accordingly and was not even required to make this payment.

[24段]申请方律师这一举措是否明智,有待考量。实际上,货物具有瑕疵、与合同不符, 自始至终都是申请人单方所称; 其论述究竟能否得以被支撑, 恐怕要打上一个大大的问号。

事实上, 本案申请方律师在书面请求陈述中, 确实抛出了多份“专家报告”, 称货物有损坏、有隐蔽瑕疵。{详见书面请求陈述}

25.Rather than showing a breach of contract by Claimant,Respondents claim merely highlights Respondent’s unlawful calling of the letter of guarantee, whereby Respondent unjustly enriched itself at the expense of Claimant.

C.Respondent’s Allegations Concerning Substitute Purchases Are Wrongheaded



26.The next supposed breach on the part of Claimant was to make substitute purchases after it lawfully avoided the Contract.

27.Claimant had every right,and indeed an obligation, to purchase substitute products following Respondent’s fundamental breach of contract.This is not a breach of contract,but a manifestation of Claimants duty to mitigate its losses.

28.In this respect,Claimant notes that it purchased the substitute deliverables from another Chinese supplier, and these pipes were not defective,were delivered in a timely manner,were packaged properly,and were not broken when being delivered on land.If the same had been true with respect to Respondents performance,this arbitration would have been unnecessary.




D.Respondent’s Allegations Concerning Delivery

29.Respondent’s attempt to claim that Claimant halted delivery is ironic considering that Respondent abandoned 60% of the nested pipes on Respondent’s stock field and never delivered them according to the terms of the Contract.

30.It is untrue that Claimant had an obligation to provide more information than it actually provided with respect to Swiss ports,and Respondent does not establish that any contractual violation occurred.

31.In any event,Respondent did not suffer damages from its lack of knowledge concerning shipping to Swiss ports,and this claim merely underscores Respondents lack of preparedness to sell products internationally.


32.Respondent is plainly not entitled to damages,since there has been no breach of contract by Claimant. Even if Claimant had violated the Contract, however, which is clearly incorrect,Respondents damages claims are unsound.

A.A Penalty Fee Is Obviously Not Owed to Respondent

33.Respondent first claims the right to be paid a penalty fee pursuant to the Contract on the basis of Claimant’s lawful termination of the Contract.

34.A penalty fee would only be due if Claimant had wrongly ceased the execution of the contract. This was not the case,and Respondent itself has conceded that Claimant performed all of its obligations until the date when Claimant lawfully avoided the Contract.





35.A party may avoid a contract if the other party has committed a fundamental breach pursuant to CISG arts. 49,72 and 73. The Party who avoids the contract has no further obligation to perform and therefore its non-performance is not a breach,as stipulated in CISG art.81(1):

“Article 81(1) Avoidance of the contract releases both parties from their obligations under it, subject to any damages which may be due.Avoidance does not affect any provision of the contract for the settlement of disputes or any other provision of the contract governing the rights and obligations of the parties consequent upon the avoidance of the contract.”



36.As the Contract was properly avoided subsequent to Respondent’s fundamental breaches of contract,Claimant obviously cannot be held liable for non-execution of the contract afterwards.

37.Article 10.7 also provides that the execution of the contract can be ended for “international [sic] acceptable reason,”and Respondent’s many breaches of contract are acceptable reasons,providing another ‘reason why Respondents argument is invalid.

B.No Interest Is Due

38.No Penalty is due by Claimant which lawfully avoided the contract. A fortiorori,no interest is due on the payment of penalty amounts.

C.Respondent’s Claim of Dead Weight Appears to Be a Misrepresentation

39.Respondent provides no evidence that any amounts were actually paid by it for“dead freight” in relation to the first shipment for which it seeks compensation.

40.In addition,Respondent fails to explain why it failed to load the deliverables in a timely manner if it had really booked a ship,as it had nearly two weeks to do so after the Second Letter of Guarantee had been provided by Claimant.

41.This claim therefore appears to have been invented,and Claimant will comment further subject to Respondent producing evidence supporting it.

D.Respondent Is Not Entitled to Payment for the Second Shipment

42.Respondent also claims damages for the second shipment which never occurred following Claimant’s lawful avoidance of the Contract.

43.Under Article 73 of the CISG,if the failure of one party to perform any of his obligations in respect of any installment constitutes a fundamental breach of contract with respect to that installment,the other party may declare the contract avoided with respect to that installment and both Parties are released from their obligations under the contract subject to damages owed by the Party in violation of the Contract.

44.Claimant did not violate the Parties Contract, and i lawfully avoided it, so Respondent is owed nothing with respect to the second shipment which never occurred.

45.Even if Claimant had somehow breached the contract,however,and Respondent was entitled to damages that were somehow caused by Claimants alleged breaches,Respondent would still not be entitled to claim for production costs for a standard product that could have been resold,assuming that it was even produced,due to its duty to mitigate its loss.

46.Respondent is clearly not entitled to any transportation fees. In addition to it being unclear on what legal basis this claim is asserted,since the Contract was rightfully terminated prior to the second shipment taking place,Respondent has the burden of proving that these costs were actually incurred,which it has not done.

47.In short,Respondent’s damages claims are as frivolous as its claims of contractual violations.


48.As a result,Claimant respectfully requests the Arbitral Tribunal to issue an award:

(i)dismissing Respondents counterclaims;

(ii)ordering Respondent to pay all arbitration costs,including Claimants counsels costs and expenses,with respect to its counterclaims.

49.For the avoidance of doubt,Claimant reserves its right to:

(i)raise any and all further claims arising out of or in connection with the disputed matters described in this Reply to Counterclaims or otherwise arising between the Parties;

(ii)amend and/or supplement the relief sought herein;

(iii)produce such factual or legal arguments or evidence(including witness testimony,expert testimony and documents) as may be necessary to present its case or rebut any case which may be put forward by Respondent;and

(iv)seek interim and provisional measures before an Emergency Arbitrator,the Arbitral Tribunal,or any competent national court.

Respectfully submitted on 2 March 2016,

Counsel for Claimant





有读者会问:在申请人的“书面回复”之后,难道没有被申请人出手的机会吗? 直接进入第二回合,又轮到申请人先“出手”,这难道不公平吗?














关键性证据材料,是指对问题的定性具有实质性证明能力的证据材料。在取证过程中,能否迅速准确地、保质保量地取得关键性证据材料,对于问题的发现及案情的突破有着至关重要的作用。由于本案是一个贸易纠纷,基于一个货物买卖合同,因此首先着手搜集所有跟签订合同和履行合同的所有文件材料。材料显示, 在交付单据给买方时,没有向买方索要收据,因此买方借口称卖方没有交付完整单据。因此要从其他方面进行突破,搜查所有能过证明卖方确实交付了单据的证据材料,包括货运公司记录、保险公司订单记录、发票记录等等,还可以以负面清单的形式,查找所有双方邮件来往,排除没有交单的可能性。



















书面请求陈述(Statement of Claim)是ICC机构仲裁程序之下,双方第二回合的书面交锋。



1) 证人证言;

2) 专家报告;

3) 其他文件材料,如任何与证明案件事实有关的文件;

4) 其他法律文件,如法律权威著作、论文、案例、仲裁裁决等。


需要注意的是,香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)于2013年公布的《机构仲裁规则》,将仲裁申请书称为“Statement of Claim”,实质上对应的是ICC仲裁规则之下的仲裁申请(Request for Arbitration)、亦即仲裁程序启动的文件。不同机构的规则之下,具体文件、程序的英文名称可能不同,实务中需多加小心。



1.This Statement of Claim,together with its factual exhibits(C-4 to C-29) and legal authorities(CL-1 to CL-11),is submitted on behalf of Company B(“Claimant” or “Buyer”),against Company A(“Respondent” or “Seller”).Claimant and Respondent are collectively referred to as the “Parties”.

2.It is submitted in accordance with Arbitral Tribunal’s Procedural Order No.1 of 5 July 2016 and the Procedural Timetable of 18 May 2016.


3.This dispute has arisen due to Respondent’s contractual violations in supplying and delivering pipes to Claimant by cargo between China and the Switzerland.

4.Respondent has refused to cure its breaches of Contact,despite its many false promises to do so.

5.After reviewing the facts of the case(III),Claimant will detail Respondents violations of its contractual obligations and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(“CISG”)(IV),before quantifying the damages that Claimant has suffered to date(V).


6.Claimant obtained a tender from the State of Switzerland for the construction of a water distribution line in the “Project”. For the construction of the Project,Claimant needed a considerable volume of pipes and related goods.

7.On 29 May 2014,Claimant and Respondent entered into a Contract of Sales ( the “Contract” or the “Agreement”) for a total amount of USD 12,100,000.00 for the supply of,inter alia,ductile iron pipes,SBR rubber rings,fittings,accessories,etc. ,to be delivered in two shipments.

8.On 30 May 2014, one day after signing the Contract, Claimant opened a Letter of Guarantee in the amount of USD3,000,000.00,to allow Respondent to start manufacturing the goods, which Respondent immediately approved and on the basis of which Respondent “immediately started the production.”

9.One month later,on 1 July 2014,Claimant opened two additional Letters of Guarantee for an amount totalling USD 6,000,000. 00,which Respondent also approved.Respondent therefore opened letters of guarantee totalling USD9,000,000. 00 within one month of entering into the Contract and well prior to the first shipment. There appears to be no dispute among the Parties that all Letters of Guarantee were fully “workable”.

10.Further to Respondent‘s notice that the goods were manufactured and ready to be shipped,representatives of Claimant and of TheSwitzerland General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works( hereinafter “DSH”) visited Respondents storage facilities in China for a preshipment inspection of the goods,as per the Inspection Record dated 7 July 2014.

11.Claimant noticed that Respondent had only manufactured about 20% of the goods meant to compose the first shipment, but Respondent claimed that the rest of the goods had been “carried to the port for shipment” and could not be inspected.

12.Claimant assessed the quality of the small sample of goods which Respondent allowed it to examine (i.e. ,only 20% of the first shipment,assuming that the pipes it was shown were actually shipped). Claimant did not object to them since the test sample provided by Respondent appeared to pass the basic tests that were performed. Respondent claims that this inspection “established that the Goods were in conformity with the contract” in paragraph,which is wholly untrue. It merely establishes that the small sample provided by Respondent, which may or may not have been actually shipped,appeared to be in conformity, although no in-depth inspection was performed at this stage.

[12段]申请方律师经验老到,极擅长在用词上下功夫。比如本段第一句:“申请人在被申请人允许的范围之内,检测了一小部分货物样本”,寥寥数字,就勾勒出了蛮横无理的卖家和楚楚可怜的买家形象—当然,这与实际情况相去甚远。被申请方在答辩陈述中,亦可使用此法、博取仲裁员同情;但是,以理服人、据理力争,才是真正不可推翻的。值得注意的是本段第三句话“Respondent claims that… in paragraph”(“被申请人在段中声称……”)。申请方律师显然没有写完,没有填入答辩书的段落数。从另一个角度看,也不必将外国律师当作神去膜拜,同样是人、同样有很多工作交给秘书或实习生、也会有遗漏。律师能做的,就是不怕困难、谨慎对待。

13.On 7 August 2014,Respondent shipped the first of two contractually-specified shipment of goods,allegedly worth USD7,500,000 as per the Commercial Invoice. Respondent claims that, on 7 August 2014,it purchased an insurance policy for the first shipment from Insurance company, although it has never provided a copy of it to Claimant,which was also conspicuously absent from the exhibits in Respondent‘s Answer to its Request for Arbitration.

14.It is unclear if Respondent did,in fact,purchase in surance for the goods or what the terms were of this insurance. It certainly never provided Claimant with any document whereby Claimant could make a claim directly against any insurer, as it would have been required to do under a standard CIF contract.

15.On 17 September 2014,eight days before the arrival at the port of destination,i.e.,Port F,problems with the goods were noticed by the Captain. The Captain of the ship issued a letter of protest entitled “Damages to the cargo for Port F. “The Captain declared that,after discharging some of the goods in another port,he noticed that some of the pipes,at destination of Port F,were cracked and damaged:

“On 17. 09. 2014 at 1000hrs LT in CH 5 after discharging of the top stowed first, second and third parcel of steel constructions,square bars in bundles and steel plates three of the below stowed cargo of ceramic pipes have been found out damages (two cracked in length and second one half destroyed longitudinally). The before said ceramic pipes is cargo to be discharges at next discharging port Port F.”

16.Such cracking and damage would not occur with nondefective materials that had been properly packaged by Respondent, and they are indicative of the defects in the pipes as well as their inadequate packing.







17.On 25 September 2014,the first shipment arrived at the port of destination,Project area. During the unloading, which took place until 3 October 2014,Claimant discovered that the goods were not in conformity with the contractual requirements under the Contract of Sale and to the legal requirements under the CISG. In particular,a significant part of the pipes arrived curled, bent and broken in such a way that they could not be used for the Project.

18.Upon discovering the damage,Claimant proceeded to contact a Notary and the Chamber of Commerce Experts for a determination of the damage to the goods to be recorded in an official expert report and for notification to Respondent.


19.Further to Claimant sending the initial list of broken pipes requested by Respondent,Respondent accepted its liability and promised to compensate Claimant in a communication dated 20 October 2014. At the time,Mrs.S stated that Respondent “need to ask our agent in Switzerland to confirm together with you and then arrange the compensation. Please understand that our company only can promise to compensate broken pipes at most but not all damaged pipes because actually some of them were damaged during unloading”,that‘s not our responsibility.”On 24 October 2014,Respondent also accepted to “contact with insurance company [to] talk about the broken pipes” (without providing Claimant with a copy of the alleged insurance contract) and requested Mr.M to provide him with photographs and videos of the defective pipes. Despite its promises, Respondent never repaired a single broken pipe.




20.In addition to admitting liability for non-conforming goods,Respondent also admitted liability for the delays incurred with respect to the shipment of the products. It offered to compensate Claimant on 27 October 2014 in a communication whereby Mrs.S stated to Mr.M that “considering that we shall take some responsibility of delay and to express our sincerity of cooperation,we agree to bear USD 50, 000 to help you extend the LGs. “Again,however,Respondent’s promises proved to be false and it never cured its breach.

21.Respondent also conceded that it did not supply the fittings that were required to use pipes of a certain diameter, in violation of the Parties Contract. On 17 October 2014,Mrs.S asked Mr.M “when you need the fittings delivered?”,acknowledging that they were not in fact delivered. Despite Claimants constant reminders of the urgency to send the fittings,16 Respondent then falsely promised on 27 October 2014 that “[the fittings are] expected to be loaded soon and they are going to arrive in port I within 40 days after being shipped.“On 31 October 2014,Respondent had still not yet shipped the fittings as Mr.N confirmed once again to Mr.M that “we will ready sent the size 700 fittings to you from China to port I.”The fittings were never sent.

22.Respondents conduct was clearly in breach of the Parties agreement,as set forth below.


23.Respondent breached the Contract through its late delivery of goods(A) and its delivery of non-conforming goods(B).

A. The Late Delivery of Goods for a Time-Sensitive Project

24.Although Respondent knew that time was of the essence in order to pursue the Project in a timely manner,Respondent caused several delays, in breach of the Parties Contract,which caused damages to Claimant.


至于申请方律师抛出的“time was of the essence”,合同中根本没有类似的表述。这种语句法律上意味着合同双方都同意时间的遵守极其重要;如果一方不守约,另一方即获得宣告合同无效的权利。这样的论调对于本案被申请人当然不利、需要坚决驳斥。

25.Article 4.3 of the Contract provides that Respondent’s shipment of the goods must occur within 45 days of Respondent’s reception of Claimant’s “workable” Letter for Guarantee. Article 4. 3 stipulates:

“The first lot latest shipment date from Chinese port pursuant to the stipulations of this Contract would be no later than 45 days since the date when the Seller-Respondent-receives the workable L/G opened from the buyer and acceptable by the Seller...”

26.Article 33 of the CISG also provides that goods that are purchased must be delivered “within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the contract,” when a precise date of delivery has not been stipulated by the Parties in their agreement.

27.According to certain commentators,what is a reasonable time after the conclusion of the contract will “vary from case to case,and will depend on all the circumstances, such as the nature of the goods,the distance covered,and the parties statements during negotiations.”

28.According to other commentators,it is the period of time that is normal and acceptable in the relevant trade”:

“what is ‘reasonable’ can appropriately be determined by ascertaining what is normal and acceptable in the relevant trade.”

29.The Parties’ first disagreement,concerning the date when Respondent should have shipped the goods,depends on the interpretation of the phrase “the workable L/G”since the date when the workable L/G is received determines the shipping date pursuant to the terms of the Contract.

30.Claimants position is that Respondent received the first workable letter of guarantee on 29 May 2014,which was sufficient to trigger the 45-day period over which shipping was to begin on the part of Respondent,so the goods should have been shipped no later than 14 July 2014.

31.Respondents position appears to be that “every” or “all” letters of guarantees needed to be issued prior to the date when its 45-day obligation to ship the goods would begin running.

32.From a grammatical standpoint,Respondent’s position is incorrect, since the Contract refers solely to “the workable L/G” in the singular rather than to “all workable L / Gs” in the plural. Moreover,Respondent’s argument that no shipping obligation could arise until all Letters of Guarantees were in place does not save it,since by Respondent ‘s own account all letters of guarantees had been received by 1 July 2014,nearly two weeks prior to the date when the first shipment should have occurred,i. e. ,on 14 July 2014, and well within time for Respondent to find suitable shipping for pipes for a time-sensitive project.


33.Claimant’s position is that Respondent accepted and received a “workable” Letter for Guarantee on 30 May 2014 from Bank H,for USD3,000,000,on the basis of which Respondent “immediately started the production” and organizing for shipment. Why else would Respondent immediately start producing the goods,if it did not deem the Letter for Guarantee “workable”? Why has Respondent produced nothing suggesting that its ungrammatical reading of Article3.1 is correct?

34.Claimant and Respondent also appear to disagree regarding a reasonable amount of time for the shipment itself,although they did not at the time of entering into the Contract.

35.In relation to the duration of transport, Respondent represented during meetings with Claimant that,according to industry practice, cargoes take 30-35 days to reach Claimants port of destination,Port F. Moreover, when Respondent purchased additional pipes from China,the vessels took 30-35 days to reach Port F,as Respondent had initially said.

[35段]低级错误:第一, 再次承认申请人另行购买了货物;第二,把申请人写成了被申请人。

36.With the ship chartered by Respondent,the cargo in fact arrived 57 days including the unloading to the stock field,twice as long as it should have taken and as had been promised. Indeed,some of the pipes were not delivered in compliance with the Contract until much later,since the Pipes were never denested prior to their shipment to buyer,as discussed below.

37.Respondent thus violated both the express terms of the Contract with respect to the date of shipping,as well as Article 33 of the CISG,with respect to a reasonable date of delivery.

38.In addition,Respondent delivered non-conforming goods under the CISG.

B. Delivery of Non-Conforming Goods

39.In addition to late delivery,the goods that were delivered were not in conformity with what had been agreed to by the Parties.

40.Under the terms of the Parties agreement,the goods must respect a certain quality and be delivered without any damage. In particular,Article 1.2 of the Contract provides the description,technical specification,quantity and other details of the goods: “The description, technical specification, quantity and other details of the goods herein are listed in annex 1 as attached [...] pursuant to the agreement and its attachments as technical specifications and projects signed by and between DSH and buyer [...]”

41.Article 35 CISG provides for Respondent’s obligation to deliver goods of the quality,quantity,description and which are contained and packaged pursuant to the requirements of the Contract of Sales. Article 35 provides the following:

“Article 35

(1)The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity,quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract.

(2) Except where the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods do not conform with the contract unless they:

(a) are fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used;

(b) are fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract,except where the circumstances show that the buyer did not rely, or that it was unreasonable for him to rely, on the seller’s skill and judgement;

(c) possess the qualities of goods which the seller has held out to the buyer as a sample or model;

(d)are contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods or,where there is no such manner,in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods.

(3)The seller is not liable under subparagraphs(a) to(d) of the preceding paragraph for any lack of conformity of the goods if,at the time of the conclusion of the contract, the buyer knew or could not have been unaware of such lack of conformity.”[emphasis added]


42.Respondent’s sole defense for delivering defective pipes is that the contract was a CIF contract, al though this is both irrelevant with respect to Respondents failures and inaccurate.


43.First,the Contract was not properly-speaking a CIF contract.It included hybrid delivery obligations,including both a shipping obligation on the part of Respondent from China to Port F,as well as an obligation of Respondent to deliver the goods between the port and the Respondents storage area,where “the goods which are nested” were to be “prepared separately and without any damage on the storage area of seller [by Respondent] for shipment to digging area of buyerin a reasonable time period.”


44.Second,if the Contract were,properly-speaking a CIF contract,Claimant would have received proof of cargo insurance allowing the buyer (Claimant) to claim directly from an insurer:

“The seller must obtain at his own expense cargo insurance as agreed in the contract,such that the buy-er,or any other person having an insurable interest in the goods,shall be entitled to claim directly from the insurer andprovide the buyer with the insurance policy or other evidence of insurance cover.”


45.Respondent never did this,and to this very day it has not received a copy of the supposed insurance agreement,let alone had the possibility to make claims under it.

46.Third,if the Contract were properly a CIF contract, then Claimant would have received the goods from the carrier at the named port of destination, i. e. , Port F. As indicated in Incoterms 2000:

“Under CFR and CIF, the seller will charter the ship,and it will be in his self-interest to speed up the loading operations to avoid demurrage payments to the shipowner and possibly to earn some dispatch money. However,the problem now appears at destination. Under B4 of CFR and CIF, the buyer must only accept delivery at the point where the goods according to A4 have been loaded on board the vessel at the port of shipment, buthe must also ‘receive them from the carrier at the named port of destination.”


47.Under this Contract,however,the buyer did not receive the goods from the carrier at the named port of destination,i. e. ,Port F,but at Respondents storage area after Respondent had denested the pipes with-out damaging them.

48.In any event, even if the first leg of the shipping were deemed to constitute a CIF agreement, this would not change Respondent’s liability for the harm caused to the goods during this leg of the journey,let alone for subsequent legs of the journey or its denesting of the pipes.

49.While certain risk does transfer from seller to buyer in CIF contracts under the Incoterms 2000,this is only the risk of fortuitous events or accidents,and the Seller is still responsible for defective packing of the pipes and defects that they contain:“The passing of risk of loss of or damage to the goods concerns the risk of fortuitous events(accidents) and does not include loss or damage caused by the seller or the buyer,for example, inadequate packaging or marking of the goods. Therefore, even if damage occurs subsequent to the transfer of risk,the seller may still be responsible if the damage could be attributed to the fact that the goods were not delivered in conformity with the contract. “Here, where the pipes were clearly defective,as set forth infra,and inadequately packed, the reference to CIF does not absolve Respondent from liability.



50.To be clear,liability for defective products that were insufficiently packed to withstand a sea voyage do not transfer from the seller to buyer at the ship’s rail. A long sea voyage moreover requires strong packaging:“Under normal circumstances,the seller has to provide some packaging. However, how the goods should be packed and prepared for the intended voyage may be unclear. A long sea voyage could require strong packaging…”

51.In any event,what was shipped was entirely non-conforming with what Claimant had purchased and was made to pay for. Examples of non-conformity under Article 35 CISG include, inter alia, quantitative(1) and qualitative non- conformity with the Contract(2) as well as harm caused due to inappropriate packaging(3) and during the de-nesting process(4). Moreover,even the pipes that were used proved to be defective since they were found to have latent defects(5).








1.Quantitative Non-Conformity of the Goods

52. First,the goods were not of the “description [...] required by the Contract” under Article 35(1) CISG because Respondent failed to supply the appropriate length of the size 700 Pipe agreed upon. Although Annex 1 to the proforma invoice dated 30 May 201431 provide for Respondents obligation to supply 34,182 meters of size 700 Pipe,Respondent only delivered about 19 kilometres and thus failed to deliver approximatively 16 kilometres.







2.Qualitative Non-Conformity of the Goods

53.Second,the pipes were neither “fit for the purposes for which [such pipes] would ordinarily be used” nor “fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract” under Articles 35 (2)(a) and 35(2)(b) CISG.

54.Respondent knew that the pipes,fittings,rubber rings and related accessories were to be used for the construction of waterworks by the Ministry of Water-works. Indeed,this was specifically referenced in Article 1.2 of the Contract, which incorporated the technical specifications of the agreement between the Ministry of Waterworks and Claimant by reference. Many of the pipes were to be used to transfer water, and they could not be cracked or broken or water would leak.

55.The pipes were not fit for the intended purpose because pipes conforming with the technical specifications of the Contract and international standards,are flexible as per their specific qualification and cannot break. However,in the present case,the pipes delivered to Claimant were broken, which was the first sign of theexistence of manufacturing defects,which Claimant and DSH could not have noticed during their visit to China on 7 July 2014.


56.The picture below shows an example of the State of the pipes that were broken which Claimant received.


57.It is common knowledge within the industry that pipes which were shipped cannot be broken and could only be bent,even under intense pressure. This demonstrates not only that transportation was not compliant with international shipping standards and that they were insufficiently packed,but also that the pipes had a manufacturing defect,in breach of Articles 1.2 and 4.1 of the Contract.

58.Articles 1.2 of the Contract provides:

“The descriptions, technical specifications, quantity and other details of the goods herein are listed in Annex 1 as attached hereunder which shall be pursuant to the agreement and its attachments as technical specification and projects sighed by and between DSH and the Buyer regarding the principle tender of Ministry of Waterworks. After checking the project (before the manufacturing process starts) if there is a differences between projects and Annex 1 the seller will revised the quotation with the confirmation of the Buyer.”

59.In addition,many of the pipes which could actually be used in the Project(i. e. ,those pipes which did not break during shipment or denesting and which had fittings),proved to have serious defects and had to be removed.

60.Latent defects are that kind of defects which “will become evident only after careful examination of the goods or their being put to use.” Though a buyer should perform an examination of goods to detect apparent defects under Article 38 of the CISG, this same article excludes latent defects from the scope of the examination:

“The buyer must examine the goods in a way that is reasonable according to the nature of the goods, their quantity, their packing and all other relevant circumstances. The buyer,therefore,is not bound to undertake an examination involving a complex technological analysis. When the goods are too complex or too numerous,the buyer is neither bound to undertake a thorough examination of every single good nor of every single part. An examination in general only uncovers apparent defects. While the CISG does not use the terms “apparent” and “latent” defects, it can be deduced from the rule under Article 39 that a distinction is made between them.”


61.Article 39 does not impose an obligation on the buyer to discover latent defects and the obligation of notice from buyer to seller of non-conformity should be within a reasonable time after that the discovery of the latent defects are actually made.

62.Article 36,paragraph(1),clearly makes the seller responsible of these latent defects:

“The language of paragraph(1),making the seller responsible “even though the lack of conformity becomes apparent only after” the time when risk passes,would protect the buyer when a latent defect appears at a later date,including a failure to comply with the requirement of Article 35 (2)(a) that the goods be “fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used.”

[57-62段]既然申请人指责卖方货物有隐蔽瑕疵,秉承“谁主张谁举证”(he who asserts must prove)的原则,其应当承担证明责任。实际上,申请人也确实尝试证明货物有瑕疵。但是,这几段纯理论性的文字,对于货物质量瑕疵并不能起到实质性的证明作用—当然,在答辩陈述中要予以指出。



63.Many latent defects were in fact found in the pipes when the water supply network for which they were being used was examined for testing. As indicated in the report,“there are damages on the pipes that are invisible before laying and that emerged during the testing stage after installation”.


64.The total value of the pipes with confirmed defects (to date) may be calculated on the bases of the quantity of damaged pipes that were found during the two Expert Witness Reports of 12 March 2015 41 and 3 August 2015 and the invoice price. 43 In total, 2, 351 pipes were damaged of a vale of USD,representing just under 20% of the value of the pipes that were delivered. The relevant information of the five subcategories of the damaged pipes is presented as following:(略)

65.It may be that more pipes delivered by Respondent and used in the Project will need to be removed, since pipes with defects continue to be found. Claim-ant will update its claim to reflect the latest state of expert evidence in its Reply accordingly.


3.Respondent’s Failure to Deliver Fittings with the First Shipment

66.In addition to delivering defective products,Respondent also failed to deliver the fittings necessary for the usage of 19 kilometres worth of pipes in breach of Article 1.1 of the Contract,which was not in conformity with the Contract.

67.According to Contract,the pipes were to be accompanied by adequate fittings.

“1.1.Herein,the seller,with full power,agree to sell,and the buyer,with full power,agrees to buy the ductile iron pipes and fittings and accessories manufactured/supplied by the seller.”

68.Under Article 6.3 of the contract,the “Fitting[s] and Rubber Ring [were to be in the] package,”underscoring common sense that the fittings that were needed to actually use the pipes in the first shipment would be included with the pipes in the first shipment,since the project was time-sensitive sensitive and the second shipment was to be made only over 115 days later.

69.Respondent knew that the project was timesensitive,and the Size 700 fittings that were missing were critically important for Claimant’s work program. They could not wait for over 115 days,as Respondent knew fully:

“Now I can only answer the first and fourth questions of you.1-Size 700 fitting is critical important for our program. When we had Meet in Istanbul we decided. 10% of the fittings will send by flight cargo and 90% will send by the containers. If we wait the second ship we had big problem because our machines and workers will wait the second ship. As you know if our machines and workers wait we loose too much money. We are waiting positive information to you for Size 700 fittings delivery then we send you a list for flight cargo. 4- Our company sent list of broken pipes Mr. H. He should be send if he does not I will send you again.”

[69段]再次重复“被申请人明知工程项目时间紧急”,意图在于证明首批货物中一部分配件缺失,给申请人造成了巨大影响。虽然这个观点及其站不住脚,但战略上,仍需要防止申请人一方利用这一点说事儿。因此,在书面答辩陈述中,更要驳斥,合同中根本没有“time is of the essense”的条款。

70.Respondent acknowledged the violation of its obligation to provide fittings that matched the pipes in the first shipment and promised to send the fittings via air cargo:

“OK, for Size 700 fittings please send me list for air cargo as soon as possible. As broken pipes, please send me list but not includes in reparable ones. As for meet, you know well that I stayed in Switzerland for almost one week and have just come back several days before. So I don’t think it is necessary to meet face to face for solving the problems. Because now the situations are very clear we just need to make decision. So please tell me your advice and plan about the second shipment as soon as possible. Its very urgent for both of us.”


71.Respondents promises were false, however,and it never sent any fittings,causing delays to the project and rendering a significant portion of pipe delivered unusable.

4.Pipes Broken during Shipment or Loading onto the Vessel

72.Respondent was responsible for organizing the shipment of the pipes as well as the packaging. Respondent did not provide an adequate package for the pipes as it was expected to which caused damages to the pipes.


73.The Contract provides that the Size 80 and Size 100 pipes were to be packed in a bundle while the rest of the pipes in bulk:

“6 The shipping marks & package

6.1.Details of the shipping marks and special package requirements should be in-formed to seller before giving L/G....

6.3.Package of pipe is Size 80 and Size 100 is in bundle and other size is in bulk. Fitting and rubber ring in package.”

74.The Proforma Invoice issued by Company A on 28 May 2014 mentions only that pipe would be shipped in bulk:

“4.Packing term:pipe in bulk,fitting and rubber ring in packages.”

75.The Incoterms set out rules with respect to packing,which is an obligation of the seller and which must be appropriate to the transported goods. The seller must know how to pack the goods,and they must pack the goods properly,especially in the event of a long sea voyage:

“Incoterms deal only with obligations in connection therewith,such as the obligations to give notice,provide documents,procure insurance,and pack the goods properly and clear them for export and import.”

“The seller,of course,should know how the goods are to be packed, whether they are to be containerized and whether they should be delivered to a terminal in his vicinity or elsewhere.”

“When the contract of sale does not contain detailed provisions on packaging of the goods,or when these cannot be ascertained from previous dealings between the parties,the seller may be uncertain as to what he should do. Under normal circumstances,the seller has to provide some packaging.

However,how the goods should be packed and prepared for the intended voyage may be unclear. A long sea voyage could require strong packaging and special preparations to protect against rusting caused by condensation and humidity. This same degree of protection is unlikely to be required for air carriage of the same cargo.

The seller must pack the goods as required for the mode of transport,but only to the extent that the circumstances of the transport are known to him before the contract of sale is concluded. If these are known,he can take them into consideration when he quotes his price. Therefore,it is important that the buyer duly inform the seller of his intentions,particularly when the contract has been concluded on EXW or under F-terms,when the seller may not otherwise know the buyers intentions with respect to the carriage.”

76.Article 35(2)(d) of the CISG requires that the goods be contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract or in case of an imprecision the seller should apply the usual packaging requirements.

“Article 35(1) The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity,quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract. (2) Except where the parties have agreed other-wise,the goods do not conform with the contract unless they:...(d) Are contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods or,where there is no such manner, in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods.

77.According to Article 36 of the CISG,the seller is liable for any lack of conformity which exists at the time when the risk passes to the buyer,or after that time,when it is due to a breach of any of the seller’s contractual obligations.

“Article 36

(1)The seller is liable in accordance with the contract and this Convention for any lack of conformity which exists at the time when the risk passes to the buyer,even though the lack of conformity becomes apparent only after that time.

(2)The seller is also liable for any lack of conformity which occurs after the time indicated in the preceding paragraph and which is due to a breach of any of his obligations,including a breach of any guarantee that for a period of time the goods will remain fit for their ordinary purpose or for some particular purpose or will retain specified qualities or characteristics.”

78.Article 66 of the CISG constitutes an exception to the passing of the risk rule,in case the loss or damage to the good is due to an act or omission of the seller. Such an act causing loss or damage to the sold goods prima facie constitutes a breach of contract:

“Article 66

Loss of or damage to the goods after the risk has passed to the buyer does not discharge him from his obligation to pay the price,unless the loss or damage is due to an act or omission of the seller.”

79.If a seller does not comply with its obligation to pack the goods in an adequate manner in order to avoid damages to the goods,no transfer of risk occurs to the buyer. In this case the damage does not occur from the transportation risk but from seller’s negligence. The seller is responsible for the breach of contract and has to pay for the damages causes:

“damage to the goods may depend upon circumstances attributable to the seller. For example,the seller may have inadequately packaged the goods. If so,the damage will not have resulted from a transportation risk,and the buyer is then entitled not only to avoid paying for the goods but also to hold the seller responsible for breach of contract.”

80.Under CIF agreements, insurance does not cover the inadequate package of the goods,for which the seller remains liable.

“there is no insurance protection under any of the A-,B- or C- clauses for loss, damage or expense caused by the nature of the goods, inadequate packing of the goods or such loss or damage or expense which is proximately caused by delay....This may expose the buyer to uninsured risks,since the seller under CFR and CIF may escape liability,provided he can prove he has fulfilled his obligation under A3 to “contract on usual terms...for the carriage by the usual route in a seagoing vessel...of the type normally used...”. If loss or damage occurs because of inadequate packing,the seller may be liable under the A9 clauses of Incoterms,but neither of the parries can obtain protection from insurers.”

81.Here,of course,Respondent did not provide evidence that the goods were insured at all,let alone the terms of the insurance.

82.Numerous example of application of Article 35(2)(d) show that the seller remains responsible for damages that occurred during shipments where it did not provide adequate package.

83.For example,in a case marble panels were damaged during transport because of improper packaging and a court found that seller had breached article 35(2) (d).

“The goods must be packaged in a way that they are protected from damage during transport. According to the expert opinion prepared by E,[Seller]‘s packaging(use of pallets) had not been adequate. In any event,it would have required additional protective measures using supporting poles. Expert E explains in his written opinion that the damage caused to the panels had been caused by inappropriate packaging and a failure to secure the goods. [...]Following the findings of the expert,the Court is convinced that the construction of the pallets and thus the packaging itself has been a significant cause of the damage.”




84.Another court held that,even though the buyer bore risk of loss while bottles were being transported by truck,the sellers breach of its obligation to package the goods adequately meant that the seller was responsible for damage that occurred during transport.

“[Seller] is liable for damages that occurred due to improper packaging prior to the passing of the risk to [Buyer] or,respectively,to [Buyer]’s carrier. As a general principle,although the risk might have been passed,the seller is not entitled to receive the full purchase price for goods that are defective due to his own non- compliance with the contract (Staudinger,BGB,Wiener Un-Kaufrecht(CISG), 2005,Art.66 note 12,13).”

85.In addition,as the obligation to provide adequate package lies on the seller,it bears the burden of proof to show that it has duly complied with its obligation.

“[Seller]’s is also not exempt from liability according to Art. 35(3) CISG. [Seller] bears the burden to demonstrate and prove that the requirements for an exemption from liability are fulfilled if it seeks to rely on the provision(Soergel,13rd ed.,CISG,Art.35 para. 24). [Seller] has failed to do so. The mere and flat submission that the goods had always been packaged in such a manner and that [Shipper] had been aware of this is insufficient.”

86.In the present case, the Captain of the vessel acknowledged,in his Letter of Protest,that pipes broke during the course of shipment,since they were inadequately packed to withstand the weight above them.

“On 17. 09. 2014 at 1000hrs LT in CH 5 after discharging of the top stowed first, second and third parcel of steel constructions,square bars in bundles and steel plates three of the below stowed cargo of ceramic pipes have been found out damages ( two cracked in length and second one half destroyed longitudinally). The before said ceramic pipes is cargo to be discharges at next discharging port F. The above mentioned damage is causes by my opinion due to improper stowage in the last port of loading China. The first layer of cargo was ceramic pipes loaded in China reaches height of about 12 mtr. On top of this cargo at Shanghai an additional different parcels of cargo have been loaded respectively as follows:steel plates 12 mts in length,steel flats bars 12 mtr in length, steel square bars and on top of everything steel square box shape construction reached the top of the cargo hold coaming in height of about 19 mtr from the tank top. Herewith I would like to lodge the present Letter of Protest against undesired claims which could be presented to my self/ my owners/charterers by the cargo receivers if further damages to the cargo would be discovered at the next discharging port and I would like to hold the shippers/stevedores fully responsible for the in-convenience/ costs could be aroused to all parties repented by me and/or my owners/charterers during the discharging in the near future reserving my right to extend it at time and place convenient.”


87.Had the pipes been adequately packed and non-defective, they would not have broke during shipment.




—12 米长的方钢条;



88.In particular,Respondent failed to do the nesting of pipes properly for ocean voyage,which also is source of damage. Nesting is technical proceeding which re-quires know how and one of the objectives is to avoid the movement of the smaller pipes inside of the bigger ones. The movement during the transporting and dangling of the pipes can cause a considerable damage.



89.One of the methods that protects the nested pipes from damages is to fix the ends of the pipes with timber as in the images below:



90.However,the pipes nested by Company A were far from these conditions, with pipes of various sizes nested in such a way that there would be friction and movement between the pipes,causing foreseeable damage for a long ocean voyage:


91.This inadequate nesting,which is also part of the packaging,damaged a considerable number of pipes and Respondentin fine refused to pay for them.

92.Respondent indeed admitted to the non-conformity of the pipes and made repeated promises to indemnify Claimant for the damaged pipes to “compensate for [Claimant’s] losses.”

93.Respondent also conceded that the pipes were broken and unusable on numerous occasions and offered to replace them,although it never did so. On 17 October 2014, Mrs.S, for instance, requested Mr.M to “supply the list of broken pipes immediately such as quantities and sizes so that [Respondent] can arrange production of them and make them shipped together with the second shipment. “Mrs.S also confirmed that pipes were broken and not reparable,as shown by his request to Mr.M to “please send [him] list but not includes in reparable ones.”Further to Claimant sending the list of broken pipes requested by Respondent,Respondent accepted its liability and promised to compensate Claimant in a communication dated 20 October 2014 whereby Mrs. S stated that Respondent “need to ask our agent in Switzerland to confirm together with you and then arrange the compensation. Please understand that our company only can promise to compensate broken pipes at most but not all damaged pipes because actually some of them were damaged during unloading”,thats not our responsibility.”


94.On 24 October 2014, Respondent also indicated it would make “contact with insurance company [to] talk about the broken pipes” and requested Mr. M to provide him with the photographs and videos of the defective pipes. Despite its promises, however, Respondent did nothing.

95.In this respect,if there was insurance(Claimant can-not be certain) and the insurance did not cover the replacement of the damaged pipes,this suggests that insurer independently determined that the harm to the pipes was not due to shipping,but was Respondents fault.

96.Respondent is also clearly responsible for the pipes that it broke during dedenesting.

5.Harm to the Goods During Company A’s Attemp ted De-Nesting of the Pipes

97.The parties entered into a supplemental agreement regarding the transport and the denesting of the pipe on the sellers storage area,which specifically provided that Respondent should prepare the goods separately “without any damage”:

“The truck expences between port and seller‘s storage area and the expences for pulling out the nested pipes will be paid by the seller. The goods which are nested will be prepared separately and without any damage on the storage area of seller Respondent for shipment to digging area of Buyer Claimant in a reasonable time period. The truck expences between sellers storage area and buyers digging are will be paid by the buyer.”


98.This agreement between the Parties is explained by the technical nature of the denesting process,which requires special machines and tools,and more important know-how in order to avoid damage.


99.During the negotiation of the Contract, Respondent had guaranteed that experts from China, who had personally worked on the manufacturing of the goods,would be sent to Port and perform,in “seller’s storage area”, the de-nesting of the pipes. This proved to be totally false.

100.Respondent failed to perform its engagement and, without consulting the buyer, made arrangements with a Swiss sub-contractor,Company K,to perform the de-nesting.

101.Company K had insufficient experience in denesting pipes. It also lacked the required technical equipment, which it needed to rent. Claimant still does not know why the experts that had been promised from China were never sent.


102.During the denesting by Respondent’s sub-contractor, the pipes suffered greater damage and were neither fit for purpose nor did they possess the quality held out to the buyer under Article 35(2)(a) and(c) CISG.

103.After seeing that they were destroying the pipes, Company K simply stopped performing any de-nesting,and the nested pipes were abandoned.

6.Respondents Failure to Complete De-Nesting of Pipes

104.In addition to failing to de-nest the pipes without damage, Respondent’s sub-contractors did not finish their task and simply abandoned their work after 40% of the nested pipes had been denested,forcing Claimant to pay for the services of pul ling out nested pipes.

105.Respondent acknowledges that it had an obligation to pay for the de-nesting in its Answer:

“According to the Contract, Respondent has the obligation to pay for services of pulling out of the nested pipes. Respondent has already contracted a Company in Switzerland(Company K) to fulfill its obligations.”

106.Neither Respondent,nor its subcontractor,Company K, however, proceeded to perform the de-nesting of the remaining 60% of the pipes in breach of the Contract. This is not surprising,taking into account that Company K was paid by Respondent for the de-nesting in advance,before 30 August 2014, without any guarantee that the work would actually be performed.




107.Respondent cannot avoid its liability simply by claiming that it has paid for the de-nesting to Company K,if the subcontractor it hired did not in fact denest the pipes.

108.As Respondents subcontractors abandoned their work,Claimant had to pay a new crew to denest the pipes itself for a considerable amount,which is claimed by way of damages below.


109.Claimant has suffered significant financial loss and damage as a direct result of Respondents multiple breaches of the Contract.



110.For present purposes,total damages under the Contract are conservatively estimated at USD ,plus interest.

A. Conventional Penalty for Late Delivery

111.The Parties have agreed that in the case of late delivery,Respondent shall pay a penalty of USD 5,000. 00 for each day after the delivery due date.

“In the case of late delivery,the seller shall pay a penalty amount of 5. 000 USD for each day after the delivery due date.”

112.The Contract also provides that in case one party fails to perform its obligations under the Contract,without an acceptable reason,it is obliged to pay penalties equal to 10% of the total Contract value.

“10.7.After signing of this Contract by the parties,in case the buyer or seller one of the party do not fulfilled the agreed Contract conditions and or give up the execution of this Contract or withholds this Contract without providing the international acceptable reasons for his refusal,he is obliged to pay the penalty fee with an amount equal the 10% (ten percent) of the total contract value within 20 days after receiving the notification from the other party.”

113.Taking nto consideration the delays and breaches caused by Respondent,Claimant is entitled to conventional penalty for the delay of 46 days,which amounts to USD Claimant is also entitled to penalty of 10% from the total value of the Contract,which amounts to USD

114.Consequently,Claimant is entitles to a total amount of conventional penalty of USD

B.Constant Construction Site Expenses Due to Respondent’s Breaches of the Contract

115.The late delivery,as well as the rest of Respondents breaches disrupted the works on the site and caused a total delay of 5 months. Respondent is liable for these additional expenses.

116.Under Article 74 of the CISG,damages for breach of contract include the losses suffered by one party as a consequence of a breach of contract:

“Damages for breach of contract by one party consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit,suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach. Such damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract,in the light of the facts and matters of which he then knew or ought to have known,as a possible consequence of the breach of contract.”

117.As explained in Section IV above,Respondent has failed to,inter alia:provide the goods on time,provide conform goods to contractual requirements,provide all the goods and de-nest the pipes.

118.In he Request for Arbitration,Claimant quantified provisionally the damages for the constant construction site expenses amounting to USD and the damages caused b Respondent’s refusal to de-nest the pipes of USD Claimant calculated this damages based on the number of days of delay caused by the late delivery of the pipes(45 days) and Respondent’s refusal to de-nest most of the pipes(124 days). In total Respondent caused delays in the works of Claimant of 169 days,which represent 5.6 months.

119.However, recently, Claimant was obliged to request a five-month extension of time in order to be able to finish the works that were delayed because of the Respondents breaches. Hence,Claimant is entitled to be paid the constant construction site expenses which amount to USD on a monthly base. The composition of the constant monthly expenses is shown in the table below:


Monthly(30 Days) Expense



Jcb   Engineering Vehicle







Passenger   Car

Rent Of   The Construction Site

Payment   Of The Employees

Expenses Of Construction Site

( Electricity,Water,Food,Etc. )


120.onsequently,Claimant is entitled to five-month of additional construction site expenses which amount to USD.

C.Damaged Pipes

121.As showed in Section IV. B above,Respondent provided damaged pipes to Claimant. Despite its recognition and the fact that this was not disputed by Respondent at that time,it never reimbursed Claimant for a single damaged pipe.

122.In total, pipes were damaged of a vale of USD. The table below shows the amount of pipes as counted in the Expert Witness Reports of 12 March 2015 and 3 August 2015.

123.Respondent must also pay damages for the share of the costs paid for insurance and shipment of the damaged goods. The value of the damaged pipes represents a share of 17. 94% from the total value of the first shipment. The costs for the insurance and shipment were of USD . Accordingly,the share of insurance and shipment costs for the damaged pipes amounts to USD,which represent 17,94% of the total costs USD.

124.To these amounts must also be added the costs engaged by Claimant for the inspection of the damaged goods,for the notary,the experts and lawyers for the determi nation of the losses. These expenses amount to USD.

125.In summary, Respondent must pay Claimant the values of the damaged pipes as well as the related costs amounting to USD.

D.Expenses for De-Nesting of the Pipes

126.As showed in Section IV. B.5 above,Respondent did not fulfil its obligation to de-nest the pipes. Barely 40% of the pipes were de-nested by a sub-contractor paid by Respondent,who never finished the de-nesting,however. Facing the refusal of Respondent to de-nest the pipes,Claimant had to make arrangements with a third party to de-nest the remaining pipes in order to mitigate the damages. The price paid by Claimant for de-nesting was of USD .

E.Currency Exchange Difference

127. (略)

F.nterest on the Credit Obtained to Pay the Letters of Guarantee

128.Due to the Respondent’s abusive and irregular demand of the payment of the letters of guarantee,Claimant was forced to pay interest on credit and documentation expenses,which amounts to USD.

G.Interest on Damages

129.Claimant is entitled to interest compounded annually on its damages at the legalSwiss rate.

130.The CISG provides that if a party fails to pay a sum,the other party is entitled to interest on it.

“Article 78

If a party fails to pay the price or any other sum that is in arrears,the other party is entitled to interest on it,without prejudice to any claim for damages recoverable under article 74.”

131.Interest is also due when a seller is bound to refund the price:

“Article 84

(1)if he seller is bound to refund the price,he must also pay interest on it,from the date on which the price was paid.”

132.The interest rate should be determined in accordance to the general principle of full compensation. Accordingly, the law of the creditor should determine the interest rate taking into account that it is the creditor who must borrow money to replace sums in arrears.

“It is,however,acknowledged in international law that where the parties are silent as to choice of law with respect to the payment of interest,the law of the State applies in which the damage resulting from the delayed payment is suffered. It is furthermore acknowledged in international law that such damage is suffered at the place of the creditor and in the creditor’s market [citing ICC arbitration cases 2375 of 1975 and 5460 of 1987]. Therefore,this Tribunal shall apply the rate of interest effective for commercial matter in the country of the creditor,the [seller].”

133.Here,it is the legalSwiss interest rate that should be applicable. The interest rate of 7.5% should apply from the date when the payment was made to Respondent.


134.As a result,Claimant respectfully requests the Arbitral Tribunal to issue an award:

(i)declaring that the Arbitral Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider the dispute de-scribed herein between the Parties;

(ii)declaring that Respondent breached the Contract repeatedly;

(iii)ordering Respondent to compensate Claimant for the damages and losses suffered as a result of Respondent’s breaches of Contract currently estimated to be in the amount of USD ;

(iv)ordering Respondent to pay all arbitration costs,including Claimant’s counsels costs and expenses;

(v)ordering payment by Respondent of interest in an amount to be determined;and

(vi)ordering payment by Respondent of post-award interest in an amount to be determined.

135.For the avoidance of doubt,Claimant reserves its right to:

(i)raise any and all further claims arising out of or in connection with the disputed matters described in this Request for Arbitration or otherwise arising between the Parties;

(ii)amend and/or supplement the relief sought herein;

(iii)produce such factual or legal arguments or evidence(including witness testimony,expert testimony and documents as may be necessary to present its case or rebut any case which may be put forward by Respondent;and

(iv)seek interim and provisional measures before the Arbitral Tribunal or any competent national court.

136.Respectfully submitted,Counsel for Claimant



书面答辩陈述虽然不是ICC仲裁规则里明文规定的过程,但是在实务中几乎都会被规定在审理范围书(Terms of Reference)中。这一书面文件至关重要,也是仲裁员判断事实和法律的重要依据。因此,在收到申请人提交的书面请求陈述后,基于事实和证据对其进行回复。值得注意的是,在这一回合中,应当将所有的证据尽可能地全部提交,用于反驳书面请求陈述里所有的事项,因为在这一回合后一般会有一个证据披露的过程,如果隐藏了一些证据没有提交,那么会承担一些不利后果,如不能再用于证明己方主张的事实或者反驳对方的论点。










A.Delivery on Time

B.Compliance with Contract


A.Penalty Fee

B.Cost of Construction Site


D.Cost of De-Nesting

E.Difference of Foreign Exchange

F.Interest on Letter of Guarantee

G.Interest on Damages




A.Conditions on Declaration of Avoidance

B.Limitations of Avoidance of Contract


A.Purchase of the Second Shipment From a Third Party

B.Incomplete and Delayed Payment By T/T

C.Incomplete and Delayed Letters of Guarantee

D.Failure to Enable Respondent to Make Delivery


A.Penalty Fee

B.Loss of Price

C.Consequential Damages
















1. 驳斥对方观点

2. 陈述我方观点





















1. 按时发货

2. 货物符合合同约定





1. 宣布合同无效之条件

2. 宣布合同无效之限制


1. 向第三方购买货物

2. 迟延并不完全付款

3. 迟延并不完全开具保函

4. 未采取行动以便卖方发货








1.Pursuant to the Terms of Reference and Procedural Timetable,COMPANY A(hereinafter “Respondent”or “Counterclaimant”) hereby submits this Statement of Defense and Counterclaim in response to Statement of Claim filed by COMPANY B(hereinafter “Claimant”) dated 29th July 2016.


2.This Statement of Defense and Counterclaim consists of three parts as following:

•Statement of defense against Claimant’s claim(Part A);

•Respondent’s counterclaimas to Claimants sub-stantive breaches(Part B);

•Lists of exhibits and legal authorities to support Respondent(Part C)





3.Respondent has fully fulfilled its obligations without any breach under the pipes supplying contract between the two parties(hereinafter “Contract”). On the contrary,Claimant breached the Contract by secretly purchase of the contracted amount of goods from a third party, incomplete payment and delayed Letter of Guarantee,all of which caused severe losses to Respondent.




4.In this Statement of Defense,after the presentation of factual background (I), it will be demonstrated that Respondent fulfilled all of its contractual obligations (II),that Claimants damage claims are completely groundless(III) and shall be rejected by the Arbitral Tribunal(IV).







5.During the year 2014, Claimant needed to purchase pipes and called for a bid. However,pipes market in Switzerland has been almost monopolized by Company X, one of the biggest pipes supplier company in China. Naturally,Company X also participated in the bid invited by Claimant. As a new competitor who has just entered the Swiss market, Respondent won the bid thanks to its significant advantages. This unexpected event upset Company X and made it worried about Respondent taking away more clients in the future. As a result, Company X was desperate to squeeze Respondent out of that market. Therefore, it is extremely likely that Company X was inducing Claimant with unreasonably low price for the second shipment; inciting Claimant to commit fundamental breach and blame Respondent for it.


6.From an economic point of view, the price of steel and iron fell sharply during years 2014 and 2015. When raw materials become cheaper,the product sells cheaper. Correspondingly,the price of the pipes which are made of steel and iron ore also reduced significantly. With the motive to save cost,Claimant deliberately delayed in opening full-amount Letters of Guarantee and making payment of delivered goods,as well as substantively breached the Contract by purchasing rest pipes from a third party at a much lower price. It is neither legal nor fair for Claimant to shift all commercial risks to Respondent.


7.In normal conditions,there would be a reasonable and foreseeable natural wastage of goods during marine transportation. Coincidentally,due to “improper stowage by shippers/stevedores”,slightly more pipes were damaged,which provided a good excuse for Company X and Company B in their conspiracy. Without this incident, they would have no chance to frame Respondent.


8.In such context,the chronological facts are to be elaborated as follows. On 29th May 2014,Respondent and Claimant signed the Contract for supplying the pipes, in which Respondent is the seller and Claimant is the buyer. The total price of the ordered products is USD 12,100,000. 00. According to Article 3.1 of the Contract,the buyer should open two Letters of Guarantee respectively in amount of 6,000,000. 00 USD and 3, 000,000. 00 USD through a first class bank accepted both by the seller and the buyer within FIVE DAYS.

9.On 30th May 2014,Respondent only received one Letter of Guarantee in amount of USD 3,000,000. 00. Since Claimant had not fulfilled the obligation to open two Letters of Guarantee as stipulated,Respondent could have arranged the production after receiving full amount of L/G,but it still started to produce all goods under the Contract out of its sincerity and trust of the cooperation with Claimant.

10.However,Claimant betrayed this trust by delaying opening the rest L/G in amount of USD 6,000,000.00.Repeatedly urged by Respondent,full amount of L/G was finally received on 3rd July 2014,almost one month later.

11.Respondent could not make the shipment as planned due to Claimant’s delay. That directly caused financial losses on Respondent,such as the dead freight for the first shipment. It is to be noted that,contrary to what Claimant wrote in its Request for Arbitration,no contractual provision ever stated “time is of the essence” and Parties conducts shall be interpreted according to the Contract. It is Claimant who delayed its contractual performance at first.

12.According to Article 4. 3 of the Contract,the first shipment shall be no later than 45 days after the seller received and accepted the Letters of Guarantee from the buyer. Since Claimant,as the buyer,did not open complete Letters of Guarantee until 3rd July 2014,the deadline for the first shipment shall be 17th August 2014 in accordance with the Contract. Even in such frustrating situation due to the faultcommitted by Claimant,Respondent still accomplished the production and loaded the products on 7th August 2014,which was largely ahead of the time required by the Contract.

13.On 7th July 2014,during the manufacturing of the first shipment,the representatives of Claimant and Switzerland General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works(hereinafter“DSH”) visited Respondents site. DSH and Claimants representatives tested all sizes of goods and did not raise any objection. Also,in its Statement of Claim, Claimant submitted the evidence of inspection record. So the ordered pipes shall be considered as qualified in accordance with the Contract. Because of the huge quantity of pipes under the Contract,it is impossible to test each pipe one by one. Obtained through sampling examination, which is an internationally recognized method, the test record is a very strong evidence as to the pipes good quality.

14.On 7th August 2014, Respondent delivered the first shipment goods and acquired clean Bill of Lading,which was also admitted in the Statement of Claim. It proves that the pipes were in good condition without any damage or defect.

15.On 17th September 2014,the captain issued a Letter of Protest and explained without any ambiguity that the goods were damaged due to improper shipment. It is wrong of the shipper to put the heavier goods on the top and lighter ones underneath,which was totally irrelevant to Respondent.

16.The first shipment arrived at the destination port F on 25th September 2014. Meanwhile,the products have been tested again at the destination port and recognized by DSH,Claimant and Respondent with a certificate signed by these three parties. When Claimant asserted some goods were damaged during shipment,Respondent immediately requested to arrange meetings so as to estimate the exact amount of damage with Claimant. However,Claimant refused Respondents proposal of meeting and arranged the evaluation of damages by its own personnel,without the attendance and acceptance of Respondent. Respondent firmly stated that the damage assessment “report” is unilaterally recorded by Claimant,not valid and therefore should not be recognized. As to the email from Mrs. S,it merely meant that compensation arrangement was possible only when Respondent confirmed the damages together with Claimant. But Claimant had never agreed,so no compensation would be made.

17.On 10th October 2014,the head of sales department of Respondent visited Claimant to discuss the solution of the declared damaged pipes. During this meeting,Respondent required Claimant to continue the execution of the Contract and fulfill its contractual obligations of sending the adequate payment by T/T, providing full-amount Letter of Guarantee and taking the products within a reasonable time. But Claimant unreasonably proposed to lower the Contract price. The parties could not reach an agreement and Claimant expressed its intention to give up fulfilling its contractual obligations.

18.In the following two months,Respondent kept making friendly proposals after the problems arose. As a nice gesture to demonstrate its sincerity,Respondent came up with a conditional offer:certain compensation is only possible if Claimant perform its contractual obligations on schedule. In its Statement of Claim,Claimant showed an email from Mrs. S on 27th October 2014, which was distorted by Claimant. In the email,it said clearly that the whole plan was disturbed by Claimants delay in opening L/G. In order to make the second shipment as soon as possible,Respondent had been repeatedly asking for extending L/G. The suggestion of sharing some responsibility,which was conditional, was based on Claimant’s acceptance of the second shipment and extension of the L/G. Claimant did not understand the logical sequence herein and made a deliberate misinterpretation out of context.

19.In December 2014,the Sales Manager of Respondent visited Claimant again with a sincere attitude to negotiate. This time,Claimant made an unacceptable demand,asking for a compensation of USD 1.5 million. After that,Claimant refused any further meetings with Respondent and purchased the rest of goods from another supplier in China even without any notice. In such circumstances,Claimant obviously committed fundamental breach. In fact, the Contract can not reach its purpose any more, so Claimant shall bear all the liabilities and be solely responsible for any adverse conse-quences caused by its own faults.


20.In addition,the statementconcerning the fittings did not reflect the truth. The Contract only provides that goods must be shipped in two batches but does not specify how many fittings should be shipped in the first shipment. Furthermore,Respondent had delivered almost all fittings. Fittings of Size 700 could have been shipped with others,but due to Claimants failure to provide information of port of destination, they could not be shipped as expected.


21.Respondent not only delivered the first shipment of goods on time(A),but also made the goods strictly complied with the Contract(B).


A.Deliveryon Time

22.In Statement of Claim,Claimant stated that Respondent breached Article 4. 3 of the Contract by late delivery. Respondent strongly objects to it because Respondent had already performed this obligation in compliance with the Contract. The reason why goods were delivered later than expected was due to Claimants breach of Contract.

23.Pursuant to Article 4.3 of the Contract,there is a period of 45 days from Respondent’s acceptance of the workable L/G to shipment date:

“4.3 The first lot latest shipment date from Chinese port pursuant to the stipulations of this contract would be no later than 45 days since the date when the seller receives the workable L/G opened from the buyer and acceptable by the seller…”


24.First,it is obviously wrong of Claimant to trigger the start of 45-day duration from the date Respondent received only one L/G which is equivalent to USD 3,000,000. 00.


25.In respect of the meaning of “workable”,it is usually explained in the dictionary as “something that can be used successfully and effectively”. How to be used successfully and effectively? Of course only a small value of L/G is not enough to guarantee payment of a large amount. Hereby “the workable L/G” in the Contract is just a general term,not matter grammatically in singular or in plural;it states one obligation of Claimant. Either the L/G in amount of USD 3, 000,000. 00 or USD 6,000,000.00 is one part of this contractual obligation. In that case, only when both of two Letters of Guarantee are accepted by Respondent, can it pass the “workable “ test. After Claimant fulfills this obligation, the duration of 45 days starts to run.


26.Detailed description of Claimant’s obligation to open L/G is stipulated in Article 3.1:

“3.1…After this contract is signed, the buyer should open two Letters of Guarantee in Amount of 6,000,000. 00 US dollars and3, 000, 000. 00 US dollars through the first class bank accepted both by the seller and by the buyer within 5 days. Then the seller arrange(s) the production…”

27.There is no doubt that Claimant must open two Letters of Guarantee in amount of USD 6,000,000. 00 and USD 3,000,000. 00 within 5 days after the Contract is signed. However in fact, 5 days after 29th May 2014, that is 3rd June 2014,Claimant only opened one L/G in amount of USD 3,000,000. 00, without the other one. At this very time,Claimant violated the contract. It is likely that Claimant knows its fault so it has never mentioned the limitation of “5 days”. Not until 3rd July 2014, through constant remind and urges,did Respondent receive the full amount of L/G. As a result,3rd July 2014 is the starting day of 45-day duration, and 17th August 2014 is the deadline of first shipment with no doubt.


28.Second, Claimant stated that “immediately started the production” by Respondent may suggest that the L/G was workable, while Respondent strongly opposes to this position. In Article 3.1,“then the seller arrange(s) the production”,the word “then” means “afterwards”. That is to say, after Claimant opens full amount of L/G,Respondent has the obligation to arrange the production. But before Claimant fulfills this obligation, it is a right, rather than obligation, of Respondent to decide whether to make the arrangement. It is known to all that rights can be waived but obligations must be performed. Arrangement in advance demonstrates nothing but Respondents sincerity, good faith and trust in Claimant. Respondent’s amicable behavior should not be falsely explained as a waiver of Claimant’s obligation of opening the L/G.

29.Third,Claimant invoked Article 33 of “United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,1980 (CISG)”in the Statement of Claim; this unsuitable reference reflects Claimants misunderstanding of this rule.

“Article 33 The seller must deliver the goods:

(a)if a date is fixed by or determinable from the contract,on that date;

(b)if a period of time is fixed by or determinable from the contract,at any time within that period unless circumstances indicate that the buyer is to choose a date; or

(c)in any other case,within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the contract.”

30.The structure and sequence of this article reflects the principle of autonomy of will. There is an order of application inside this article:only when paragraphs(a) and (b) cannot apply, then paragraph(c) intervenes. Hereby “in any other case”means situation that delivery time is neither determined nor could be inferred. In our case,the Contract between Claimant and Respondent stipulates the delivery time expressly in its abovementioned Article 4.3,and Article 33-(b) shall apply because the Contract already provided for a 45-day period of time. In that case, Respondent is entitled to choose any time to deliver goods before deadline. So it makes no sense to cite commentary on Article 33 (c) in the Statement of Claim.





31.Finally,Claimant stated the duration of transport exceeded expected time. But it has nothing to do with Respondent. On the one hand,there are many uncertainties during marine transport and conditions at sea cannot be artificially controlled. Respondents statement of “normal time” is just for reference,not for promise. On the other hand,according to CIF rules, Respondent only has the obligation to deliver goods, but does not have to promise the goods arrival in the destination port. As a result, Respondent is not responsible for duration of the transportation. Details of Respondents obligations under CIF rules will also be stated infra.


32.In conclusion,all schemes of arrangements were upset due to Claimant’s delay in opening L/G. Under this circumstance, Respondent had difficulties in arranging production and shipment and suffered huge loss,including dead freight. So Claimant should bear the unfavorable consequences by itself and compensate Respondents loss as well.

33.Notwithstanding this setback,Respondent still actively fulfilled its duty. With efficient production, Respondent made shipment on 7th August 2014,which was 10 days earlier than the deadline of 17th August 2014. It sufficiently proves that Respondent was well-prepared and in good faith.


B.Compliance with Contract

34.Claimant stated that the goods delivered were not in conformity with the Contract. Respondenttotally disagrees with Claimant’s position. In this section, it will be demonstrated that not only CIF rules apply to the Contract (i), Respondent had also fulfilled its CIF obligations(ii). Since all requirements were satisfied (iii), Claimant s statements are completely wrong.


i.Applicability of CIF to the Contract

35.Claimant considered “the Contract was not properly-speaking a CIF contract. It included hybrid delivery obligations…”. This is a ridiculous opinion. The nature of CIF contract is a shipment contract but not an arrival contract. It is an essential feature of CIF term. ICC’s official explanations of Incoterms set forth that:

“‘Cost,Insurance and Freight’ means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment.”

“The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination BUT the risk of loss of or damage to the goods,as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer.”

36.There are three fundamental characteristics under CIF rules:(1)seller bears the Cost, Insurance and Freight;(2)risk transfers from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ships rail;and (3)place of delivery is port of shipment,not port of destination. As long as these basic features do not change,it is a properly speaking CIF contract. Regardless of the truck expense from port of destination to storage place stipulated in Article 4. 1 of the Contract or cost of de-nesting pipes,which are only pecuniary obligations,it does not affect the nature of a CIF contract at all.

37.Therefore,whichever place to receive goods does not affectthe nature of a CIF Contract. As mentioned above, seller’s obligation only includes payment of carriage to the port of destination. With respect to where to pick up goods,it is the right of buyer,not obligation of seller.In common commercial practice,buyer even does not take delivery of the goods which are resold in transit.

38. It is improper and incorrect of Claimant to cite ICC Guide to Incoterms 2000 in Statement of Claim. This commentary is in the part of “charter parties”, its meaning can be inferred in context that under CFR and CIF,seller needs buyer to accept delivery in time in order to avoid demurrage payments in the charter party. It does not explain the influencing factors of CIF Contract at all.

39.Therefore, Claimant sopinions are untenable. The Contract between two parties is definitely a CIF con-tract and applies to all right and obligation terms under CIF rules.





2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms 2000)A4B4分别规定了CIF条件下卖方的交货义务和买方受领货物的义务:卖方必须在装运港,在约定的日期或期限内,将货物交至船上;买方必须在卖方已经按照A4规定交货时受领货物,并在指定的目的港从承运人处收受货物。非常明显,CIF价格条件下卖方交货的地点是装运港,而不是目的港。虽然在CIF条件下,由卖方负责安排船运、购买保险,但是在该术语下,保险是卖方为买方利益而购买的,如果货物在越过船舷之后的运输途中发生灭失或损坏,应由买方向有关方面索赔,卖方只要按期在约定地点完成装运就算完成了交货义务,风险转移的界限也是装运港船舷而不是目的港。至于货物何时抵达目的港,除非卖方在合同中作了明确的承诺,否则卖方不对货物抵港时间承担任何责任。






ii.Fulfillment of CIF Obligations

39.Respondent has fulfilled its obligations as a seller under CIF rules should have:

•Deliver goods in conformity with the Contract(a)

•the Conclude contract of carriage(b)

•Conclude contract of insurance(c)

•Bear risks before goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment(d)

a.Deliver goods in conformity with the Contract


41.According to CIF Incoterms 2000,


A1 Provision of goods in conformity with the contract

The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice,or its equivalent electronic message,in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity which may be required by the contract.”

42.During the production of pipes,more precisely,on 7th July 2014,representatives sent by Claimant and DSH visited Respondent’s factory. The goods were tested by the three parties,with no objection. This test established the good quality of the goods.

43.At the port of shipment,the clean Bill of Lading confirmed that the goods were well prepared without any damage. Therefore,the goods were in conformity to the Contract when they passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.

44.Furthermore,the goods were tested again by Claimant,Respondent and DSH representatives after the arrival at the port of destination. This test result, signed by all three abovementioned parties,proves that the goods were also qualified as to the stipulated requirements after delivered to Claimant at the destination port.

45.Therefore,Respondent fulfilled its obligation to deliver the qualified goods.

b.Conclude contract of carriage

46.According to CIF Incoterms 2000,

“A THE SELLERS OBLIGATIONS A3(a) Contract of carriage

The seller must contract on usual terms at his own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named port of destination by the usual route in a seagoing vessel(or in-land waterway vessel as the case may be) of the type normally used for the transport of goods of the contract description.”

47.For the carriage of the first shipment of goods,Respondent booked a vessel for the first shipment on the 7th July 2014 from Shipping company and paid the carriage expenses. Respondent had fulfilled its obligation to contract for the carriage.

c.Conclude contract of insurance

48.According to CIF Incoterms 2000,

“Consequently,theseller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is required to obligation insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements.”


49.Claimant struck a tactical deal against Respondent, falsely stated that it could notmake insurance claim because Respondent had not purchased the insurance until today. This irrational argument is groundless.

50.The truth is,on 7th August 2014,Respondent had already purchased the insurance for the first shipment from a reputable insurance company Many pieces of evidence can prove it,such as copy of insurance policy,insurance invoice and order number in the record.


51.Since the insurance policy actually exists,Respondent definitely delivered the insurance policy to Claimant. The reasons are as following:

52.Firstly,it is unreasonable for a seller to hold the insurance policy since it is used to protect the buyer, therefore it is of no value for Respondent to keep it in hand. It is in the best interest of Respondent to hand it over to Claimant in time in order to ensure the performance of the Contract.


53.Secondly,it is impossible that Respondent did not receive the insurance policy. In international commerce,it is a trade usage that important documents are handed over to the buyer together as a full set. Also as a matter of fact, the salesman of Respondent,Mr.N,delivered the set of documents to Claimant personally at the request of Company B, including but not limited to the Bill of Lading,packing list,commercial invoice,certificate of origin and the insurance policy. If Claimant had not received such set of documents,how could it get the Bill of Lading and use it as a piece of evidence in the Exhibit? And how could it use the Bill of Lading to pick up those goods?


54.Thirdly, Claimant actually had acknowledged the payment of insurance by Respondent in the Statement of Claim,when calculating “the costs for the insurance and shipment were of USD 789,582. 95”. The fact that Claimant knew of the costs for insurance precisely proves it had the insurance policy in possession and acquiesced in it.


55.Lastly,these documents are so important that Claimant must have requested them a long time ago if it had not received them. Even if Claimant failed to ask for it upon delivery of the first shipment, it would definitely request it when the alleged “damages” were found at the port of destination.However, in the communication between Respondent and Claim-ant from 2014, Claimant never mentioned anything as to the so-called “absence” of insurance policy, neither in any email,nor during any meeting in person. So,why had not Claimant never asked for it before?

[55段]最后,从逻辑的角度来看,如果真的买方没有收到过保单这么重要的文件, 那么肯定早就索要了,但是所有来往通信记录中均未提到此事,申请人直到仲裁程序的下半段才提出这一问题。

56.In any situation,it makes no sense for Claimant to wait until this late phase of the present arbitration proceeding, just to find the insurance policy.In transnational trade,upon any damage of goods happened during transportation,the buyer should immediately notice the insurance company and apply for survey. Consequently, even if the damages declared by Claimant were true,then Claimant failed to mitigate its loss by wasting such a long time:

“Article 77 A party who relies on a breach of contract must take such measures as are reasonable in the circumstances tomitigate the loss,including loss of profit, resulting from the breach. If he fails to take such measures,the party in breach may claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated.”


57.Hence, there is only one possible explanation to Claimant’s unnatural and illogical behavior: there were few damages of goods and it is unnecessary,or even impossible for Claimant to claim from insurance company. But by overstating the fact,Claimant could impose on Respondent to indemnify.

d.Bear risks before goods passed the ships rail at the port of shipment

58.According to CIF Incoterms 2000,


A5 Transfer of risks

The seller must,subject to the provisions of B5,bear all risks of loss of/or damage to the goods until such time as they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.

B5 Transfer of risks

The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.”

59.Respondent has already borne all risks before the goods passed the ship’s rail at the port of shipment. Therefore,after the pipes passed the ships rail,all the risks of loss and damage shall be borne by Claimant. That means if the goods were damaged during transport or unloading, it is for Claimant to take such risks. Claimant shall lodge a claim against the shipping company if damages were caused by shipper;or claim for all from the insurance company. In no case should Claimant ask Respondent to compensate damages after transfer of risks.

60.In summary,Respondent did fulfil all of its contractual obligations in accordance with rules of CIF Incoterms 2000.

iii.Satisfaction of the Requirements


61.Claimant attempted to demonstrate that the goods did not meet the contractual requirements in the following aspects. Respondent strongly objects to each one of them because goods supplied by Respondent were in adequate quantity(a) and quality(b).Claimants arguments in aspects of fittings(c),packaging(d) and de-nesting(e) were not true.



62.Claimant misrepresented that “Respondents obligation to supply 34,182 meters of Size 700 Pipe,Respondent only delivered about 19 kilometers and thus failed to deliver approximatively 16 kilometers”. First of all, no contractual provision clarified the quantity of the goods to be delivered in each shipment. The Contract merely stated that the goods should be delivered in two batches. Thus,there is no contractual breach if Respondent delivered 19 kilometers in the first shipment,and the rest of the goods in the second shipment. Secondly, Respondent had already prepared enough Size 700 pipes at the port. It was only because of the draft depth limitation at the destination port, information that should have been provided by Claimant in advance,that 16 kilometers of goods were not loaded. During Company A smanagers visit to Switzerland,Respondent negotiated numerously with Claimant concerning this problem and Respondent proposed that the rest 16 kilometers pipes would be sent to Claimant as soon as possible,along with the second shipment or after ex-tension of Letter of Guarantee. However,the rest 16 kilometers were never delivered because Claimant refused to perform the Contract.

[62段]关于数量问题,申请人陈述第一批某型号的货物数量应当是三千公吨,但实际少了近一千六公吨,这是断章取义。数量条款对于出口货物销售合同至关重要, 该条款是判断出口企业在履行卖方交货义务时是否满足了合同中对货物数量约定的依据。数量的多少需要通过货物数目、长度、重量、面积、体积、容积等度量衡单位予以反映。由于交易习惯的差异,各国在货物销售中对于数量所采纳的度量衡制度并不统一,就通行的度量单位来说,亦存在英制、美制、公制和国际单位制之分。为防止贸易双方在货物数量的理解上发生分歧,出口企业在拟定合同的数量条款时,应对数量的度量单位加以具体说明。


63.Respondent,Company A,is a top state-owned enterprise with good reputation in China and world-wide,and has been awarded many honors in the past two years. As Claimant said in the email on 26th April 2016 “Respondent is part of the second-largest steel producer in China,with hundreds of millions of dollars in sales per year”,Respondent exports large quantities of pipes to countries all over the world and has been acknowledge internationally. Whereas, Claimant is a relatively small company with insufficient cash flow which even had difficulty in paying the arbitration cost just because of “a death in the family”. In that case,Claimants attempt to damage Company A’s reputation seems to be premeditation.


64.Vehemently opposed to Claimants false allegation, Respondent provided pipes in conformity with the Contract(1) and there was no latent defect in the delivered goods(2).

(1)Conformity of the First Shipment

65.As established supra. ,the delivered goods were tested by Respondent, Claimant and DSH and met the requirements. According to the rules of transfer of risks under CIF,the Seller has no liability regarding any loss or damage to the goods once they passed the ships rail. In case that the goods were lost or damaged after they passed the ship’s rail, during transportation,the Buyer shall have legitimate claim against relevant parties,such as shipping company or insurance company.

66.In the Statement of Claim,Claimant invoked Article 35 of CISG, trying to establish that the pipes were not “fit for the purposes”. However,the contract between the parties is the primal criterion of conformity and shall prevail in application. Stipulations concerning quality of the goods are mainly laid down in Article 1.2:

“The description, technical specifications, quantity and other details of the goods herein are listed in Annex 1 as attached hereunder which shall be pursuant to the agreement and its attachments as technical specification and projects signed by and betweenDSH and the buyer regarding the principle tender of Ministry of Waterworks. After checking the project (before the manufacturing process starts) if there is a differences between projects and Annex 1,the seller will revise(d) the quotation with the confirmation of the buyer.”

67.Specifications in Annex I of the Contract also states: “The pipes confirmed to C Class Standard,with cement lining confirm to Standard. Bitumen coating and zinc spraying confirm to…”


68.It is proved by Quality Certificate for Pipes and international quality certificates that the pipes met both technical requirements and international standards.Claimant tried in vain to establish the alleged “latent defect” to flee from its CISG obligations. Such “latent defect”, however, cannot be proved because it does not exist at all.

(2)Invention of Latent Defect

69.Claimant provided four “expert reports” in order to prove the alleged “latent defect”.Under their false title of “report”,these documents are in fact unilaterally established notwithstanding Respondents re-quest to participate in the damage evaluation(i).They are self-contradictory, not authentic (ii) and shall have no probative force to prove any defect of delivered pipes.

(i)Refusal to Respondents requests for participation






70.According to Article 10. 1 of the Contract:

“10.1. Quality/Weight Discrepancy and Claim: In case the weight or quality is found by the Buyer (Claimant) to be not in conformity with the Contract after arrival of the Goods at the port of destination, the Buyer may lodge a claim with the seller supported by survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed upon by both Parties,with the exception,however, of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are to be held responsible.”

71.The contractual provisions are unequivocal:whenever there is a potential quality discrepancy,both Respondent and Claimant shall participate in damage evaluation,at least by agreeing on the inspection organization.As Claimant acknowledged in Statement of Claim,Respondent has been demanding to “con-firm together with(Claimant)” concerning the quantum of the damages. However, Respondent’s requests were ignored by Claimant. In fact,every single document provided by Claimant concerning “damages caused to the pipes” is unilaterally established by Claimant,let alone the authenticity doubts. Why would Claimant never let Respondent participate in damage evaluation? Is it not in Claimant’s interests to determine the damages with Respondent to issue an evaluation report less controversy and obtain compensation from the relevant party?

72.If the damages were true as Claimant declared,where are the damaged pipes? Respondent here respectfully requests once again the evaluation of the amount of damages together with Claimant.If the Arbitral Tribunal finds it suitable,Respondent would kindly ask the Tribunal to participate in this vital procedure as well.


(ii) Lack of authenticity of the documents

71.The four “reports” provided by Claimant contain writing opinions, data and photos.However,the o pinions are unreliable;data,misrepresented;photos, artificial.








Claimants Exhibit C-3 “Report”

74.In “Report” provided in Statement of Claim, the statements are self-contradictory. The Report was allegedly issued on the 3rd August 2015 whereas the Report stated:

“Visible damages (…) were identified (…) by inspectors on 08 /10/2015. However, after the de-nesting, the following quantity of the de-nested pipes with the mentioned characteristics have been found damaged.”


75.As Claimant stated,the first shipment arrived at des-tination port on the 25th September 2014. How could Claimant find experts to “predict” that damages “emerged” after the inspection of October 2015 and sign the report in August 2015 is a mystery.

76.Moreover, this “Report” was signed by three persons,all of whom are Claimant’s personnel. The stamp only proves that“signatures were deposited in my(the stamp holders) presence and I(the stamp holder) confirm it with my (stamp)”It mentions nothing concerning the truthfulness of the damages and the techniques used in order to identify the dam-ages.

Claimants Exhibit C-10 “Official Report”

77.In “Official Report” provided by Claimant,inconsistent content appeared once again. The report is is-sued allegedly on the “third day of October 2014,Wednesday” and it begins with “this official report was drawn up by me after the detections that the goods(…) are missing and/or broken”. However,in the Inspection Record performed with the presence of Respondent,Claimant and DSH on the 9th October 2014,six days after the “Official Report” provided by Claimant,all the pipes passed the visual inspection.

78.The stamps on this document, once again, are not trustworthy as to the existence of “latent defect”. In-stead of proving the truthfulness of the “defects” or “damages”, the stamp actually only approved the fact that “Mr.D signed this document in the pres-ence of the stamp holder” and that “Mr.D reached the age of 18 and had full capacity of civil rights.”

79.The list of damages enclosed in this document is beyond reasonable explanation. Firstly, the alleged damages to Size 80, Size 100 and Size 150 pipes “vanished” in the summary table of damages in Statement of Claim. Secondly,it is very peculiar that nine different sizes of pipes “conveniently” showed the same damage percentage of “10%”.



Claimants Exhibit C-11 Document issued under the name of Institution C

80.There are more confounding statements in the document issued under the name of Institution C.

81.Firstly,the content of this Institution C document is very questionable. If Claimant provided these documents to be considered as “Expert Report”, then they should be treated as expert testimony. As an ex-pert witness can only testify within the scope of his expertise,it is illogical and unqualified for an engineering expert to give legal advice. As explained: “Expert witnesses are persons who are qualified,either by actual experience or by careful study,to form definite opinions with respect to a division of science,a branch of art,or a department of trade.”

“An expert witness who claims to have specialized knowledge will be permitted to testify only when that specialized knowledge can really be of assistance. It is in the context of disputes about the admissibility of expert testimony that courts decide what kind of science and technology(S&T) information the legal system will take into account.”

82.As stated on its own official website,Institution C is a civil entity with various chambers. The Chamber of Mechanic Engineers,the chamber most likely issued the document,finds its goals of “implementation,development and coordination of the mechanical engineering science and techniques for common good “Then,how mechanical engineers could comment on Respondent and Claimant’s contractual performance? It is even more absurd to see engineers citing articles of the Contract and giving legal advice. It seems that Institution C here was playing the role of counsels of Claimant as well.

83.Secondly, when giving opinion in its presumed expertise,Institution C mentioned that the pipes were damaged “due to excessive loading”. This information has never been mentioned in Captain’s Letter of Protest and Respondent has serious doubts concern-ing the source of it. Even if Institution C meant improper stowage as stated Captain, this document proved nothing more than Captain’s statement.





Claimants Exhibit C-12 “Report”

84.The other “report” provided by Claimant is totally baseless and shall not be taken as a piece of evidence. The first reason is that there were only three signatures on this unilateral statement, all of whom are identified to be Claimants personnel. It is obvious that these three persons are not qualified at all to examine the “latent defect”. There was no testing procedure or mechanism specified to evaluate the damages. Besides, there was even no date on this document so that no one knows when the “report” is made.Moreover, since Claimant has acknowledged the purchase of pipes from a third party,Respondent believes that those damaged pipes belong to the third supplier.

85.Not only content in these documents is paradoxical, the enclosed photos are inconsistent with Claimants argument. Photos in “Official Report” are allegedly taken on or before the 3rd October 2014;and photos in Institution C document,on 2nd April 2015. However,it is obvious that photos in these two documents bear no material difference: both of them merely showed the bending, minor cracks of the pipes caused by huge pressure of goods stowed on them. It turns out that,six months later,in April 2015,Claimant was only able to find the same damages caused by improper stowage of the pipes and no latent defect ever was detected.

Photo provided by Claimant allegedly taken in October 2014

Photo provided by Claimant allegedly taken in April 2015






86.In summary, expert report shall only be admissible when they are based on actual facts and obtained using reliable methods:

“(…)if scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue,a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge,skill,experience,training,or education,may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise, if (1) the testimony is based upon sufficient facts or data;(2)the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and(3) the witness has applied the principles and methods reliably to the facts of the case.”


87.However, none of the abovementioned documents proved to have technical personnel to perform inspection on the pipes. No specific test methods are mentioned other than “visual detection by looking at the pipes”. No specialists or experts per se were ever invited to give professional opinions in their own expertise. The documents provided no more than biased statement toward Claimant issued by personnel of Claimant itself,stamped to approve that Claimant signed documents in notary officials presence.

88.Compared to the two test reports after inspection of the pipes by Respondent,Claimant and DSH,all of the aforementioned “reports” provided by Claimant should not be taken as evidence because they have no capacity in proving anything.

89.During the process of inspections by three parties,not only the pipes passed the visual test,detailedinspections were also performed and analyzed. The pipes were tested for coating, cement lining, dimension checking, hydrostatic, material, zinc coating tensile strength and elongation. The pipes passed all these tests. Analysis on the pipes was performed by Yidiz Technical University. This university is dedicated to engineering sciences and is one of the most prominent educational institutions in Istanbul and the personnel is absolutely qualified to give their expert opinion in respect of the good quality of the pipes. There are no contradictions concerning the date or the signatures and the authenticity of the reports is undebatable.

90.Consequently,Respondent objects as to the authenticity of aforesaid four documents and Claimants attempt to establish the so-called “latent defect” shall reach to its failure.

(3)Damages due to Improper Stowage

91.As to the photos of damages pipes produced by Claimant, they merely show that the pipes were damaged during the transportation. These photos cannot prove that the pipes did not meet the requirements, because the same pipes had been checked qualified before arrival at port of shipment. In the Letter of Protest, the Captain clearly acknowledged that the damages were caused due to improper stow-age and the shipper/stevedores shall be fully responsible.

“On 17.09.2014 at 1000hrs LT in CH 5 after discharging of the top stowed first,second and third parcel of steel constructions,square bars in bundles and steel plates three of the below stowed cargo of ceramic pipes have been found out damaged(two cracked in length and second one half destroyed longitudinally). The before said ceramic pipes is cargo to be discharged at next discharging port F.

The above mentioned damage is caused by my opinion due to improper stowage in the last port of loading Shanghai/China. The first layer of cargo was ceramic pipes loaded in Tianjin/China reached height of about 12 mtr. On top of this cargo at Shanghai an additional different parcels of cargo have been loaded respectively as follows:steel square bars and on top of everything steel square box shape constructions reached the top of the cargo hold coaming in height of about 19mtr from the tank top.

Herewith I would like to lodge the present Letter of Protest against undesired claims which could be presented to my self/my owners/charterers by the cargo receivers if further damages to the cargo would be discovered at the next discharging port andI would like to hold the shippers/stevedores fully responsible for the inconveniences/costs could be aroused to all parties represented by me and/or my owners./charterers during the discharging in the near future reserving my right to extend it at time and place convenient.”


92.In addition,anything,even the solid rock,could be damaged or out of shape if it were pressed by a heavier object. Let alone the hollow ductile iron pipes,which are casting by melted iron and used for water distribution. As stated by the Captain in the Letter of Pretest,7637.127 metric ton steel product in height of about 7 meters were loaded on the top of these pipes. Even in that bad circumstance,only minor damage happened according to the pictures that Claimant provided. That has fully demonstrated the good quality of Respondents pipes.

93.Therefore,it is obvious that Respondent has performed well the obligations by supplying pipesof very good quality and Claimant shall seek remedies for damages pipes not from Respondent,but from the shipping company.


94.Claimant suggests that Respondent did not deliver fittings in the first shipment. It is aunjust statement due to inaccurate comprehension of the Contract.


95.Firstly,there is no provision, along with the Annex, under the Contract, clarifying which fittings are to be included in the first shipment. It shows that the two Parties have not reached an agreement regarding specific fittings to be shipped. In this situation,Respondent bears no obligation to include particular quantity of fittings in the first shipment,but only needs to ship all the products within two shipments according to the Contract. Article 6. 3 of the Contract only specified on package of the pipes and fittings and is largely insufficient to conclude that fittings shall only be delivered along with pipes:

“Package of pipe is Size 80 and Size 100 is in bundle and other size is in bulk. Fit-ting and rubber ring in package.”

96.Secondly,according to Mate’s Receipt, Bill of Lading and relevant records, Respondent already delivered enough fittings in the first shipment:157 packages and 73.754 Mt.

97.Thirdly,all the pipes in the first shipment were delivered with corresponding fittings, except the fittings for size 700 pipes. The reason why fittings of DN700 pipes were not delivered is the draft depth limitation at destination port F. If Respondent uploaded more goods in the first shipment,the freight will absolutely not be allowed to enter the harbor but can only return to the departure port in China. In order to avoid such severe losses to both Parties,Respondent had no choice but to agree to deliver the fittings for Size 700 pipes in the second shipment with the rest of products.In fact,Claimant should have reminded Respondent about such limitation previously in order to fulfill its obligation to enable Respondent to make delivery,but it did not. Claimant is thus liable for consequent costs.

98.Fourthly, Claimant forwarded two emails between Mrs.S and Mr.M,trying to establish that Respondent promised to deliver Size 700 fittings but did not do. It is a very one-sided argument since Claimant intentionally reproduced one part of the email which is the most favorable for it. In fact,Respondent insisted that if Claimant agrees to extend the Letters of Guarantee,if Claimant promises to accept the second shipment and to make full payment,then Size 700 fittings will certainly be delivered rapidly. However,Claimant breached the Contract at first,leading to the consequence that Size 700 fittings were never delivered.


99.As to the packaging of Size 80 and Size100 pipes, Respondent had used adequate packaging complied with the requirements of Contract. Claimant wanted to cover up facts by submitting the Pro forma Invoice written by a non-native English speaker,sales manager Mrs.S. It was hard to avoid mistake in English writing by a Chinese. Especially the phrase “in bulk” looks similar as “in bundle”;it is easy for people to confuse their meanings, let alone a Chinese. Actually, evidence shows that Respondent packed all of Size 80, Size 100 in bundle by 45 pieces per package,which were in conformance with the Contract. From the pictures of delivered pipes, we can also obviously see that all these pipes were in proper packaging.


100.Secondly, Claimant irrationally cited Article 66 of CISG which mainly stipulates the obligation of buyer to pay the price and confused this concept with transfer of risk. The consequence of sellers act or omission is at most non-payment of price;it will never change the rules of transfer of risk at all, which are clearly stipulated under CIF rules. In this case, damage of goods was not because of Respondents acts but due to the improper stowage. As commented by John O.Honnold:

“This article dealsnarrowly and solely with the effect of “loss of...the goods” after risk has passed to the buyer,and provides that when this occurs the buyer must pay the price. At first glance the result may seem harsh but the result responds to pragmatic considerations. It is feasible and customary for transit loss to be covered by insurance. Moreover,loss or damage is usually discovered at the end of the carriage;the buyer usually is in a better position than the seller to assess the damage,make a claim against the insurer and salvage the usable goods.”


101.Thirdly, the packaging was sufficient to preserve and protect the goods during transport because it used usual manner of packing ductile iron pipes. “He who asserts must prove” is a general principle so it is Claimant rather than Respondent that should bear the burden of proof of package fitness. Nor does Respondent need to demonstrate or prove the requirements for it. Instead of citing ICC Guide and irrelevant cases, why Claimant provided no essential evidence? Because it is the fact that Respondent provided adequate packaging. It is ridiculous of Claimant to manipulate the Captain’s Letter of Protest for the purpose of analyzing packaging problems. This Letter of Protest mentioned nothing about goods packaging being defective. On the contrary, it confirmed that the damages were “caused by the Captains opinion due to improper stowage in the last port of loading Shanghai/China” and that he “would like to hold the shippers/stevedores fully responsible for the inconvenience/costs”. Even the firmest and strongest packaging of goods cannot bear the external pressure greater than their own weight;damages caused by such pressure cannot be attributed to packaging.

102.Fourthly, Claimant also dissatisfied with nesting method and classified it under Respondents pack-aging obligation, which was totally wrong. The method of nesting was approved by Claimant to save cost of carriage,in reality,to save Claimants cost. Besides, pictures chosen by Claimant in the Statement of Claim were picked up “carefully” and could not represent most other pipes. From the pictures of most pipes, the nesting method shows no difference with Claimants example images and are good enough to protect pipes.





103.Claimant stated that Respondent should de-nest the pipes without damage, Respondent disagrees with this position. According to Article 4. 1 of the Contract:

“For the purpose of this Contract, the Buyer and the Seller agree that the Goods shall be delivered on the terms CIF FIO port F(…) according to Incoterms 2000. The truck expenses between port and seller’s storage area and the expenses for pulling out the nested pipes will be paid by the Seller. The Goods which are nested will be prepared separate-ly and without any damage on the storage are of Seller for shipment to digging area of Buyer in a reasonable time period. The truck expenses between Seller’s storage area and Buyers digging area will be paid by the Buyer.”

104.Firstly, this article consists of two parts. The first part is the choice of CIF term by parties,and the second part is division of cost after goods arrival at port of destination. The former has been dis-cussed supra., here the latter is going to be discussed.

105.Respondent ought to bear two kinds of expense in accordance with this article. One is truck expense between port and seller’s storage area and the other is expense of pulling out pipes. On the other hand,Claimant should pay the expense between sellers storage and buyers digging area. Apparently,all of these are pecuniary obligations. That is to say,no matter who should pay expenses of whichever part,the fact that risk of goods transfers when pipes pass the ships rail would never be affected. It is self-evident that Claimant should bear the risk of goods damage during transport and de-nesting in Switzerland and claim against the shipping company or the insurance company. Moreover,it is very doubtful whether the damages resulted from “de-nesting” were deliberately caused by Claimant itself,for the purpose of setting a trap for Respondent.

106.In order to save cost of carriage,even before conclusion of the Contract,the Parties were in full agreement to nest pipes at the storage place of Respondent and de-nest them at Claimants site. So the expression “without damage to the goods” is just a description of goods state after de-nesting rather than a stipulation that which party has the obligation to keep it in good condition. It is not realistic for Respondent to promise the goods without damage during de-nesting as well. Since risk had been transferred before that time,then Claimant was expected to supervise the pipes carefully and try to prevent damage.

107.Secondly,Respondent had not promised to send Chinese experts to Switzerland to conduct de-nesting,Claimant made up that without evidence. Besides, Claimant had already known the Company K company would help de-nesting and raised no objection all the time. During negotiation and performance of the Contract,Company K,as a Swiss agent,kept contacting with Claimant and this caused discontent. That is why Claimant dissatisfied with Company K company in the Statement of Claim.

108.Lastly,Claimant falsely stated that Company K abandoned 60% of pipes to be de-nested. The truth is that,95% of nested pipes were pulled out and pipes taken away by Claimant were sufficient to conduct the Project. After repeatedly reminding by Respondent of taking away de-nested pipes which occupied a large area,Claimant still did nothing;that is why there was no extra space to conduct further work and additional rent of storage place incurred. It is Claimants fault resulting in the sus-pend of de-nesting work while Respondent had fully fulfilled the obligation to pay the expense.



109.Each one of Claimant’s declared damages is baseless and shall be rejected.







A.Penalty Fee

110.According to Article 10. 7 of the Contract,the precondition of 10% penalty fee is the other partys notification to be received. However,Respondent had never received such notification,which was deemed as a kind of waiver. More importantly, as established supra. ,Respondent fulfilled its contractual obligation to deliver the first shipment without delay nor other breach. Therefore,in case of no breach by Respondent,claims concerning “Conventional Penalty arose from late delivery”and“penalties equal to 10% of the total Contract value” shall be rejected.

B.Cost of Construction Site

111.Claimant stated that Respondent caused a nearly five-month-delay by disrupting the construction plan. Such statement is groundless.

112.First, it was Claimant itself who disrupted the construction program. Due to the contractual breach by Claimant(not be able to obtain full-amount Letters of Guarantee in time),the goods were not able to be delivered in compliance with the Contract.Respondent always actively made effort in performing its obligations and,to some degree,helped Claimant to save time by supplying the goods in advance.

113.Second,according to Claimant,the so-called “five-month-delay” was actually calculated this way:45 days of delay in delivery and 124 days of delay in de-nesting. As already emphasized several times supra. ,Respondent did not delay in delivery. On the contrary,the delivery was made 10 days earlier,so the “45 days of delay” is incorrect. Furthermore,Respondent only bears a contractual obligation to pay for the de-nesting,but does not have to conduct the de-nesting work by itself. Respondent should not be responsible for the “124 days of delay”.

114.Third,Claimant calculated the portion of damages on the basis of the added five months caused by itself,which were reasonable costs to be generated,but not losses already suffered. According to Article 74 of the CISG:

“Damages for breach of contract by one party consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit,suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach. Such damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract,in the light of the facts and matters of which he then knew or ought to have known,as a possible con-sequence of the breach of contract.”

115.The amount of damages shall consist of suffered losses but exclude foreseeable loss,not to mention budget cost. Claimant’s calculation ismanifestly unreasonable. Furthermore,Claimant had ordered the second shipment of goods from a third par-ty. Should this lot suffer any delay,could Claimant blame all lost time on Respondent too?

116.Last but not least,according to Article 74 of the CISG,the very ground of the damages calculation is the existence of breach of contract,and losses were suffered as a consequence of such breach. Since Respondent never breached the Contract, such claims are groundless and should be rejected.


117.On the one hand,as demonstrated supra. ,the so-called “reports” provided by Claimant were unilateral statement of biased information, lack authenticity and should not be considered as factual evidence of the damages. Moreover,calculations in the documents are inconsistent with the calculation of damages,making the “reports” more unreliable.

118.On the other hand,it is very clear in the Contract that,should the goods suffer any damage,Claimant shall make claims to shipping company or insurance company,if they are responsible.

119.In this case,since the shipping company is responsible for the damages due to improper stowage as the captain admitted,Claimant should seek compensation from shipping company.

120.Alternatively,because Respondent already bought insurance according to CIF Incoterms 2000,Claimant may also seek compensation from insurance company. Since the insurance was contracted in China with a Chinese insurer,Claimant shall succeed the rights and obligations of the insurant to claim against the insurance company after goods were delivered,according to Article 49 of“Insurance Law of The Peoples Republic of China”:

“Where the subject matter insured is assigned, the assignee shall succeed to the rights and obligations of the insurant.”

121.In addition,the Insurance Policy itself insists that “Claims,if any,payable on surrender of the first origin of the Policy together with other relevant documents. In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this Policy,immediate notice applying for survey must be given to Agent as mentioned here-under.”As the place of the agent and the place of claim payable are both in Switzerland,thus it shall be Claimants responsibility to notify the agent of insurer and file a claim against the insurance company. Furthermore, the suggestion made by Respondent to “contact with insurance company [to] talk about the broken pipes”in the email on 24th October 2014 was a well-intentioned effort to help Claimant and should not be deemed as liability. Under no circumstance should Respondent be held liable for the fault that it never committed.

122.As to the claim of “damages for 17.94% of the costs paid for insurance and shipment of the damaged goods”,it is totally groundless. In respect of the expense of inspection,it is absurd because almost all reports in the Statement of Claim were made by Company Bs employees through visual check of naked eyes. The cost of USD 2,500.00 was impossible and lacking in evidence. All of these false expenses could only prove that Claimant is an abject liar.

123.As establishedsupra. , Respondent has already fulfilled all its obligations under CIF,including paying for insurance expenses and carriage fees. Therefore,Claimant has no right on this claim whether the pipes were damages or not.

D.Cost of de-nesting

124.According to the Contract,Respondent merely has an obligation to pay for the de-nesting. Respondent entered into contract with a Swiss company Company K for de-nesting and paid the expenses,in compliance with the Contract. Since the pecuniary obligation bears no consequences as to the rules of transfer of risks,Respondent fulfilled its obligations. As to the ambiguous description of USD 150,000.00 de-nesting fees invented by Claimant with no contract or any receipt,it is believed to be false by Respondent. Such “expenses for de-nesting of the pipes” that were never paid shall be rejected.

E.Difference of Foreign Exchange

125.It is of international trade usages that usually currency exchange risks are to be borne by both parties themselves. There was no reason ever to suggest that Respondent shall bear the risks of foreign exchange difference of Claimant,especially when there is no breach resulted from Respondent. Request concerning “Currency Exchange Difference”shall be rejected.

F.Interest on Letter of Guarantee

126.On the one hand,as demonstrated supra. ,it is Claimants contractual obligation to open full-amount Letters of Guarantee. Therefore,all costs and expenses payable shall be borne by Claimant itself,not by Respondent. On the other hand,Respondent never abused its right regarding Letters of Guarantee:it merely used them when Claimant did not make payment as the Contract required. Therefore, claim with rspect to“Interest on the Credit Obtained to Pay the Letters of Guarantee” shall be rejected.

G.Interest on Damages

127.Respondent did not breach the Contract. Since Claimant is not entitled to any damage,there is no doubt that interest of damages shall be rejected.



128.Respondent respectfully requests the Tribunal to issue an award:

(i)declaring that Respondent has not breached the Contract and has already fulfilled all its contractual obligations;

(ii)rejecting the damage assessment and request for compensation of damages and losses to be paid by Respondent in Claimant’s Statement of Claim;

(iii)rejecting the request for payment of all arbitration costs in Claimant’s Statement of Claim;

(iv)rejecting the request for payment of interest in Claimants Statement of Claim;

(v)rejecting the request for payment of post-award interest in Claimants Statement of Claim.


129.Since the price of pipes dropped severely,Claimant required to reduce the Contract price unreasonably, which was refused by Respondent without doubt. Then, during the Contract’s period of validity, Claimant unilaterally purchased pipes that should be supplied by Respondent from a third party, ex pressed its unwillingness of performing the Contract. On top of that,Claimant had many other breaches of Contract,causing huge loss to Respondent. So Respondent, as a Counterclaimant, submits the statement of counterclaim as following: within the validity period of the Contract(I),Claimant fundamentally breached it(II). Respondent seeks damage compensation from the breaching party(III) and relief from the Tribunal(IV).







130.The Contract between the Parties is,so far,still valid and never avoided. It is a very severe remedy for a party to declare the contract avoided because such act affects both parties substantially,since “the basic effect of avoidance is that both parties are released from their primary performance obligations and are no longer entitled to perform those obligations.”Generally, only in case of fundamental breach,could the other party be entitled to declare the contract avoided. Claimant has no such right because Respondent has never breached the Contract. The CISG laid down strict rules and conditions as to declaration of the avoidance of contract, which can be divided into positive restrictions and negative ones(A). From the procedure viewpoint,such declaration must be notified to the party who breached the contract,constituting the positive limit. As to negative restriction,it means that the right to declare the avoidance of the contract is conditioned. (B)


A.Conditions on Declaration of Avoidance

131.Under the CISG,a party shall be entitled to declare the avoidance of contract under strict conditions. There are three in general: fundamental breach by the other party (i);or non-performance after the expiration of the additional period of time(ii);or anticipatory breach of the contract(iii). These three conditions are laid down in Articles 49-(1),47-(1) and 72-(1)of the CISG:

“Article 49

(1)The buyer may declare the contract avoided:

(a)if the failure by the seller to perform any of his obligations under the contract or this Convention amounts to a fundamental breach of contract;or

(b)in case of non-delivery,if the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional period of time fixed by the buyer in accordance with paragraph(1) of article 47 or declares that he will not deliver within the period so fixed.”

“Article 47

(1)The buyer may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the seller of his obligations.”

“Article 72

(1)If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract,the other party may declare the contract avoided.”

i.No contractual breach by Respondent

132.As demonstrated in detailsupra. in Part A,Respondent has already fulfilled its contractual obligation to deliver the first shipment without delay, and the goods met quantitative and quality requirements when they were delivered.

ii.No additional period of time

133.As Claimant has already received the first shipment 10 days earlier than deadline, there is no case of non-delivery and thus,no need of any additional period of time to perform.

iii. No anticipatory breach by Respondent

134.The “anticipatory breach” occurs if,after the contract entered in force and prior to the date for performance,one party declares that it will no perform its contractual obligations or implies so through its behavior,without any justifiable reason. Respondent has been actively performing its contractual obligations according to the Contract and never declared nor implied non-fulfillment.

B.Limitationsof Avoidance of Contract

i.Positive limitations

135.According toArticles 26 and 72-(2) of the CISG,a party who declares the contract avoided must notify the other party:

“Article 26

A declaration of avoidance of the contract is effective only if made by notice to the other party.

Article 72

(2)If time allows,the party intending to declare the contract avoided must give reasonable notice to the other party in order to permit him to provide adequate assurance of his performance.”

136.However,Claimant never sent a valid notice declaring the contract was avoided, proving that Claimant never made exercise of this right. Claimant has no effective evidence concerning such notice. The “Letter of Protest” provided in the Statement of Claim merely showed the two parties were at a stage of negotiation,including a suggestion to revise the Contract,rather than a declaration of the avoidance of the contract. Besides, it was sent on 26th November 2014 as the cover letter of this email showed,and Respondent kindly replied it on 28th November 2014,stating its disagreement.

ii.Negative limitations

137.According to Article 49-(2) of the CISG, if the Seller already delivered the Goods,then the Buyer would lose the right to declare the avoidance of the contract:

“Article 49


(2)However,in cases where the seller has delivered the goods,the buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided……”

138.It can be interpreted that this article’s purpose is to ensure a fair dealing. If the buyer is allowed to declare the contract avoided after he has actual control of the goods,there will be ahorrible possibility that buyer does not behave according to the contract,but to its interests,in violation of good faith and justice. Moreover,international sales of goods usually call for transportation by railway or by ship,producing huge costs and expenses. If the contract is declared avoided,the seller would have to bear the unreasonable transportation costs,in addition to the storage fees and detention fees. This would have no positive effects on the development of inter-national sales of goods. As Respondent(the seller) delivered the goods on the 7th August 2014(without any delay),so Claimant was not entitled to declare the contract avoided.

139.In conclusion,Respondent was in no breach of the Contract, and Claimant never sent the notice of declaration and had already received the goods,so Claimant’s right to terminate the Contract was never activated.



CISG 公约根本违约制度


Article 25

A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract,unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.





最后,根本违约的一项除外条款是依据善意原则(Principle of Good Faith)出发而制定的不可抗力(Force Majeure)的免责条款。















140.Claimants breaches are four- fold: it purchased the second shipment pipes from a third party(A), failed to make complete payment(B),open complete L/G (C) in time, and enable Respondent to make delivery(D).



CISG 公约违约制度—违约的类型
















Purchase of the Second Shipment From a Third Party

138.Claimants purchase from the third party not only constituted fundamental breach of the Contract(i), but also demonstrated Claimants bad faith(ii).



不仅如此,这一举措同时充分体现了申请人的恶意(Bad faith)。

i.Test of Claimants Fundamental Breach

142.Claimant admitted in its Reply to the Counterclaim that it would not continue to perform obligations under the Contract while the Contract was still valid. Claimant bought the rest goods which should be supplied under the Contract,upon its own decision, from a third party:

“In this respect, Claimant notes that it purchased the substitute deliverables from another Chinese supplier(…).”

143.That fact shocked Respondent because before knowing this information, Respondent had made full preparation and kept waiting for Claimant’s acception of the second shipment.

144.This dishonorable behavior,no matter how Claimant disguises,directly deprived Respondent of what it is entitled to expect under the Contract and constituted fundamental breach. Claimant may try in vain to make cunning pretexts;but the abovementioned confession already constitutes Claimant’s voluntary acknowledgement of the existence and truth of the fact. This admission of facts made by Claimant shall be regarded as a piece of strong evidence to establish its fundamental breach.

145.Article 25 of the CISG states:

“Article 25

A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract,unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.”



146.Concerning the identification of “fundamental breach”,how to qualify whether the aggrieved party has been “deprived of what he is entitled to expect under the contract”,CISG adopted a case-by-case evaluation. In the present case, Claimants fundamental breach can be analyzed under various aspects. The purchase from a third party as confessed by Claimant shows its unwillingness to perform(a), directly made it impossible for Respondent to rely on Claimants performance(b) and led to the frustration of purpose of the Con-tract(c).

a.Claimants Unwillingness to Perform

147.In the negotiation stage,in order to save cost,Claimant proposed to reduce the Con-tract price following the fall ofpipes price. Naturally Respondent disagreed with that ridiculous request,and then Claimant expressed its unwillingness to purchase the rest of the pipes. According to the review of CISG,such unwillingness to perform is a key element in constituting fundamental breach:

“The parties unwillingness to perform is another factor in the determination of fundamental breach. For example,one partys express refusal to perform his obligation,such as to pay for the goods or to take delivery of them,constitutes fundamental breach…”

b.Impossibility of Reliance on Claimant s Performance

“In determining fundamental breach, consideration is also given to whether the breach gives the aggrieved party reason to believe that he may not rely on the other partys future performance.”

148.The second shipment of ductile pipes should have been and could have been supplied by Respondent. However,Claimant purchased the goods from another Chinese supplier. Respondent has therefore reasons to believe that Claimant cannot,neither objectively nor subjectively,continue to perform its contractual obligations. Judging from the photos of the construction site,Claimant has already finished most of the works,using pipes supplied by Respondent and the other Chinese supplier. This purchase made it impossible for Respondent to rely on Claimants future performance, since the latter already intentionally contracted with another supplier and no longer need to perform under the Contract.

c.Frustration of the Purpose of the Contract

149.Last but not the least,Claimant’s purchase directly caused Respondent to lose all interests in the Contract. It is a key element to determine fundamental breach according to certain comments on the intent of Article 25 of the CISG:

“There is a fundamental breach of contract(…) if the injured party has no further interest in the performance of the contract after the particular breach.”

150.Respondent and Claimant entered into a contract of sale. When Claimant breached the Contract by purchasing the second shipment from another Chinese supplier,Respondent suffered a detriment that substantially deprived it of its expectations under the Contract:the exchange of the goods and the payment. Since the main purpose of contract can no longer be achieved, Respondent has been definitely deprived of what he was entitled to expect under the Contract.

“A contract of sale is generally concluded for the very purpose of exchanging goods in return for consideration and if such exchange does not take place then the purpose of the contract is frustrated.”

151.Consequently,detriment suffered by Respondent was two-fold. On the one hand, Claimant caused great financial losses and damages to Respondent. On the other hand,Respondent’s interest in the Contract was deprived by Claimant. There is no doubt that Claimant committed fundamental breach.

ii.Demonstration of Claimants Bad Faith

152.It is obvious that Claimant’s breaches were deliberate and well prepared. Purchase of ductile iron pipes,as usual,is subject to various important steps and takes a long time,especially in this government project. The first step for Claimant is to make a bid and then suppliers would offer their quotations. A new contract with a satisfying supplier would be concluded after numerous negotiations. Since Claimant needed customized pipes,the new supplier would spend much time to produce the pipes according to specific requirements. Afterwards, not only various certificates of the pipes are to be obtained,Claimant,the new supplier and DSH would also have to perform technical inspections on the goods before the shipment and after the arrival of the pipes. Personnels business trip between Switzerland and China which is also time-consuming would be needed. As Claimant confessed,the ocean shipping a-lone for these pipes took “30-35 days to reach Port F”. Not to mention the trans- portation time from the factory in China to the site of Claimant’s Project.

153.All of the aforesaid steps are necessary in international trade andwill cost at least half a year. Since in February 2015,Claimant was still negotiating with Respondent about pipes de-nesting problems,how could Claimant go through all those steps and complete the second shipment purchase from a third party in three months? The answer is obvious:Claimant and the third party had planned in advance to hurt Respondent’s interest and acted in bad faith.

B.Incomplete and Delayed Payment By T/T

151.Claimant has an obligation to make complete and timely payment for the goods according to Article

3.1 of the Contract, Article 53 of the CISG and CIF(Incoterms 2000) rules:

“3.1… The Buyer should pay6,100,000.00 US Dollars by T/T to the Buyer(Seller) on/before 85 days of B/L date of the first shipment. The Seller return the L/G in price of 3,000,000.00 US Dollars to the Buyer after receive the money of 6, 100,000.00 US Dollars and make the second shipment within 30 days. The Buyer should pay the rest amount of the total Price specified in this Contract by T/T on/before 85 days of B/L date of the second shipment.…”


Article 53

The buyer must pay the price for the goods and take delivery of them as required by the contract and this Convention.”

“CIF( Incoterms 2000):

B1 Payment of the price

The buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale.”


155.This obligation to make payment of Claimant is constituted by two requirements“complete” and “timely”:

1)Claimant shall pay USD 6,100,000. 00 by T/T to Respondent;and

2)Claimant shall make the abovementioned payment on/before 85 days of Bill of Lading date of the first shipment.

This contractual obligation could not be fulfilled until these two requirements are both met. The Bill of Lading date being the 7th August 2014,Claimant shall make payment at the latest on the 31st October 2014. However, not only such payment was never made,Claimant also refused Respondents request to discuss the matter of payment in person. At this point,Claimant already breached its contractual obligation to make payment. Following repeated requests by Respondent,Claimant finally paid the amount of USD 5,700,000 on the 10th November 2014,largely less than USD 6,100,000. 00 as stated in the Contract,and USD 7,500,000 as the actual value of the first shipment. It is a very severe breach since neither “complete” nor “timely” requirement was met.

157.Meanwhile,in addition to the breach,Claimants position as to the performance of the Contract became more and more ambiguous. Respondent was wondering whether Claimant wanted to perform its obligations or not,but still actively continued the production and inland transportation in order to show its good faith and honesty in commerce.

158.However,Claimant never made full payment as to the first shipment. Respondent was forced to recover the price of USD1,600,000 through Letter of Guarantee. Letters of guarantee are only tools to guarantee that buyer will fulfill its contractual obligation,not payment methods. In other words,seller only makes use of them when buyer fails to make payment. Therefore,the mere fact that Respondent was forced to recover the payment through Letters of Guarantee to mitigate its loss had no in-fluence on the breach committed by Claimant.

159.As to the email from Mrs. S mentioned in Claimants Reply to Counterclaims,it has no legal effects. According to the Contract, buyer has an obligation to make payment of USD6,100,000. 00 and Claimant paid less,not more. Since the Goods met the requirements,as demonstrated supra. ,the argument that Claimant was “not required to make full payment” is groundless.

160.It is to be noticed that,since Claimant failed to perform its contractual obligation, Respondent could have kept the Letters of Guarantee in total amount,or even cash them. The reason why Respondent did not do so,was because it genuinely trusted Claimant and believed in their contractual relationship. Respondent was convinced that Claimant would take the second shipment. However,this trust was not rewarded:Claimantunreasonably refused the second shipment and bought goods from an-other supplier.

C.Incomplete and Delayed Letters of Guarantee

161.According toArticle 3.1 of the Contract,Claimant has a contractual obligation to open complete and timely Letters of Guarantee:

“…After this Contract is signed,the Buyer should open two letter(s) of guarantees in amount of 6, 000,000. 00 US Dollars and3, 000, 000. 00 US Dollars through the first class bank accepted both by the Seller and by the Buyer within 5 days. Then the Seller arrange(s) the production.”


162.First,Claimant’s obligation to open Letters of Guarantee is also constituted by two crucial elements,“complete” and “timely”:

1)Open two Letter(s) of Guarantee in amount of 6,000,000. 00 US Dollars and3, 000,000.00 US Dollars through the first class bank,with a total amount of 9, 000,000.00 US Dollars;and

2)Open the said Letters of Guarantee within 5 days after the Contract is signed.

163.Only whenthe above two requirements were both satisfied,Claimants performance can be considered as in compliance with the Contract. However,within five days (3rd June 2014) after the Contract was signed,Claimant only opened Letter of Guarantee in amount of USD 3,000,000.00,failing to meet the requirement of “complete” by lacking USD 6,000,000.00. After more than one month,with Respondent’s repeated demands, Claimant finally opened the rest amount of Letters of Guarantee,breaching the Contract in its “timely” requirement. Since these two requirements cannot be satisfied at the same time,there is no doubt that Claimant already breached its contractual obligation to open Letters of Guarantee,regardless of the pretexts or unjustifiable justifications given by Claimant. As a matter of fact, Claimant admitted it delayed in opening the Letters of Guarantee in its Reply to the Counterclaim.

164.Second,the word “then” in Article 3.1 of the Contract clearly shows that only after Claimant fulfills its obligation to open Letters of Guarantee,Respondent starts arranging the production. In other words,Respondents obligation to arrange the production just began from 3rd July 2014,the day when Respondent actually received complete Letters of Guarantee. Before such date,it is Respondent’s right to arrange the production or not. The fact that Respondent arranged immediately production proved its good reputation and good faith:Respondent trusted Claimant and wished to accomplish the dealing as soon as possible. That does not waive any obligation of Claimant to open Letters of Guarantee.

165.Due to Claimant’s severe delay,the whole contractual plan was disrupted and Respondent suffered great economic loss, including dead freight fees. Therefore,Claimant’s behavior constitutes fundamental breach of the Contract.

D.Failure to Enable Respondent to Make Delivery

166.Last but not the least,according to Article 60 of the CISG,the buyer has an obligation to enable seller to make delivery:

“Article 60

The buyer’s obligation to take delivery consists:

(a)in doing all the acts which could reasonably be expected of him in order to enable the seller to make delivery;(…)”


167.By failing to fulfill the obligation to notify Respondent the draft depth limitation at destination port, Claimant directly caused 16 kilometers of goods left behind. Respondent suffered a great loss because these goods wereresold at a very low price.


168.Claimant fundamental breach of Contract as well as discredited Company As reputation in Switzerland caused huge loss and damage of Respondent, some of which were irreparable.

169.Up to October 2016,conservative estimation of all economic losses under the Contract is:



Penalty Fee


Loss of Price


Dead freight for the first shipment


Production cost of the second shipment


Other fees resulted from the second shipment


Interest(4. 35% )




A.Penalty Fee

170.Penalty fee for non-fulfilment of the contractual obligations is stipulated according to Article 10.7 of the Contract as following:

“10.7After signing of this Contract by the Parties,in case the Buyer or Seller one of the party do not fulfilled the agreed Contract conditions and or give up the execution of this Contract or withholds this Contract without providing the international acceptable reasons for his refusal,he is obliged to pay the penalty fee with an amount equal the 10% (ten percent) of the total Contract value within 20 days after receiving the notification from the other party.”

171.There are three circumstances when applying the penalty fee article. The first is “do not fulfill the agreed Contract conditions”. Claimant did not open full amount of L/G,disrupting the arrangements as planned,which conforms to this first situation. The fact that Claimant had expressed not to execute the Contract any more belongs to the second point “give up the execution of this Contract”. As a result,it stands to the reason that Claimant should compensate the penalty fee as it meets more than one condition.

172.On 15th October 2014, Respondent sent a notification to Claimant. It stated that Claimant shall be liable for its breach of Contract and the Contract could not be executed further in fact due to Claimants breach. Therefore, Claimant should pay 10% of the total Contract value as penalty fee to Respondent within 20 days after the date issuing notification. The latest date for Claimant to pay penalty fee in this case shall be 4th November 2014. According to Article 2.1 of the Contract, the total amount of the Contract is USD 12,100,000.00”. Thus,Claimant shall pay penalty fee to Respondent due to its breach of Contract,specifically as following:

Total   Contract Value

Penalty Fee Rate

Total Penalty Fee




B.Loss of Price

173.Claimant substantially deprived Respondent of what he was entitled to expect under the contract by purchasing and using pipes from another party,resulting in substantial detriment to Respondent and frustrating the purpose of the contract to a large extent. As mentioned before,the price of pipes fell sharply during the term of Contract,which became the motive to encourage Claimant to save cost.

174.It is definitely impossible,as the Claimant stated,to make payment of the pipes at a higher price than the original Contract in June 2015.

175.Since Claimant admitted that the third party is a China company and there are not too many pipes suppliers qualifiedDSH’s requirements. One of the most likely one is the top state-owned enterprise,Company X Pipes,which was also the competitor in the Projects bid as stated before,offers a much lower price at that time because of the market price.

176.In addition, Claimant excused that exchange rate ofSwiss Lira has fallen a little from June 2014 to June 2015. Actually,Chinese Yuan also devaluated in response to the global economy. Considering that Claimant purchased the goods from another China company but not an American company,little impact of the foreign exchange would also be played on their transaction. Besides,that was thought to be negligible compared with the decline of the pipes price,almost by half. Therefore,the value of USD claimed by Claimant was baseless and unreasonable unless it produces the documents of sales contract between Company B and the China third party.

177.If the third party was fully aware of the presence of Contract,their behaviors would be deemed as malicious collaboration;if not,Claimant should be responsible for its fundamental breach of contract solely. In the context of sharp drop of international steel price,it is obvious and also logic to deduce that the earlier you buy steel or relevant goods,the more you have to pay. Claimant stated that it purchased pipes from a third party in June 2015,when the market price of pipesnearly hit the bottom.

178.There is a CIETAC Arbitration case as of 25th May 2005, in which the circumstances were very similar to the case herein. Because of the Buyers breach,the Seller incurred huge economic loss,based on the market price of iron ore at that time. And the damage calculation was supported by the tribunal:

“Since the [Seller]’s evidence shows that the premium rate is 1/1000,the Arbitration Tribunal finds that the CIF price shall be calculated as C&F price plus 1/1000 premium,i. e. ,USD50 + USD50×1/1000 = USD50.05.


In the calculation of loss,the [Seller] includes the loss of CIF prices of the Contracts,interests on two contract prices,freight forwarding charges,commodities inspection charges,transportation fee and reloading fee.

As to the loss of CIF prices of the Contracts,based on the above point 7,the Arbi- tration Tribunal finds that the loss of price shall be calculated as follows:

a.Under Contract No. 04037

The contract price is USD125/DMT,CIQ quantity is 34,709. 5DMT/35,702WMT. The loss incurred from 26 March to 31 May 2004 is calculated as follows: USD125- USD50.05=USD74.95/DMT,

totaling USD 74. 95×34,709. 5DMT×8.29=RMB 21,566,244.54.

b.Under Contract No.04041

The contract price is USD115/DMT,CIQ quantity is 35,141.1DMT/36,321.6WMT. The loss incurred from 1 April to 31 May 2004 is calculated as follows: USD115- USD50.05= USD64.95/DMT,

totaling USD64.95×35,141. 1DMT×8. 29 = RMB 18,921,215.75.

In sum,the [Buyer] shall compensate the [Seller] for its loss totaling RMB 40, 487,460.29.”

179.Since there is no public market information on the goods under the Contracts and Claimant refused to offer the unit price at which they bought from the third party, Respondent herein provides the corresponding average price of Company A in June 2015 as a reasonable base to calculate the loss:

Loss of Price

Unit Price of Pipes in Contract( P1)

                      USD / MT

Unit Price of Pipes in June 2015( P2)

                      USD / MT

Quantity( Q)


Cost Savings = ( P1 -   P2) Q


C.Consequential Damages

a)Dead freight

180.Respondent had booked the shipping space right after the conclusion of the Con-tract,long before Claimant opened the full-amount Letter of Guarantee. Due to Claimant’s delay,the first shipment was not able to departure as the original plan. Respondent suffered significant losses arising from dead freight for the goods of the first shipment in the total amount of USD 137,093. 62.

Dead   freight for the first shipment

Booked freight(B)


Actual shipment(A)


Rate( r)


Dead Freight = (B   - A) r


b)Production cost of the second shipment

181.Respondent,acting in good faith,has begun the production of the second shipment long before. These pipes are produced following strict orders in the Contract and are customized by requirements of Claimant. They are not substitutable goods and can hardly be resold to other buyers. These costs can neither be recovered nor saved simply because they are already spent before Claimants fundamental breach.

“If,prior to Buyers repudation of the contract(…),Seller had already incurred $15,000 in non-recoverable expenses in part performance of the contract,the total damages would(include this amount in calculation).”

182.Thus,Respondent shall be entitled to compensation for the costs of production for the second shipment in total amount of USD .

c)Other fees resulted from the second shipment

183.Since thegoods of the second shipment had been transported to the storage place near the port of shipment and ready to be delivered a long time ago,that caused huge loss to Respondent,mainly the transportation fees and storage fees:



Transportation fees

Storage fees



180.According to Article 78 of CISG,“If a party fails to pay the price or any other sum that is in arrears,the other party is entitled to interest on it,without prejudice to any claim for damages recoverable underArticle 74. “Although this provision explicitly demonstrates Claimants liability to pay the interest for breach of Contract,the applicable interest rate is no stipulated under this provision.Thus,the CISG Advisory Council Opinion shall be considered in the determination of the interest rate,as fol lowing:

“8.The rate of interest may be determined by the agreement of the parties.

9.In the absence of such agreement,the applicable rate of interest is the rate which the court at the creditor’s place of business would grant in a similar contract of sale not governed by the CISG.”

185.Therefore,the lending interest rate issued by the Bank C shall be applied in this case,which has been 4.35% annually since October 2015. Therefore the amount of interest is USD.


186.Respondent respectfully requests the Tribunal to issue an award:

(f)declaring that Claimant substantively breached the Contract;

(g)declaring that the Contract is terminated and relieving Respondent from its contractual obligations;

(h)ordering Claimant to pay Respondents damages and losses,plus the interest on delayed payment of penalty fee,currently estimated to be USD;

(i)ordering Claimant to pay all costs arising out of this arbitration,including Respondent s counsel’s fees and expenses which are estimated at USD;

(j)ordering Claimant to pay post-award interest in case of refusal to execute the award at a rate to be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal.

187.Respectfully submitted,

7 November,2016









国际商事仲裁证据制度是指在国际商事仲裁程序进行过程中,规范证据的种类、效力、收集、审查和评价等证明活动的一系列准则的总和。就仲裁过程而言,整个仲裁庭审的进程是建立在对证据操作基础之上的。参与仲裁的各方当事人进行仲裁的目标无外乎在于说服仲裁员采纳对本方事实,并在此基础上作出公正裁决。可以说,在国际商事仲裁中,整个仲裁程序的演进至案件的最终裁决,即是仲裁员 对当事人双方按照特定规则呈现的证据技巧的运用进行判断而获得结论的过程。由于证据问题有可能引发仲裁裁决的撤销,证据规则的适用就显得非常重要。事实上,仲裁员未采纳当事人证据有可能会构成撤销仲裁裁决的理由,当然这还要取决于仲裁员的此种行为是否构成过失或重大过失。

证据法与诉讼法同属于程序法范畴,在诸多方面,有许多相同或近似的特点与程序规则,其中,对事实的认定与有关证据规则的适用是程序法的核心内容。然而,基于仲裁与诉讼的不同性质,国际商事仲裁证据制度显然应有别于诉讼中的证据 制度。在理论和实践中,商事仲裁中的证据规则远没有诉讼中证据规则那样严格。




1985年《UNCITRAL 仲裁示范法》第 19 条第 2 款规定:“授予仲裁庭的权力包括确定任何证据的可采性、相关性、实质性和重要性的权利。”类似规定在一些国家的仲裁立法中也有体现。

UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

Article 19. Determination of rules of procedure

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Law, the parties are free to agree on the procedure to be followed by the arbitral tribunal in conducting the proceedings.

(2) Failing such agreement, the arbitral tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this Law, conduct the arbitration in such manner as it considers appropriate. The power conferred upon the arbitral tribunal includes the power to determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of any evidence.

需要指出的是,诉讼证据规则具有法定性,其涵盖了证据的实体方面与程序方面,查明事实的证明过程需依据法定标准,否则所得证据的证据力与证明力势必减弱甚至被否定。而在国际商事仲裁中,仲裁证据的实体问题则由仲裁庭在合理公正的前提下自由裁量,尽管仲裁庭根据当事人的选择会适用一国的证据法,但对该 证据法规则仅是文义的利用,而非其诉讼法上的强制力。对于仲裁证据的客观性、关联性以及证明标准等实体问题应由仲裁庭依据公正合理原则进行审查和确定。因此,笔者认为,原则上,仲裁庭没有义务采用在诉讼中法院的那套证据规则。

必须承认,这种法定证据规则的柔性化给证据认定的确定性带来某些潜在的负面效果,但是从国际商事仲裁的自身特点、目标价值和实践操作来看,保持灵活性具有现实意义。正如《国际律师协会关于国际商事仲裁的取证规则》(the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration,the “IBA Rules”)(下称《IBA 证据规则》)(全文见附录)导言里所阐明的“证据规则不试图限制这种灵活性,它是国际仲裁本质性的,是一种优势”。






















(1) 主动披露(Voluntary Disclosure):为证明本方事实,一方当事人主动向对方和仲裁庭披露相关书面文件;

(2) 请求披露(Request for Disclosure):一方当事人通过书面请求,要求另一方披露证据;

(3) 强制披露(Compel Disclosure):如果一方当事人在收到对方的书面请求后,无合理理由拒绝披露证据,请求方可要求仲裁庭下达程序令,强制被请求方披露相关证据。


证据披露制度通常是由仲裁中的一方当事人向另一方请求出示相关文件,如果被申请方不披露相关文件,那么申请披露方可以请求仲裁庭指令被申请方进行披露。如果仍被拒绝,那么申请方可以直接要求仲裁庭就相关文件所涉事实对被申请方作出不利推定(Adverse Influence,又称“adverse inference”)。另一方面,如果被申请方遗漏披露了某些自己想在仲裁中依赖的文件,在证据披露程序结束后,如果没有合理理由,这些未经披露的文件不能再作为证据。





(1) 请求必须具体(Specific):请求方必须明确界定和说明要求披露的文件定义;如果要求披露某类文件,就必须对该类文件的细致类别进行充分的、具体的描述(包括主题);如果文件材料以电子形式保存,请求方可以指明具体的文档、搜索关键词、人名以及可以高效、经济地搜索该文件的其他方式。

(2) 请求必须与案件相关(Relevant):请求方必须说明要求披露的文件与案件之间的关联性以及对案件结果的重要性。

(3) 请求必须合理(Reasonable):请求方必须不占有、保管或控制请求披露的文件,而该等文件的确在被请求方的占有、保管或控制之下。请求披露文件的负担不得过重。另外,《IBA证据规则》第9条规定了可以免于披露文件的若干理由,由仲裁庭决定这些理由是否成立,包括:

(1) 缺乏关联性(lack of sufficient relevance):请求披露的文件与案件之间缺乏充分的关联性,或缺乏影响案件结果的重要性。

(2) 受法律特权的保护(Privilege):根据适用的法律或道德准则,构成法律障碍或形成法律特权。例如,根据律师-客户保密特权(Attorney-Client Privilege)的规定,中方可以不对外披露其与本方律师之间的往来函件。

(3) 缺乏合理性(unreasonable burden to produce):披露请求出示的文件将给被请求方造成不合理负担。

(4) 文件丢失或毁损(loss or destruction):文件的丢失或毁损已被证明具有合理可能性。

(5) 保密要求(commercial or technical confidentiality):仲裁庭已合理地相信,请求披露的文件中带有商业或技术保密信息。

(6) 特殊的政府或机构敏感性(special political or institutional sensitivity):仲裁庭已合理地相信,请求披露的文件中带有政府或机构归类为“绝密”或“保密”的信息。

(7) 程序经济性、适当性和公平(procedural economy,proportionality,fairness):










在国际仲裁实践中,证据披露通常采用雷德芬表格(Redfern Schedule)。雷德芬表格最初是由Alan Redfern设计,是针对申请人、被申请人,以及所有参与仲裁的人的一种格式文件,以便完整地呈现各方的披露要求、争论及仲裁庭的决定。国际仲裁案件中当事人多位于不同国家,本案中申请人、被申请人、仲裁庭更是位于三个不同国家,倘若每次申请披露文件、反对披露、仲裁庭决定都需要各方参加,不仅耗时耗力,恐怕也不能得到最理想的效果。雷德芬表格是国际商事仲裁实务中发展并多方总结出的实用主义表格之一,可以简化程序,让仲裁庭在最短时间内把握各方观点,及时做出决定。







EXW (‘Ex Works’)

The seller makes the goods available to be collected at their premises and the buyer is responsible for all other risks, transportation costs, taxes and duties from that point onwards. This term is commonly used when quoting a price.


Goods are being picked up by the buyer from the seller’s premises in Birmingham. The term used in the contract is ‘EXW Birmingham’.





FCA (‘Free Carrier’)

The seller gives the goods, cleared for export, to the buyer’s carrier at a specified place. The buyer is then responsible for getting transported to the specified place of final delivery. This term is commonly used for containers travelling by more than one mode of transport.



CPT (‘Carriage Paid To’)

The seller pays to transport the goods to the specified destination. Responsibility for the goods transfers to the buyer when the seller passes them to the first carrier.



CIP (‘Carriage and Insurance Paid’)

The seller pays for insurance as well as transport to the specified destination. Responsibility for the goods transfers to the buyer when the seller passes them to the first carrier.

CIP (‘Carriage and Insurance Paid’) is commonly used for goods being transported by container by more than one mode of transport. If transporting only by sea, CIF is often used(see below).




DAT (‘Delivered at Terminal’)

The seller pays for transport to a specified terminal at the agreed destination. The buyer is responsible for the cost of importing the goods. The buyer takes responsibility once the goods are unloaded at the terminal.



DAP (‘Delivered at Place’)

The seller pays for transport to the specified destination, but the buyer pays the cost of importing the goods. The seller takes responsibility for the goods until they’re ready to be unloaded by the buyer.



DDP (‘Delivered Duty Paid’)

The seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the named destination in the buyer’s country, including all costs involved.



FAS (‘Free Alongside Ship’)

The seller puts the goods alongside the ship at the specified port they’re going to be shipped from. The seller must get the goods ready for export, but the buyer is responsible for the cost and risk involved in loading them.

This term is commonly used for heavy-lift or bulk cargo (e.g. generators, boats), but not for goods transported in containers by more than one mode of transport (FCA is usually used for this).




FOB (‘Free on Board’)

The seller must get the goods ready for export and load them onto the specified ship. The buyer and seller share the costs and risks when the goods are on board. This term is not used for goods transported in containers by more than one mode of transport (FCA is usually used for this).



CFR (‘Cost and Freight’)

The seller must pay the costs of bringing the goods to the specified port. The buyer is responsible for risks when the goods are loaded onto the ship.



CIF (‘Cost, Insurance and Freight’)

The seller must pay the costs of bringing the goods to the specified port. They also pay for insurance. The buyer is responsible for risks when the goods are loaded onto the ship.



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